Judgement – night noves
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   night noves
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Sat Apr 30, 2011 @ 2:37am
Location   Martina Perths' quarters
Timeline   sd 38 0234 hr

Martina woke violently, her face and body covered with sweat. For the third night in a row she was awakened by violent nightmares. She tried to live in denial, then tried to hide her feelings, but it was unavoidable now she had feelings for Lieutenant Wallace, and she was afraid that he was either dead or horribly maimed from his captivity.

She resented the fact she had fallen in love with her superior and he was so unavailable, more so because he was soon going to be a father. She did a lot to hide her feelings, it was harder when your trying to hide emotions from a betazoid, she knew that not thinking about it would help during the day, but at night was another matter.

Tonight was another matter, she had a feeling of some kind that if the rescue mission didn't leave in the morning Jarred would be dead, she couldn't explain it, she just knew some how.

She sat down at the small work area in her quarters and started to scan through the endless mountains of equipment in the intelligence inventory when she stumbled across the small arms inventory and found a large cache of items located on the station in what is referred to as "a mission ready area".

Pulling on workout attire instead of a uniform she jogged to the turbo lift. As she stood in the turbo lift she tried to think of where this mission ready area would be, she saw the lift slowing near her destination and got ready to resume her "Jogging" to her destination. She kept a slow pace, in case she ran across the any of the stations night staff or any of the residents who might also be up at this hour. As she got closer to her destination she saw that her hunch might be right, it was a small shop on the far side of the promenade deck, isolated so no business would in there right mind want it, she walked up too the door and looked around, no one was nearby. She keyed in a pass code that matched one from the profile the lock clicked its agreement with the proper access code.

She quickly went inside the storefront and closed the door behind her, she turned around to see a massive stockpile of weaponry, uniforms, and other equipment. she whistled in appreciation of the massive inventory. She knew that this wasn't just any supply station there was a reason for it being here, she walked over to the lone desk that was there, it looked like there hadn't been a occupant for several weeks, let alone anyone in there.

She sat down in the chair and looked at the PaDD that was on the desk. She started to slowly going through the list, and started to realize that this place was a stockpile for a military emergency. Martina decided to help herself to the inventory, she was tired of waiting for the command staff to make a decision it was time for action, she walked down the aisles of neatly stacked crates grabbing a bandoleer of smoke bombs, a few feet down was a crate full of phaser rifles, she'd never seen a rifle like this before but it looked fairly straight forward to use. She found a box full of uniforms, finding her size she threw it over her shoulder.

As she continued to pick through the collection of supplies the realization she was going to stand out with all of the equipment she had she started to think of a way too transfer it to a shuttle bay. She wasn't the most technically inclined when it came to transporter programing, but she came up with a plan to hide her activities for long enough to make a move.

She changed into the black combat fatigues, putting on an armored vest she started to think that this was stupid, ~too late now, lets do this~. Keying in a series of commands into a tricorder she beamed herself too a shuttle bay. She chose this shuttle bay for a reason, Jarred personal shuttle was located in the bay so it was easy for her to slip in and out of the station with minimal fanfare.

To be Continued?

Ens Martina Perth (NPC)
Intelligence Officer Deep Space Five