Beg, Steal or Borrow – Message in a Bottle
by Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Richard Dunham & Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Arrival Kaia

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Title   Message in a Bottle
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Richard Dunham & Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Arrival Kaia
Posted   Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 10:02pm
Location   U.S.S. Legacy's Last Location
Timeline   SD8 - - Backpost

Darson twirled the shiny strip of latinum between his fingers as he entered the bridge. He had received a notice from the computer that they were arriving to the last reported coordinates of the Legacy, and he wanted to be present for it. He had informed both Lt. Duquesne and Lt. Watts. They probably wanted to be here, at the very least to be kept appraised of the situation.

As he strode forward on the walkway, he was intercepted by a human officer wearing Command Red, and who carried the rank of Commander. After introducing himself as the Second Officer, he directed Darson graciously towards the tactical station. There was a high probability that he had been instructed to do so by Admiral Zheng, who was intently studying a display, and acting determined to not acknowledge him.

Suddenly, the helm officer called out, “Sir, we are approaching the coordinates. Estimated time till arrival, 60 seconds.”

“Acknowledged,” Zheng said calmly, “Yellow alert. Comms, order the fleet to raise shields. We don’t want any surprises.”

Duquense continued to review the report that he had recently downloaded from his console after his communication with Gabriel back at DS5.

"According to the information that Gabriel and Rakka obtained from Kaia and her associate this is the last known location of the USS Legacy." Duquense stated as he walked alongside Ensign Watts. Once we arrive you and Tango Wing should deploy and perform a cursory sweep of the area searching for any Barion radiation signatures that match this." Duquense said as he handed the PADD to Ensign Watts.

"It won't be able to lead us to Kaia's vessel, but it might verify which vessels were in the area and we can conclusively determine who else was involved." he added.

Watts nodded looking over the data. "Hmmmm." he said chewing on his gum thoughtfully. "Good idea"

"If Darson asks, you are to say that you are just performing a security sweep." Duquense said as he entered the turbo lift.

Ensign Watts walked onto the bridge chewing some gum and wearing his full flight suite so as to be ready to go at a moment’s notice.

Duquense entered behind Watts and looked at the assembled officers. "Your orders Admiral?" he asked.

Zheng looked up at them as they walked in and said, “Ah, Lieutenant, Ensign, thank you for joining us. You’re just in time…we’re about to arrive at the coordinates that ‘he’” as he said this, he tossed an angry glare over towards where Darson was pestering the tactical officer, “gave us. Does either of you know what he expects to find there?"

"Uh... no sir, I'm not sure what the Colonel is expecting to find within this area." Duquense said. During his time away from Starfleet and with the Maquis, Duquense had learned that sometimes the best course of action was to play dumb until you could fully ascertain the situation.

"I'm all ears though, sir." he replied.

"Me neither sir." Said Watts simply.

Zheng looked them over harshly for a second, then back to Darson for a moment, but he showed no indication of anything much. He then turned back to face his crew as the helmsman counted down the final seconds towards the warp exit. Right on cue, the entire fleet reverted back into normal space. Immediately, the bridge erupted in chatter as the destroyers and cruisers formed up around the heavier ships, and began their advance.

Zheng made a sound of curiosity as he rubbed his chin, on the screen was what appeared to be a debris field from one or more small to medium sized ships. His first officer called out to the Tactical officer to run active sensor sweeps of the area, and almost immediately, he found something.

“Sir!” The officer said as he bent over his glowing console, “Something in the field is broadcasting…we’re receiving telemetry. And,” he frowned and tapped the console in confusion, “Sir, I have a sensor ghost due aft of the fleet…and now it’s gone. Attempting to reestablish contact…scanning for tetryon particles…no effect. Can’t find it sir.”

Next to him, the usually stoic Darson let out a low rumble, and placed a gloved hand to his masked head, as he turned to gaze at the wall, and seemingly through it towards the rear of the fleet. After a couple of seconds, he nodded silently to himself, and turned back to face the tactical officer, “Commander,” he said calmly, “what was broadcasting in the debris field?”

The CTO hesitated for a second, looking up at Admiral Zheng whose face had turned several interesting shades of red, before saying hesitantly, “Sir, it appears to be a probe, broadcasting on low power…you’d have to be fairly close to the field to even pick it up. It’s sending out what appears to be a repeating set of spatial coordinates, and a ship’s transponder code.”

“What ship?”

“The K'Zhixrian G'Jeniva, sir.”

“Ah. That would be the clue that we need,” Darson said calmly as he moved away from the Tactical station and towards the center chair, “That clue was in all probability left for us by my informant…Mr. Duquesne, I’m assuming that as you are an agent of Mr. Gabriel’s, you are familiar with the individual in question?

Watts paused he was about to lean over to speak to Duquesne but stopped when Darson attention came their way.

Duquesne was a bit annoyed at the designation of being someone's "Agent", instead of the individual that he truly was. However, he recognized that here was not the time or the place to correct the Colonel. "I'm not sure what 'informant' you are referring to, sir." Duquesne replied.

" any case, lets get underway. You two are dismissed until we arrive at the coordinates. I will be reviewing battle plans in the Marine Command're welcome to join me if you wish. Good day Admiral." Darson spun around and walked away, leaving the two other officers and the seething Admiral behind.

What an odd fellow. Thought Watts to himself. When the Marine Colonel had left the bridge. Watts left as well.

Duquense followed behind the Ensign and spoke in a low tone. "Once we arrive at the location, it'll be best that everything is in place. I'll take care of your fighters while you report to Darson to find out what exactly he has planned." he said to Ensign Watts.


Lieutenant Colonel James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer

Lieutenant j.g.
Michael Duquense
Tactical Officer

Ensign Watts
Squadron Leader
(played by Dunham)