Cascade – Back in the Game
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Back in the Game
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Tue Mar 19, 2013 @ 5:30pm
Location   Sick Bay
Timeline   SD71 0900
The steady regular beeps and flashes from the monitors and the bio arch were the only noticeable sounds and activity within the private section Getal had been sent to. Yolanthe dozed lightly at his side, skin fluctuating between violet, amber, blue and grey as she dreamed. Armed security officers from both the cardassian embassy, and starfleet stood outside, uneasy with each others prescence and hostile to all passers by

The beep that showed Getal's life fastened by a tiny bit, and Getal's eyes began to open. He tried to creep out a word, but was barely audible. He tried a little harder, and managed to get out the word 'bright' as a whisper.

The moment he stirred, Yolanthe woke, spinning round to look at him intently, "Tharek?"

His voice was a little clearer as he spoke again. "Too bright." Tharek squinted his eyes as he tried to turn his head to Yolanthe.

"Computer, dim lights 50%. I need a doctor in here!" she was bright blue, delighted by his waking.

Ryan was in the lab further down the corridor when he heard the call out. He ran to Getal's private room, advising the security details to move out of his way before he even arrived at the door. Ryan took out his tricorder as he entered the room. He smiled slightly. "I see someone's awake" he said as he walked to the side of the bed and began to scan him. "Don't worry you're in sickbay there was an explosion in the embassy" he advised as he looked between the Cardassian and the data piling in on the tricorder. "Do you remember anything?"

Getal regained himself as his eyes adjusted to the lights. "I... I remember the explosion. I... " He squinted again as he tried to remember anything after. "I can't remember anything after that."

"You are probably feeling disorientated but it should pass in time" Ryan explained, seconds later a frown appeared on his brow as he read a line of results that appeared on the tricorder.

"What? What's wrong with me?" Tharek asked, genuinely worried. He tried to sit up but winced at the soreness of his body, and lowered himself back onto biobed.

Ryan put his tricorder back in his pocket and looked down at Getal. "The scans show that the nerves in your lower back have been damaged, I'm sorry to have to tell you this but you have lost the use of your legs....f-for the moment" he quickly added.

"I'll need to run some more scans. Things like this aren't as simple as injecting you with a hypospray I'm afraid. If only it was *that* simple" he said with a smile. "The best thing you can do now is to not worry, I'll do all I can to get you back on your feet I assure you of that"

Getal looked at Ryan in the eye and smiled. "Thank you." After expressing his thanks to the doctor the Cardassian turned to Yolanthe. "Hello." He said quietly, as if the two hadn't seen each other for weeks. Tharek held out his hand for Yolanthe to take.

She took it, somewhat distracted, and the bright blue of her skin and hair was changing now to a mustard yellow. "He can't walk?" There was anger in her voice as well as her skin.

Ryan shook his head at her question, immediately feeling the anger from her. "No he can't, not for the moment I'm afraid, like I said more tests and I'll know the severity of the nerve damage and what I'm dealing with, but I can't run with those tests for a while, I need to give him time to come around first" he explained to her.

"Come now Yolanthe. The doctor is doing his best, and I am grateful. I will walk again given time." Tharek said as he attempted to ease the anger eminating from his lover.

She squeezed his hand, and the mustard turned to a pale grey. "How long before you can run the tests?" she asked Ryan

"An hour" he replied and looked up from the medical station as he did so. "I'll leave you both to it for now, unless there's anything else?" he asked as he looked at Getal.

"A Cardassian PaDD and a drink of water, if you wouldn't mind doctor." Getal smiled politely as he bowed his head to Ryan. "And again, thank you."

Ryan smiled back. "You're welcome, I won't be long" he told him and walked to the door quickly and left his room.

With the young doctor gone, Yolanthe turned to Tharek, carefully brushing a stray hair from his forehead. "Are you sure you're alright?" In his place she would not have been so calm. "I'm going to gut whoever did this to you."

Tharek could not help but smile. "I'm alive, and that's what counts." He was tempted to brush away her latter comment, but responded in a manner that was different to the regular Getal. "No. I will deal with this properly. The terrorists responsible will be dealt with at a proper Cardassian tribunal. I've taken things into my own hands too much recently. The State will deliver justice swifter than I ever could."

She raised his hand , and kissed his knuckles. Given that the people invesitgating were all men, she doubted that. Her skin got a little greyer. She would have to make her own enquiries, or there would be no justice at all.


Lieutenant Ryan Milarno

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Ambassador

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights