Cascade – So what are you? Part 2
by Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   So what are you? Part 2
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Thu Jan 10, 2013 @ 12:46pm
Location   Quarantined Hanger Bay
Timeline   SD70. 15:00

Though the oppressive heat and poor light that had met the away team were mitigated by the portable coolers and lights nothing could take away the smell, "bug eyed aliens with messy eating habits, by the looks of things," she said wrinkling her nose.


"Let's see what their genetics have to say about that." Harrison said, briskly taking himself along the route set out by the away team and assuming it would take him to the Bridge. Once there he set to work. "There's plenty here" he commented to no-one in particular as he attempted to separate and identify individual wholes from the obviously separated, severed or mutilated parts. It was a long job and he had varying degrees of success in his macabre job.

DeRoot thought it better to get on with her own investigation. She'd already spoken with Commander Villiers about her instruction to Ensign Straggard see if you locate engineering controls on this level and get us some power so we can see by something other than flashlight , it was very clear and in no way suggested that he should leave the group.

The tactical officer paced around the bridge, there were recognisable consoles although their symbols were not familiar - from the film of goop on their surfaces it was clear that Straggard had made no attempt to identify which one of them might offer an engineering function.

She paused again to look at the pattern of their motion - the entire away team had walked in an anti-clockwise arc then at the point where Villiers gave that instruction, Straggard had peeled away - unnoticed as he was at the rear of the group. DeRoot continued to work through the pattern on the bridge. At the point when they had made the full circle, moving in slightly to begin an inward spiral, Rakka had noticed Stragard's absence.

"I'm going along to engineering," DeRoot said to the others as she set off after the path Ensign Straggard had taken.

How did you know where to go? she thought, amazed that he took such a direct route on an unfamiliar ship. It wasn't even as though engineering was in a place that oculd be paralleled with its location on a Federation Starship - this area would be crew accomodation, but all the same he'd made it here in under a minute without a single diversion.

She checked again with the path on her padd - just as soon as he'd reached engineering he made that strange spiral path around the room before setting to work.

Ensign DeRoot walked quickly back to the bridge and adjusted the display on her padd to show Straggard's path to Engineering with that of Commander Rakka superimposed above it. The two could not be more divergant.

Why had the Nausicaan looped the entire ship in a clockwise direction before finding engineering?

Dr Werbner was juggling her tri-corder and a padd held in the crook of her arm that was busy running a comparison of the readings to a huge database. "Dimensions are within parameters for an Ancient Alien Seeded humanoid race. The texts available are picking up similarities to several Beta Quadrant races, Klingon, Yattho, Kantare, so I'm fairly confident about ruling out three quarters of the galaxy." she told DeRoot

The anthropologist glanced at the ME's grim task. "of course, once the bones are imaged it will be more certain. Beta Quadrant species tend to be harder on their bodies, and there's all matter of compositional markers as well."

DeRoot nodded then turned to the anthropologist, "What do you make of the symbols on the consoles?" she asked, noticing that they too were formed of spirals, "Does it indicate anything about who we are dealing with?"

"Well, it rules out all the beta quadrant species that do not use the spiral as a symbol." She looked at DeRoot. "Thats three, by the way. as for the rest," she jiggled the Padd in her arm slightly. "I'm running it through the database now, when its done, we should no more. The sheer number of them is quite interesting. Unless of course its simply the species' equivalent of a return button."

She turned a slow circle round the bridge. "Looking around, notice how the panels are facing inward, rather than outward. That speaks of a highly stratified and controlled society, to my mind. Constantly looking to a leader rather than acting independently but as a team. It takes out the better know martial races. You don't wage effective war when only one person does the thinking."

DeRoot nodded

"Actually, though, the really interesting thing to my mind is that there was obviously something on board big enough and strong enought to dismember a humanoid, but" her voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper, "There's no sign of a struggle!"

She turned her head, both interested and appalled, "You're saying that this ... mess ... was caused by a living being, not by a waepon?"

Werbner pointed to where Harrison was examining the discovered parts. "IF it was a weapon, there would presumambly be damage to the surrounding area. something big enough to blow a man apart would not leave panels and furniture untouched. What do you think, Dr Harrison?"

"I think that's a very good point. There would be evidence of a progression of intensity from the central point at which the weapon was focussed which spread in a decreasing level of damage outwards, assuming a circular or spherical contact. In the case of a projectile the wound created is clearly defined but when a laser or phasic beam is deployed, the damage is more widely spread." Harrison reported.

"In the case of an explosive device there would certainly be this much debris spread around and the incineration would be similar but yet the exterior would still be the first point of impact. In this case the flesh appears to have been... well, almost comparable to an old fashioned *microwave* ... boiled from within. I am exploring the idea of some form of hypersound or telekenetic possibility with my current tests but as these are the latest in a series of many, I will not have a conclusion for some time..... these may also be tests that will give us simply another possibility to discount... we shall have to see." He put more tissue into another analysis tube and ran his portable microspectrometer over it carefully as he spoke.

"oooh," Dr werbner murmured appreciatley. "Microwaves. Didn't think of that. that could certainly help narrow it down." She made some adjustments to whatever she was doing on the padd. "I think i've got everything i'm going to get from up here on a preliminary sweep. Lets go explore, shall we?" she asked De Root

"I'll she you the routes that members of the away team took, i'd be interested on your perspective on the pattern of the paths they took," she said, "are you joining us, Doctor Harrison?"

"I am exploring in my own way and I have a lot to do here. You go ahead, I hope to have more answers here by the time you get back" Harrison said with his nose still stuck in his microspectrascope.

"OK, then, let's go!"


Ensign Cori-Anne DeRoot
Strategic Operations Officer
NPC by Louise

Dr Werbner
NPC by Notty

Doctor Harrison
Forensic Examiner
NPC by Jools