Interlude – Jealousy and/or a midlife crisis
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Arrival Thomas Whitlock

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Title   Jealousy and/or a midlife crisis
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Arrival Thomas Whitlock
Posted   Wed Sep 29, 2010 @ 10:55pm
Location   Science Lab 2
Timeline   After Ouch! Part 2
Jana was working with the carbon dater since she seemed behind on her scans. She was working away and had a smile on her face. She couldn't get last night out of her head. She had had a great time with Ben and couldn't wait to go out with him again.

Thomas stepped off the lift and made his way to the labs. It had been a few days since he'd talked to Jana and he wanted to see her. He stepped into the lab and paused to look around.

Jana looked up from her work and raised her arm to Thomas waving him over. Her wrist was still in the brace but it didn't hurt as bad as the night before.

Thomas noticed her and smiled as he made his way across the room. "How are you doing?" he asked as he got closer.

Jana smiled. "Besides my wrist I am doing great. I met someone last night. He's fabulous! Ben is a doctor...well surgeon I believe and he and I had a great last night...we were sort of thrown together...I think we are supposed to go out later tonight or tomorrow.."

Thomas paused and looked at her for a moment. "How did that happen?"

"Long story...the short version is I ran into an ex of mine and he set me up with someone else who I ended up storming off on. Then I went riding on the holodeck and I took the safetly protocols off so I ended up breaking my arm in four places. Well my ex is now engaged to the Chelsea...the doctor that was repairing my arm. She and I became friends. She and I were supposed to meet for dinner last night and she had a last minute emergency for Ben met up with me instead and I am kind of glad that she got called away." She took a breath.

"I see," Thomas replied. "I just remembered....I have something I need to do," he said, turning away from her and walking across the room without saying another word.

" ok, obviously you came here for a reason and now you are suddenly leaving, what's up with you Thomas?" She called after him.

"Me?" Thomas asked, pausing and turning to look at her. "There's nothing wrong with me. I'm just fine. You have fun with your doctor....surgeon....whatever he's claiming to be," he said to her.

"Are you...jealous Thomas?" She asked and walked up to him. "I thought we understood that there was no strings attached between us..."

"Why would I be jealous?" Thomas asked, not looking at her. "I'm happy for you. You do what you have to do," he said to her. "Don't worry about me."

"Obviously what happened between us means more to you than I thought or are you just looking for another lay?" She asked slyly. "And yes you are jealous...I can see it written all over your face."

"That's not what I'm looking for," Thomas said to her, "although I wouldn't say no to the idea." He paused and looked at her again. "I really am happy for you, Jana."

~So I am just here whenever you want a lay eh?~ She thought to herself. Jana put the smile back on her face."Thank you...I am happy. I am sorry we can't be anything more than friends."

"I came down here to ask if you wanted to go to dinner, but I guess that wouldn't be such a good idea now," Thomas said to her.

"Why can't friends go for dinner?" She asked.

"I wouldn't want to cause any problems," Thomas replied.

Jana laughed, "Thomas I have caused enough problems in my life for three life times, stop sulking and let's go for dinner." She hooked her right arm in his left arm and left the scanner running.

"As you wish," Thomas replied as he walked to the door.

"My God Thomas, you are acting like I just ripped out your heart, you used to talk up a storm..."

"I just have a lot on my mind," Thomas said.

"Tell know you can tell me anything."

"We can discuss it later," Thomas said to her.

"Then let's go to your quarters, or mine, whichever and talk because obviously you are upset about it because of me and Ben?" She asked, steering him towards their quarters.

"I'll be fine, Jana," Thomas said to her. "And it has nothing to do with Ben."

"Alright, but let me make you dinner...I may have damaged my wrist but I can still cook."

"Fair enough," Thomas said with a smile.

Jana nodded and they turned the corridor towards her quarters, her mind was a million miles away from the present wondering why Thomas was being so...distant, if it wasn't about Ben what was it about? She nearly missed her quarters, entering her rooms she told Thomas to make himself comfortable while she fought with the replicator, her arm was too sore to actually make supper. She called him to the table and they began their meal in silence. Jana waited for Thomas to talk about what was troubling him.

"So what else is going on with you?" Thomas asked.

Jana shrugged, "the carbon dater went on the fritz...what about you...are you going to tell me what is bothering you?"

"Let's just say that I'm having a mid-life crisis and leave it at that," Thomas said to her.

"Right." She said and stared off at a point passed her guest. She finished her dinner and folded her hands, Jana finally looked at him. "If you aren't wanting to tell me anything else...I...I have to return to work and finish my documentation."

Thomas looked at her and said, "I just feel that there's something missing in my life and that it's time for me to start thinking about settling down and starting a family."

Jana groaned inwardly. Wasn't that what every woman wanted to here? A man wanting to settle down and start a family. Hadn't she always wanted that too? She and Thomas had agreed that there was to be no strings attached and now he was telling her this..."I see...and where you think I fit into this?" She asked.

"You have Ben, remember?" Thomas said to her. "To be honest, I haven't put much thought into what type of woman I'm looking for."

"He and I went out once Thomas and yes I like him. Let me know...perhaps I could set you up." She winked.

"I'll keep that in mind," Thomas said, smiling at her.


Thomas Whitlock
FNS Reporter

Lt. Jana Kasikova