Judgement – The Gossip Duty
by Lieutenant JG Miranda Aeylon & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   The Gossip Duty
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Miranda Aeylon & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Mon Jul 04, 2011 @ 6:11pm
Location   Ops
Timeline   SD38

Miranda sat patiently at her work station, daydreaming after the hours spent monitoring mindless radio chatter to and from the station. She hadn't had much sleep from the night before, waking up every 2 hours wondering what the other crew members would think of her, how they would react to her and most importantly, would they like her hair? She didn't picture her first day in the new job turning out like this. Hadn't even met the first officer, let alone the captain.

Two short humanoids in starfleet uniforms approached her, with their lilac skin and enlarged skulls and computer interface chips in their craniums, there was no doubt that they where Bynars. "Good" said one. "Morning Ma'am" said the other finishing its counterparts sentence. One Bynar passed her a PaDD "This is..." said one "last nights" said the other "encoded transmissions from the embassy's" the other finished off with "ma'am"

Miranda stood to address the Bynars "Thank you", she said to one, and then turned to the other "This is much appreciated". She then looked to the other Bynar again, "Have you deciphered any of these transmissions as of yet?"

The two Bynars looked at each other and exchange a series of binary code; that was their language between them. Then they both looked a the Lieutenant, once again each part of the sentence was started by one and finished by another. "No Ma'am. We just log them then. You forward them. To starfleet. Intelligence."

"Okay. Thanks" Miranda looked around to see if anybody was nearby besides the Bynars, she then turned back to them both "So, Anything interesting going on aboard?", she winked at one of the Bynars, in the hope of it understanding what she had meant.

"Trail" said one Bynar after a series of binary exchanges with his partner. His counter part explained further "The chief of security is on trial."

Miranda's eye widened. "How come?"

Both Bynars shrugged at exactly the same time. The first began to speak again, closely followed by his counterpart. "The Romulans. Are. Taking. Him to Tribunal." They both looked at each other then back to the Lieutenant "Over an old case, an accusation of murdering a. Romulan. Citizen"

A puzzled look fell onto Mirandas face, "The Security Chief you say? Thats... odd."

"Yes." said one Bynar. "It is." Finished the other."But the Romulans are...." The other completed the sentence "Accusing him of murder. Its all..." "very confusing"

Miranda smiled, "So what's your opinion on this whole fiasco?"

"We think." said one with a smile, who was then quickly completed by the other "That you have to be a JAG officer to understand whats actually going on."

"Uh-huh.. That tricky a situation I see." she glared at the floor in deep thought, then her view returned to the Bynars, "Well thanks for these transmissions, I'll get them sent off straight away"

"Yes Ma'am" said the two Bynars simultaneously they hovered for a moment unsure whether or not to go. Both gossipy Bynars wanted to know about their new superior in communications.

"I'm One Zero One" said One Zero One

"And I'm Zero One One" Said Zero One One

They both held out their hands for a friendly shake in unison.

Miranda took up the hand shake and put her hand in the middle, where it was grabbed from either side and shook thoroughly. "I'm Miranda Aeylon". She could tell by the facial expressions of the Bynars that they wanted to know about Miranda, her past, her hobbies, her favourite dress. Although, she was prepared for the whole Spanish Inquisition and then some.

Both Bynars diminutive and small in both size and nature, their expressions and facial features where almost childlike on their purplish/pink skin. Though it was difficult to sometimes tell Bynar sexes apart, in this case one was male and one was female. But people often mixed up which one was which. They both smiled together when the officer shook their hands. "Pleasure. Ma'am" said one after the other.

"Are you." Said Zero One One

"Adapting to life on the station?" said One Zero One

"Yeah, i'm finding it fun. More of a stable home than hopelessly running around the Galaxy on a ship.. Right?" she smiled, "And a constant flow of new people.."


"New people" said the Bynars agreeing. They both looked at each other and said in unison "whats that earth phrase...? Home is where the heart is?" They lokled at each other and communicated quickly in their own bynary language then both nodded in unison saying 'yes' as they did.

Miranda looked to her console and sat at it whilst the Bynar were still standing next to her, "Never cared much for Earth sayings..", she turned back to the Bynars, ready for their next question.

Both had their heads tilted to one side as they looked at the human. Each had the exact same look of wonder on their faces. They had a follow up question;

"Are you?" Said Zero One One

"From earth?" said One Zero One

"Yes, the Kent countryside, England, United Kingdom, Europe, Earth, SOL, to be precise." she smiled after this after assuming this would confuse the two.

They both grinned like school children given sweets and said in unison "Love Hythe." But they were confused as to why a person coming from a place didn't like to use the sayings of a place, as they communicated in their binary language they both concluded that it must be some sort of cultural thing.

"So tell me about where you come from", Miranda tried to change the topic.

"Bynaus" said One Zero One

"But we grew up on Memory Alpha" Said Zero One One.

They looked at each other then at Aeylon to better explain themselves. "We where born on Bynaus." "But grew up on Memory Alpha." "We try to visit Bynar when ever we can though."

"Sounds nice, maybe I should visit sometime" said Miranda

"You should" said Zero One One smiling impishly. "Bynaus is a beautiful and has the largest computer in the alpha quadrant"

One Zero One chipped "in and countryside as beautiful as Kent. We miss it. Do you you miss home?"

"No" Miranda coldly replied.

"Are you" Said Zero One One

"ok?" Said One Zero One

Asked both Bynar's concern in there slightly pitched voices

"I have painful memories on Earth which i'd rather not talk about, I visited it again a few years ago and what I saw was a completely different planet to the Earth I knew.." she looked to the ground and then back up to the confused looking Bynars "This station is my home now", the blank look on her face returned to a smile. "Now if you don't mind, I have work to do. We can always meet up for a 'chat' another time, off-duty.."

"Thank you for your time Ma'am" said the two aliens in unison, both sharing in their mutual confusion as to how earth could of possibly changed. They bowed slightly and quickly made their exit.


Chief Communications Officer
Lieutenant JG Miranda Aeylon


Ensigns; Zero One One & One Zero One
Communication Officers (NPC'd by Dunahm)