Judgement – Stalling tactics
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Stalling tactics
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Thu Jan 27, 2011 @ 8:14pm
Location   The Pirate Ship Serpent's Tooth
Timeline   SD 36 0600
OOC: The following contains scenes of torture. Please don't read if you find such things uncomfortable


Following his capture, Wallace had been left to stew in a tiny cell in the bowels of the ship. Just as he was beginning to think he'd been forgotton, the door opened. In stepped a Klingon and a Gorn. They didn't speak, just prodded him with a neural truncheon to make sure he didn't resist, put him in restraints and dragged him to a larger room, with a chair in the centre. They dumped him down and clipped his restraints to a hook behind the chair.

A moment later the door to the larger room opened again , and a man and woman came in. The woman was Boslic, her hair a shade of candy pink, that seemed at odds to her profession. She had her hands wrapped around a mug of something hot. Following her was a romulan man, slender and wiry.

The Boslic looked at him. "Name, rank and position?" She asked briskly, settling on the edge of a small table set against the wall.

"Ellifson, John David Lieutenant Commander Cheif of Operations." Jarred said hoping he could stall for time before he got the tar beat out of him.

"Which ship?" She asked suspiciously, leaning forward on her perch. There was something in her bearing that told Wallace she knew more about personnel assignments than any pirate had a right to.

"Uss Phobos"

She looked at him. A long pause. Then she sat back. "John," she began, "you're starfleet, right?"


"Humanitarian Armada, yes?"

"Search and rescue" Jarred said trying to get a read on this individual.

"Peacekeeping, Aid work, helping those in need, yes?"

Jarred just knodded, trying to fiure out where these questions were going

"Thats what you do, isn't it?"

"Most of the time." Jarred was begining to think something else was up, and it wasn't going to be plesent.

The Boslic and the Romulan exchanged looked. Then with a sour look, as if he'd just lost a bet, the Romulan left. The Boslic opened a draw on the table she was perched on and started pulling things out. A shock rod, a length of wire flex, a pair of wire snips that looked like they could go through most things easily, something that reminded him of a melon-baller, except with sharp edges. She made sure he had a good view as she pulled them all out.

Jarred started to channel most of his thoughts away from the impending torture, as he did he could hear thoughts from everyone in the room, and something didn't add up, things felt mechanical, almost artificial ~why does this feel like a borg ship~ he mused.

The woman smiled at his attempt to detach. Then the mood was broken by the Romulan returning, propelling a young human woman in front of him, his fist clenched in her blonde hair. She was bruised, stumbling and crying, clutching at the hand in her hair trying to relieve the tearing pain of her scalp.

"Julie, meet John." The Boslic smiled at him, "John, meet Julie." Julie looked at him wide eyed. "We were going to send her back to her family in return for certain considerations. But not only did her father refuse, but he was very rude to me when he did so. So instead of selling her for profit, I was going to throw her to the crew, and then let N'Kal mutliate her beyond the ability of the rational mind to recover, and send her back to daddy."

At this revelation Julie let out a scream of terror, "Please no. I'll do whatever you want. Please don't hurt me. Please don't-" the Romulan silenced her with slap to the face.

"But," the woman continued, "John," the name was heavy with sarcasm, "I'm a great believer in second chances. So I'm going to give you both a second chance. You are going to get a second chance to tell me the truth." The boslic picked up the wire flex, and whipped it through the air with flourish. It snapped down on the table top with a flesh stripping crack. "And at the same time, you give Julie a second chance to go home unscathed."

Jarred looked squarely in his captors eyes and started to focus, as he did he began to project images into his mind, "Lieutenant Jarred Wallace, ninth fleet operations." pushing harder he could see a visable reaction.

With Julie's terror rippling across the ether, it wasn't easy to spot, but it was there. Just a small flinch, almost nothing. Except it occurred in both the Boslic and the Romulan at the same time. Both held their composure for now.

"Ninth fleet is a lot of ships." The Boslic said, coiling up the wire, ready for a strike on the quivering Julie, but she held off delivering. "Where's your berth?"

"Uss Quantum." Jarred said.

There was a long moment of silence, with the three other people in the room staring at him. Then, without any apparent co-ordination, the Romulan took a firm grip on the girl, and the Boslic lashed out with the wire three times.

Fine lines of blood appeared across the front of Julie's thighs, as if slashed with a razor. She bucked in the Romulan's grip, howling and sobbing with the pain. Her terror and agony buffeted Wallace's opened mind as if he himself had been whipped.

"You started well. But there are only so many second chances I can hand out." The woman told him.

Knowing that he wasn't going to suceed in stalling without blowing his cover "The Quantum has orders not to decloak until the rest of the fleet returns with re-enforcements, my capture simply made life a living hell for you clowns."

The Boslic raised a pink eyebrow, but stayed her hand from another whipping. "Really? How so?"

"I've already missed my check in, so chances are ten ships are enroute to tear this nebula apart." Jarred said seeing his captors reactions. "that's over five hundred marines, at least two hundred fighters and bombers, plus dozens of tri-cobalt devices and one trigger happy admiral willing to use them."

Again the calculating stare that seemed to last for hours. Eventually the woman said, "let's find out," and the Romulan renewed his grip on his crying prisoner. The boslic put the wire cable down, and picked up the cutters. The Romulan held out Julie's hand. The Boslic positioned the cutters around the girl's little finger. "I think you're bluffing." She squeezed her hand until the cutter bit into the skin of Julie's finger. Then with a deft flick of the wrist, she snipped right through the bone.

But with his betazoid senses he could tell that the Boslic wasn't quite convinced he was lying. He now had a choice. Hold to his story, and coldly watch he pirate captain cut off all of Julie's fingers; try and lie again, and risk seeing an even worse tortureinflicted on an innocent girl; or break cover and tell the truth.

Jared finally had enough of the show boating, he pressed the heel of his boot hard into the floor the pressing motion activated a locator beacon, "I'm not bluffing, I'm calling in the cavalry as we speak."

"Really?" Snip!


"Are you sure? Snip!

"Oh yeah, and I'm going to have fun when I get these restraints off." Jarred said with a wicked grin.

Suddenly both pirates froze, and the the Romulan threw his hostage aside and with a furious glare threw himself at Wallace. "Where is it you piece of scum?" He drew a knife and began to hack at Jared's clothes. "Where's it hidden!"

"Right here" Jarred swung his foot up connecting with his jaw then nose fracturing both in the process, "bunch of amateurs here."

The Romulan went reeling back, clutching his face as green blood seeped between his fingers. But the Klingon and Gorn guards, forgotten in the heat of the interrogation, came forward. The Gorn lunging for Jared's right, the Klingon sweeping the neural truncheon at his left kidney.

Jarred dropped to the floor in a heap, his body wracked with pain, the delay he created hopefully was enough to get the distress signal out to someone.

Just to be sure, the Boslic stepped forward, held out a phaser, and stunned him into oblivion. "Strip him," she told the two guards. "Then put every stitch in a torpedo and blast it into space." Then she turned to the Romulan who was still clutching his face. "N'Kal, get off The Link. Everyone knows your nose is broken. We do not need the distraction."

Then she reached for the communicator in her pocket. She could have used the Link herself, one of the remnants of Borg technology they found profitable to use, but everyone had agreed: emergencies only. The communicator was an antique, one that flipped up. She opened it up. "Bishop?"

The man who looked after communications replied instantly. "I jammed it quick, but something got out."

"So they know where we are?"

"Hey," replied Bishop across the com "You know what they say. You can't stop the signal."

N'kal got to his feet, holding his nose still. "A wise philosopher once said - If the enemy think you are at point A, then you better haul ass to point B." He told her.

Lianej frowned, the expression turning the ridges on her forehead to furrows. She prodded Wallace with a foot to make sure he was out. "First silence from our friend on DS5, now this poking around the nebula. What is going on?"

The Romulan shrugged, carefully. "Only one way to find out."

"True." The pirate captain glanced to the human girl who was sobbing hysterically clutching her ruined hand. "And it looks like he did tell the truth. She can be let go. We'll kill two birds with one stone. Dump her and find out what happened to our boy." She turned back to the communicator.

"Helm, set course for DS5."


Lt Jarred Wallace

The Crew of the The Serpent's Tooth
NPCs by Notty