Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Have 'Mercy' On Me!! Part 2
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Have 'Mercy' On Me!! Part 2
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Wed Jan 07, 2009 @ 8:13pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD3 22:00 (Backpost)

But not today. While Bryan was being tended to, Mercy had an opportunity that was too good to miss and she began to think up the most effective ways to get her own back. Smirking at him she looked around for anything that might be useful.


"Doc, did I mention that Bryan got out of his medical last month? He made some excuse about a pulled tendon to get out of doing the physical!" she began thoroughly enjoying pretending not to understand his frantic hand gestures urging her silence.

Nurse McBain muttered something about making a note of *that* and running some extra *tests* as soon as he was finished regenerating this haematoma. Mercy was about to begin another revelation but as Bryan lay there all bruised and looking up at her with a puppy-dog expression on his face, Mercy found herself going easy on him.

~sucker!~ she told herself but it was no good. She moved back in closer and took his hand. "Oh alright!" she conceded. "I'll stop being mean, but only if you promise to make it up to me when you're well again?"

With his head restrained, his eyes went sideward to Mercy.
"Oo, I will make it up to you!" He said with a little remorse. "I suppose I deserve some of that after all the grief I ....." He stopped mid sentence as McBain turned his head a little more sharply that he would have liked.
"Nice bedside manner doc!" Bryan exclaimed as his neck muscle eased.

Ed smirked but apologised. "Sorry!" he muttered, his grin widening as he shot Mercy a mischievous glance. "I figured I'd help the lady out with getting her own back, seeing as she seems to have gone soft on ya!" he joked, grinning more than ever as Mercy blushed.

"That oughta fix you up for now, but if I were you I'd take the rest of the celebrations a bit more gently! And don't forget what I said about supervision overnight. If you're likely to be alone, come back and I'll fit you with a monitoring device to make sure concussion doesn't become an issue!" Ed explained.

"No problem. Thanks" Bryan said as he eased himself up to a sitting position, still holding Mercy's hand and feeling the back of his head with the other. "Can I consider myself discharged for now?" He asked the doctor, sliding off the bed.

"Yes, within the stated conditions!" Ed nodded, looking at Mercy for confirmation.

Mercedes nodded fervently. "I'll take good care of him, I promise!" she agreed enthusiastically. "Come on Bryan, you'll have to place yourself in my hands - Doctor's orders. It's official!" She bubbled happily, steering Bryan towards the exit.

"OH!" she stopped suddenly, bringing the pair of them to a bumpy halt. "We didn't tell them about the Bolian" As she spun to speak, Mercy realised she'd bumped Bryan and seeing him wince, she regretted her haste.

"I'm sorry babe" she soothed him softly reaching her fingertips to his temples and stroking them to ease the discomfort. She gazed into his eyes with concern.

It felt kind of strange as he collided with her, but it shocked him more than hurt and the grimace he pulled must have given her a fright.

"Oh, I'm fine." He said and mouthed 'Thanks' getting a buzz from the way she called him 'babe' as he smiled in a soppy way at her. "Lets get out of here and I am at your mercy, Mercy!" He grinned, pushing her towards the door in an encouraging manner.

McBain watched them attempting to leave, Mercy stopping dead, Bryan concertinaed into the back of her and the touching scene as she tried to make amends. He smiled to himself and, for the second time in less than a week, muttered to himself about the mysteries of love.

At the same time he silently congratulated himself that he wasn't in it, due to the amount of drama and damage it seemed to be causing those around him who actually *were* afflicted by it.

He shook his head in a paternally fond manner and went back to his work, leaving the lovers to work out whatever it was that had suddenly appeared to occur to Mercy and caused the 'pile-up'.


Chief Warrant Officer 2nd Class Mercedes Denoublier
Played by Chelsea

Chief Warrant Officer 2nd Class Bryan Surzchenko
Played by Tasha

CPO Ed McBain
Senior Nurse - NPC Played by Jools