Judgement – Welcome back
by Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman

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Title   Welcome back
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman
Posted   Tue May 03, 2011 @ 3:44am
Location   Main Engineering
Timeline   Mid morning
Lt. Kramer had hit the deck running, when he arrived at Deep Space Five. Engineering had servarl busy days following his arrival. There had been no time, except for work and sleep it seemed.

After a very busy yesterday, which continued into the late late night, Lt. Kramer was allowed to sleep in. He reported to work mid-morning. He had not seen the Chief Engineer for a few days since Kramer had arrived.

((Main Engineering))

Stepping out of the Turbolift, Lt. Kramer walked up to the receptionist. “Top of the morning to you Ensign Kimshawn.“

“And to you Lieutenant,” was her sweet reply. “Isn’t this a little late for you. It is zero nine thirty. (09:30)” She teased.

“Yes, yes. You know that I was out doing an inspection late last night.”

“Yes, but I wanted to tease you anyway,” she said with a smile. “I believe the chief is expecting you.”

Looking across Main Engineering at the busy officers and crewmen, “What kind of mood is he in this morning?”

“Accommodating.” She replied. “He just revised the work schedule for crewmen and industrial replicator time to help the CAG get his squadrons up in strength.”

A look of concern and uncertainty came over Kramer’s face. “OK. I guess that shouldn’t be a problem.” He certainly didn’t want to second guess the Chief.

“All right then. Have a nice morning Ensign.” Kramer added and walked towards the Chief.

“Same to you, Sir.” Kimshawn said, then rotated in her chair and watched Lt. Kramer walk away from her towards the Chief. ‘Oh, what I would give to be able to hold those muscles in my arms.’ She thought, but quickly turned around and got back to business.


Bruce sat in his office with his back to the door. He was reclined looking over a Padd. He was double checking the work that had been done and was glad to see all but the AHDA's of his list had be taken care of. He was however on the verge of falling asleep too. It wouldn't be with out just cause either. He had been shot at and awake for nearly 24 hours not the best of combinations. Just as he was about to pass the point of no return into sleep he was brought back from the noise of someone walking in.

“Good Morning Chief.” Kramer began, “Glad to have you back.”

"Lieutenant, I was just about to visit Earth and you had to ruin it for me." Bruce joshed with his assistant.

"Say, can I get in on that dream. I need some time back on Earth too." Kramer joshed back. "But seriously, It's really good to have you back. I'm sure you have looked over what the crew have been doing." He paused to get a breath, "The replacement parts are expected later today for Reactor 2."

"Good good, I'll take some time and double check random things here and there. No point in inspecting everything I trust you took care of everything, but I want the crew to know I'm back. Anything thing out of the ordinary happen while I was away?" Bruce asked.

Looking at his PADD, Kramer remembered, "Oh, and I got a request late last night to do a exterior scan of a ship outside the station."

"Well?" Bruce asked again, it was strange that ops wasn't taking care of a scan as that was their jurisdiction but things out of the regular routine added some flare and motivation to the job.

"The report is there on your desk when you get time." Kramer replied.

"Thank you Lieutenant." Bruce replied, he figured it wasn't anything too special and decided it could wait for a bit. Meaning tomorrow, he wanted to get his hands dirty before he needed to call it a day.

"Well," Kramer began, "if there's nothing else at the moment, I'll head down to Reactor 2 to check on the preparation work."

"That's been taking a little longer than it should have to get the repairs completely done. I know its good to take your time on reactors but they should have been ready and at full strength today. I'll give you 'til tomorrow to get it finished."

"Yes Sir. Will do." Kramer stated then turned on his heal and exited the Chief's office.

He didn't like to get on any ones case but having a reactor out was a bad thing. Luckily it would be close to 75% if no further problems arose. Bruce picked up a padd and saw there was some repairs that had been done on the promenade and decided he needed a trip and the promenade sounded nice.

Lt. Vincent Kramer
Asst. Chief of Engineering
Deep Space Five


Lt. Bruce Freeman
Chief Engineering Officer