Unity – The given quantity of 'normal'
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   The given quantity of 'normal'
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Thu Apr 15, 2010 @ 5:06pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   SD17 , same time as red alert

By the time Davies' voice had faded from the station-wide address system, Klia was beside herself. Another alert meant customers being chased back to their quarters, no more clients in the suites. She dropped the padd she was working on. "We're doomed! This whole venture is doomed!"

A trill woman put her head out of holosuite four, "Should I worry, or can I carry on?" Behind her, carefully not crossing the holosuite boundary, her virtual companion stroked the top of her arm.

"Huh?" She hadn't expected anyone to take things so calmly.

"Oh, it probably won't last." The trill waved a hand. "Last week we were attacked by romulans. Not too long ago, someone tried to assassinate Captain Tahir." The trill blew out a little breath to flick a strand of hair away. "Its always something." She looked back over her shoulder. "And I was just starting to relax."

"er..." Klia was completely confused. "You don't want to go back to your quarters?"

The trill's eyes slid to the man behind her, "Would you want to? 'Save Program' really interrupts the flow, don't you think?"

Klia thought about it. "The customer is always right. Carry on."

Leaving the trill to her hersehbian bath program, Klia speed-walked to the balcony and looked down. No sign of Yolanthe. She opened a channel to the bar below. "Pel, where's the walking mood ring?"

Pelin looked up from where he was serving a bolian, and touched his communicator, "Gone to sort something out, she said."

The little orion let out a distressed squeak and shot down to the ground floor, "What? Why?" she hissed at him, "She needs to be here, what should we do? Send everyone home?"

The Bolian Pelin had been serving, nursing his second Iced Deka tea tsked impatiently. "Its all very well saying return to your quarters, but I don't have any. I was only supposed to be here a few hours. Where am I supposed to go?" A pair of Nausicaann ship workers a few stools down agreed.

Klia looked around the Box. Many of the customers that were here were also looking round in confusion, trapped travellers unable to comply with the order. So many people with no where else to go... Yolanthe would freak out if all that trade disappeared. "Stay here," she told the Bolian. "We're structurally secure, and close to the evacuation points. Safe as houses." She turned to the Nausicaans. "You too. Stay here." She tuned her communicator to the Box's address system and made the offer to every customer.

The Bolian nodded his thanks. All around, other patrons relaxed, and returned to what they were doing. The Dabo table began to spin and soon the bar was filled with the sounds of conversation, clinking glasses, and the occasional cheer and sigh as luck came and went at the dabo wheel.

Klia shook her head. If she hadn't seen it, she wouldn't have believed it. Out on the promenade, the red lights continued to flash their urgent warning, but no-one panicked or screamed. People moved about, patiently heading wherever they were heading to. At the bar, Pelin continued to serve teas and fruit juices, and Ahjess stood over his dabo wheel, talking up the punters into increasingly silly bets. "This is too surreal," she muttered.

"No, just real. Trust me. This is normal." Pelin grinned at her, and poured her a glass of her favourite liqueur.

"Normal!" Klia practically choked on the drink. "I'm Orion, our definition of normal is pretty warped by Alpha quadrant standards, and I'm finding this too, too strange."

The bajoran nodded. "You'll get used to it. You just need to warp that definition of normal a bit more." He finished pouring his own drink and raised it to her in a toast "Here's to another normal day on DS5"


Holosuite programmer and co-owner, The Box of Delights
Npc's by Yolanthe/Notty