Beg, Steal or Borrow – Family
by Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Family
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Thu Jul 02, 2009 @ 6:05pm
Location   Dunham's Quarters
Timeline   MD9 23.45

Richard Dunham had had a long day. It had been an emotional roller coaster of adrenalin pumping action and nervous tension. All this on his second day on the Job at Deep Space Five. He wondered what tomorrow would bring. Arriving back at his quarters he quickly got out of his uniform and hit the showers. After his shower he grabbed a towel and headed for the replicator. "Singapore noodles. Hot." The energy from the replicator cascaded together and solidified into a bowl of noodles with a pair of chopsticks in it. He sat down on the end of the bed and began to eat his food thinking to himself he really should check out the local restaurants to see what they had. So far while on the station he had only checked out a couple of bars and a Italian restaurant and their he had not really had much of a chance to eat his food. Dunhams shoulders slumped and his heart fluted remembering the incident in the turbo lift with Chelsea. "I remember that look. It must be a women." Dunham startled at the female voice spluttered out his noodles from his mouth and jumped off the end of his bed. He looked around the room trying to identify the familiar voice. "Over here." It said. Dunham turned his attention to the comm link monitor on the opposite wall to his bed. Their he saw a face he well recognised smiling mischievously. In the grey on grey starfleet uniform of intelligence. The same raven black hair as his but only much longer and without the white lock. Same piercing gray eyes and edged features but with more feminine lines. She *coughed* and pointed at the floor were Dunhams towel had fallen. He grabbed it from the floor rather undignified and put it back on. "How did you manage to get a open visual comm link to my quarters without the receiver permitting the comm?" he said panicky. Dunham carried on his hand waving to the monitor. "You know what I don't want to know. So what can I do for you sis?" he said sitting back down on the edge of his bed. "No how you been Erica?" his sister replied. "No." he said straightly. "You wouldn't of contacted me like this unless something was up." "Your right. I need a favour. It's your niece Kim. I want you to look after her for a while."

"Me." Dunham said pointing to himself. "I'm crap at that sort of thing. Get Mum to do it she'd love it." "Believe me Rick I would. But you haven't heard the whole story. I'm going assignment". Dunham opened his mouth to ask what sort of assignment? but didn't get the chance. "No I can't tell you what kind of assignment" she quickly said and responded. "Kim has run away. But I know exactly were she is. She's on her way to see you. She always did love her fighter pilot uncle. The USS Paris is on the other side of the quadrant so I don't have time to get her to mum before I go. Please Rich I need you to look after her while I'm gone keep her safe. Please she's only thirteen." The last part was said with just a hint of desperation in her voice. Dunham raised both hands in the air in exasperation. "Its not safe here sis. I've only been on the station a couple of times and already I've been shot at and almost blown up." he sighed seeing the look on his sisters face. "OK then. But I haven't seen her in three years. when does she get here?" "Soon" said his sister. "Kim should be at Deep space five sometime tomorrow. I have to go Rich. Don't worry you will do fine. When I get back we can talk about this girl you met. And Rich no Junk food."

The Comm monitor went blank. Bloody Hell. Thought Dunham as he tucked back into his noodles.


A Post by

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader