Things Past – Tip of the Iceberg: Part 3 - File searching
by Arrival Kaia

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Title   Tip of the Iceberg: Part 3 - File searching
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Arrival Kaia
Posted   Mon May 23, 2011 @ 7:45pm
Location   DS5 Enlisted Barracks
Timeline   Backpost (Interlude)

Crewman Jennings had been in starfleet long enough to forget that some people didn't live by schedules.

"She hasn't come back yet?!" He exclaimed to an empty room. "How many weeks has it been?"

He sat back in his chair, running a hand through his regulation haircut in frustration. He had to wonder how someone could make a living by leaving their business closed for so long. The personal inquiries he had sent to Kaia were unanswered, and far as he could tell, unread. It baffled him. Whatever she had been up to was apparently more important than her investments here on the station.

He had taken more than one trip down to the Matahari restaurant to visit Kaia's known associate, Natrina. Natrina had left on Kaia's ship when the two were under investigation. Even though Crewman Jennings wasn't privvy to the details of the arrangement they had worked out with his superiors, when Natrina returned to the station alone, he knew something was up.

He had attempted to bring up the topic of Kaia's whereabouts nonchalantly, but the owner of the Matahari had skirted his questions as gleefuly as a child dancing in the rain. She could see right through him, and it had taken Jennings a visit or two to realize this. Once he saw how Natrina was toying with him, he had been more direct. Her obviously amused answers then had an air of coyness about them. He had gotten no actual information out of her, but he did get the feeling that Natrina knew why Kaia had not returned to the station, but did not know where she was. Jennings also got the impression that this was exactly what Natrina wanted him to know, or at least believe. She accomplished that deflty, for certain, and without implicating herself or Kaia.

Now Jennings was frustratedly moping his way back to the crew deck to get ready for his shift. He knew this distraction would be on his mind for the rest of the day, to say nothing of the chewing out he was sure he'd get if he let it affect his duties.

Natrina had willingly parted with one piece of information, however. Though the ease with which she had relinquished it, as compared to her general demeanor of intrigue, immediately raised his suspicions about the information's validity or relevence. She had mentioned to him that Kaia's business maintained a "relatively informative" public document that served to showcase the archaeological projects the business had completed. It wasn't much, but as before, it was all he had.

Jennings returned to the barracks and changed into his duty uniform. With his few minutes to spare before his shift started, he sat down at his personal terminal and performed a quick search of the station archives for records kept by Xenology Survey Services. Indeed the first result was the public information page of XSS itself. He opened the document and began perusing its contents.

He sifted through pages of articles and dig site photos before losing patience and opening a search function for "alpha mensae." He snorted his disappointment at the single search result and pulled it up.

"...though the Iconians had other outposts that were later repurposed by later civilizations, such as those on Alpha Mensae used briefly by the Romulan exodus from Vulcan..."

A single brick in a wall of text. Just skimming the document would have lost it and its significance. It only stood out because Jennings had searched the Federation's public archives and university records for information on the system. All of that searching had only turned up the information about the pre-Romulan Vulcan ruins. They had said nothing about having information linking the site to the long extinct Iconian empire.

It didn't give him anything new to go on, but it did get him thinking about other possible lines of inquiry.

~The Romulans...~ He thought, ~Maybe after my shift I should pay the Embassy a visit. Perhaps they know something...~


NPC's played by

Owner of Xenogy Survey Services
Deep Space 5
"No plan, no technology, is so perfect as to truly be idiot proof."