Cascade – The weight of guilt
by Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   The weight of guilt
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Commander Karen Villiers & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Mon Mar 25, 2013 @ 6:29pm
Location   Main Security
Timeline   SD71. 16:00

The next thing Pip remembered was stepping through the doors of the security office.

“I’ve a confession to make,” she said to the officer on duty.


Trellis continued to rub the bridge of his nose. Although the Doctor had managed to repair the damage, he still felt sensitivity around the area where Yolanthe had punched him earlier.

She clutched her injured arm with her good hand as she stared at the man. The blood had leached into the fabric of her simple clothing, and from the mess off her short brown hair it was unlikely that she'd washed that day.

"A confession," she repeated.

Trellis heard her correctly, but he was still confused as to how this child had injured herself and as to what she was confusing to.

"Ok, well have a seat right here." He said as he ushered her towards a chair while continuing to look at her.

"Alright, start from the beginning. . .what happened?" He asked.

As she sat Pip dropped her bag onto the floor at her feet. Arms folded, she leaned forward resting their base on her knees. Her gaze reached only as far as the scuffed toes of her aging boots. "It was me," she said not expecting to be believed, "I tried to kill the Cardassian. He destroyed my colony," Pip gave the end then the beginning of the story.

If what this child was saying was true, then she needed to understand her rights.

"Ok, before you go into too much detail, I need for you to understand that as a Federation citizen and under the Seventh Guarantee you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a Court of law before a Magistrate. You also have the right to an attorney to advise and counsel you of any other rights you may have." He said to her as he slid a padd across the desk towards the child.

"If you understand these rights, I'll need for your to authorize the padd here." Trellis said.

As she pressed her thumb to the padd Pip raised her eyes for a moment, the gaze was sincere and certain, "Why would I not speak? If I stay silent then its a travesty and the truth will never be known. If I tell my story, then. Then at least those who've been hurt and their families will know why."

Trellis made sure the padd had been signed before he took it back. "Ok. . .now, tell me what happened." he said.

"It started in the demilitarized zone, Eden Colony. It was destroyed in a Cardassian attack. We never wanted anything other than to live in peace but they couldn't live with that. All my family ... When I were little I tried not to remember it, but since I learned that the beast who ordered it was alive I haven't let myself forget.

"I never wanted to hurt anyone but him, and I've done wrong in that. I was so careful that I got the right man, there's a list an' all me research on a padd in me bag. I was going to stick him with a knife. That's in there too," she added before falling silent as she gathered both thought and breath.

Trellis took several minutes to read over the incident reports within each padd. He could definitively tell that she had been through hell. A living hell, caused by Cardassians during their campaign throughout the DMZ. It was surprising that others hadn't tried to kill the man before now.

Trellis put the padd down and looked at the child. "Tell me how you tried to kill Ambassador Getal." He knew that her confession would not amount to much unless she gave a full recitation of the facts.

"Like I said, I was going' to stick him with the knife. After all the trouble on the promenade the other week there was this man in the bar. He was all on about human rights over alien rights. He confirmed that the ambassador was the one I was looking for. That's when I told him what I planned. He called me all kinds of foolish and I wanted to prove that I wasn't. I guess I was a bit drunk and a bit elated having finally found him. I couldn't let the opportunity pass. The man (can't remember what his name was! will look it up later) gave me a code for a crate in a storage locker. It wasn't that hard to break in. I got the Klingon bomb. I only wanted to kill the Cardassian. Everyone knows he's banging the colourful girl with the bar, and that's not the worst they say about him. Ask the Romulans why their Ambassador left a couple of years ago. I convinced myself that I'd be doing everyone a favour, not just myself. I never wanted anyone else to get hurt."

~ With this confession I'll have the case wrapped up into a neat and simple package that I can hand over to Captain Tahir. . .~ Trellis thought to himself. He knew that there wouldn't be any question as to the effectiveness of his leadership skills if he were able to solve the Embassy bombing and apprehend the culprit. His day was starting to turn around for the better.

Trellis stood and walked around the desk and approached the girl. "Very well, since you have given a free and voluntary confession, I'm going to place you under arrest for the charge of Acts of Terrorism, Murder, and Attempted Murder of a Diplomatic Official." He said formerly.

"If you'll please come with me." He said as he gestured towards the Brig area where she would be processed, trying his best to contain his sense of satisfaction.

Pip nodded. As she got to her feet she realized that she was shaking, "Can I get a dram of somethin'?" she asked, "I get sick if I don't."

Trellis nodded as he walked to a nearby replicator in his office and ordered a glass of the best imitation of terran water the station could produce. HE walked back to the younger girl and handed it to her.

"There's a flask in my bag. Water won't do anyone any good," Pip observed.

"Do you have anybody that you wish for us to contact on your behalf?" He asked.

"No. There's nobody alive who cares," a reply both bleak and blunt.

Trellis allowed that statement to hang in the air as he reached into the young girl's satchel and retrieved her flask. He examined the container and then looked towards the young girl for several moments.

"i. . .don't believe such a beverage would be appropriate right now." He said, not entirely convinced the girl was of legal age to consume a potentially alcoholic beverage.

"Its the only thing that kept me alive after my family was slain in front of my eyes," Pip said in response to his hesitation, "an' you don't even have to know I got it."

Trellis had gotten the confession he needed, he wasn't about to do anything to screw it up. Immediately he thought to how that sleezey attorney of Gabriel's would jump upon the fact that the girl was young, alone, AND intoxicated when she gave her statement. No, if he was going to secure his position as Head of this Department and in the eyes of the Captain, he was going to do everything "By the Book" as Humans were fond to say.

"I believe water will be better suited for you." he finally said to the girl as he gestured towards the hall leading to the processing unit for the brig. "If you'll come with me please?" He asked her, placing the flask back into her satchel.

"Then I'll need a doctor," Pip said. She'd had a problem since the age of four and though she'd realised that years back she had no inclination to do anything about it. She knew the risks though. "If you care to damage my heart then that's your business. It don't make a lot of difference to me."

Trellis was becoming annoyed with the young girl. "Very well, here." He said as he handed her the flask. If it meant getting her into a cell the sooner, then he was all for it. "Now, if you will come with me." He said, abit more directly.

Pip clutched the flask as though it was the only thing that meant anything to her, and it was.

As she stood she lifted the front of her tunic and stuffed it beneath her leggings in her underwear. She wasn't going to let him get it back.

"I'll not tell tales on you. I'll tell the truth though. And its a truth that needs the telling," Pip said as she let herself be guided into captivity. Not much different from the to and fro between the foster homes and the institutions.

Trellis pressed several buttons on the wall panel and a forcefield was erected on his side of the corridor as a another security officer approached the young girl to leader her to processing.

"You've done the right thing." He said from his side of the forcefield. "You'll feel much better in the end." He said as the girl faded from view.


Pip Sullivan
NPC by Louise

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security