Interlude – Missing
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Missing
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Thu Sep 16, 2010 @ 8:42pm
Location   Yoalnthe & Klia's quarters, deck 174
Timeline   SD 33, 3 am

Yolanthe stared at the door to the quarters she shared with Klia, her colouring saturating and desaturating through various shades of green. The tall bokkai had faced riots, more fights than she cared to count, and stared death in the face more than once, but she was more anxious now than she could recall being in years, even more than a few days ago watching the Starfleet surgeons save her friend Schrödinger's life. Now she had to face an angry flat mate, and beg for forgiveness for being an utter and complete cow.

She considered for a moment using the chime, but decided against it. She didn't want to give her friend a chance to lock her out. She thumbed the key code and the door slid open.

"Klia?" Yolanthe took an uncertain step forward into the quarters they shared. There was no sign of her. A large dish of melted ice-cream sat on the sofa, congealing into a nasty smelly mud.

She crossed to Klia's bedroom. It was a mess, but that was normal. Days of clothes were strewn across the floor and the bed, which was shoved away from the wall. But the orion girl herself was not in it, or under it.

Yolanthe decided she must be out. She checked the tiny cupboard that served as a bathroom just to be sure, and that too was empty. She dropped onto the couch, moving the ice-cream encrusted bowl onto the floor.
Yolanthe slumped down on the sofa again, non-plussed. Where could she be at 3 am?. "Computer?" It beeped. "Where is Klia n'Shahdra?"

"Klia n'Shahdra is on the Promenade. Level 2, East, unit 144." That was The Box Of Delights. Had they crossed in the night?


But when she returned to the bar, Yolanthe found the shutters down and the lights out, just as she had left it. Beginning to suspect what had hapened, she deactivated the security, and let herself in. Standing in the darkened doorway, she held her breath for a moment before asking the question she already knew the answer to, "Computer? Where is Klia n'Shahdra relative to my position?"

"Klia n'Shahdra is 18 meters ahead, on a bearing of 355."

The Bokkai angled to her left and walked to the bar. Sure enough, on the counter by one of the small computer terminals, was Klia's comm badge, in the shape of a double headed axe, the pair to her own. She picked it up gently. Klia had bought them six months ago after Yolanthe had got lost in the orbital market of Altair Four and nearly got herself stranded. Good times.

She squeezed it in her hand until the sharp points dug in, and drew tiny pricks of blood. She was worried now. "Klia," she whispered to herself, "Where are you?"


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box Of Delights