Interlude – Yet another routine medical? Or not?
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Arrival Thomas Whitlock

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Title   Yet another routine medical? Or not?
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Arrival Thomas Whitlock
Posted   Sun May 30, 2010 @ 4:21pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   After The Terrorists Have Been Ousted.

Chelsea was glad to have her Sickbay returned to 'normal' after the terrorist attack. For once she was even happy to be doing routine things like catching up on her list of outstanding medicals. She glanced down her appointments and picked up her med-kit.

~A Civilian? That's novel.~ she thought as she read the preliminary. ~okay, let's see what you got, Mister Whitlock~ She came out of her office and found the aforementioned gentleman awaiting her in a chair outside.

"Mister Whitlock?" she asked, holding out her hand to shake his. "Chelsea Adams, CMO. What can I do for you Sir?"

"Hi," Thomas said as he stood up and shook the woman's hand. "I just arrived on the base and thought I'd get to know some of the key personnel," he told her. "What better way to get to know a doctor than to get a physical?"

"Good thinking, but a dinner and a movie would work better" she joked.

"Come into my parlour" Chelsea led him to a med-bay and indicated with an open palm that he should sit on the bed.

"Any prior convictions? You know the sort of thing... previous illnesses of note, exposure to infectious pandemics?" she asked lightly.

"Nothing like that in my past that I can think of," Thomas replied. "And I'd love to have dinner with you. When do you get off?"

"That was not an invitation, it was my facetious sense of humour I'm afraid. But if you'd like to have dinner with my boyfriend and I, then I'm sure we could invite along a group of friends to introduce you to?" She smiled, running her med-scanner over him as she was talking.

"I'm always willing to meet new people," he said to her. "How long have you been dating? Are you getting along okay? What friends?"

"Not as long in days as it feels in that *been together for many incarnations* feeling... if you know what i mean. " she answered a little cryptically. "Friends like a Science Officer who has won competitions for her dancing, or a pair of administrators who were brave and daring during the riots or another who is sweet natured and fun... another who is love-lorn, a fellow doctor who has just found out his genetics are re-emerging after years of suppression, all sorts of interesting people, basically. Not to mention the most handsome, charming, amazing Flyboy in the Fleet.... " she finished with a distant look and a broad smile indicating she was finally describing the object of her heart.

"Bring them along," Thomas replied. "They all sound interesting and I'd love to meet them."

"You're on!" Chelsea grinned. "The Box of Delights? It's a bar but who says we have to have *dinner* as such. I'm sure there's plenty of food and drink to make for a good party there. What do you say to 19.30hrs?"

The CMO had no real idea who this man was but she liked him. He had a great sense of humour and a winning smile. "What did you say you do for a living?" she asked belatedly, making notes on a padd of the readings from his scans.

"I'm a journalist," Thomas replied. "How's the physical coming along?"

"You're fine. The scans are all normal to above average. Just what we like to see" she grinned. "There's just one small thing......" she seemed to hesitate as if thinking how she should word this.

"What 'one small thing'?" Thomas asked.

"It depends who you write for? Independent Tabloid? Federation Broadcasting? Romulan Daily Star? Cardassian Echo? Vulcan News? Bajoran Times? Klingon Mirror?" she smirked.

"I work for FNS," Thomas replied. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Cos if you worked for a publication or organisation that was likely to print bad things to get a headline, I'd have to put you in quarantine until i secured a signed agreement that you won't tell the universe how Starfleet I put you through a painful ordeal or worse.... some journalists are pretty unscrupulous you know.... " she grinned mischievously at him, putting down the med-padd and perching herself against the end of the bed he was sitting on.

"I'm a respectable writer," he said to her. "I do what I have to for a story but I respect my sources and don't print what doesn't need to be said."

JP Document: Thomas Whitlock & Chelsea Adams

"Cos if you worked for a publication or organisation that was likely to print bad things to get a headline, I'd have to put you in quarantine until i secured a signed agreement that you won't tell the universe how Starfleet I put you through a painful ordeal or worse.... some journalists are pretty unscrupulous you know.... " she grinned mischievously at him, putting down the med-padd and perching herself against the end of the bed he was sitting on.

"I'm a respectable writer," he said to her. "I do what I have to for a story but I respect my sources and don't print what doesn't need to be said."

Chelsea grinned from ear to ear. "In that case, Mister Respectable Whitlock, you're medical is clear. You're healthy and fine to go. Unless you want a tour of Sickbay while you're here?" she offered looking innocent.

Thomas looked at her and grinned. "I'd like to see anything you want to show me," he said with a wink.

Chelsea grinned back then put on a fake shocked look. "I don't think Lt. Dunham would like that idea!" she chuckled and led the way out of the cubicle and over to the high-dependency suite.

"This is our state of the art *Intensive Care* facility" she told him proudly, standing aside to let him go in first and look round. "Don't worry, I wouldn't let you in without all sorts of precautions if we had a patient in there" she added to reassure him of the safety protocols.

Thomas put his hand on her back as he moved by her to look around. "Doesn't look too cozy," he said to her.

"Oh? I thought it was the best 6 star accommodation on offer in the galaxy? Is Sir hard to please?" she smirked softly.

"Close that door and we'll find out," he suggested with a sly smile. "I'm just saying I wouldn't want to be stuck in here for a long period of time without something to keep me entertained."

"Oh I never leave anyone in here unattended. That's why we call it *intensive* care...." she laughed. Chelsea had taken to this journalist instantly. She'd done the same with Isha. Perhaps it was a *journalist* thing, although she doubted that. There was just an easy-going air about him and obviously some pleasant chemistry.

"Just how 'intensive' do you get?" Thomas asked, looking her up and down with a smile.

"Depends who's on the shift at the time. Some of my nurses specialise in HD care and others are little more than medics.... normally, in any other part of the sickbay it's a matter of 'luck of the draw' but in here, only the best will do!" she smiled and led him back out. She made no objection to the joking and innuendo. She wasn't in the least offended, after all, she had started it and she found it amusing and friendly.

"What else would you like to show me?" he asked, moving closer to her.

"How about the Theatres?" she offered without batting an eyelid. The CMO was unsinkable in her own sickbay, unless you knocked her out, as the Maquis terrorists had recently done in order to shut her up when they tried to take hostages here recently.

"I had a half-dead flyboy in here not long ago and I put his body back together, stole his heart and then had him move in with me.... but I don't do that for *all* my patients" she joked.

"What would you recommend for 'my' body?" he asked, stepping closer and gently rubbing her arm.

Chelsea moved his hand softly away and replied with a straight face and a smile. "Anti-androgens or an LHRH... 'Bicalutamide - 50mg, daily should do it, or Goserelin 3.6mg every 28 days if you prefer"

"I would 'prefer' this," he said, moving closer and gently kissing her.

Chelsea moved away as he moved in, narrowly avoiding the kiss. "Thomas!" she said gently but with a little frown. "I'm sure I mentioned that in a relationship? I even promised to introduce you to some friends tonight."

"I couldn't help myself," Thomas replied as he moved to lie on the bed. "I think I need a doctor now to get my foot out of my mouth. It's in there pretty far."

"Noooooooo" she chuckled. "No worries, no harm done and i'm a little bit flattered to be honest..... oh wait.... don't lie on the theatre-bed, it's kept sterilised.... " she just stopped him in time. "Come and I'll show you my office. I don't think you can get into too much trouble in there" she smiled.

Thomas nodded and followed her out of the room. He tried not to look at anyone as he stepped into Chelsea's office.

Chelsea pulled him up a chair and went to the replicator. "Coffee?" she offered.

"No thank you," Thomas replied as he looked around the office. "I hope you aren't too upset about earlier."

"Not at all, why should I be?" she answered honestly. "What's to be upset about? We hit it off from the very beginning, got on like a house on fire, we're all meeting up tonight and we've been joking around. It's cool."

"So where are we going to meet tonight? I promised to get some of the other guys together too... i know you're going to get on really well with them all."

"It doesn't really matter where we meet," Thomas replied. "I'm still new to the base so I'm not sure what's good."

"How about the Box of Delights? It's on the Promenade Decks, Deck 144" Chelsea replied. "The owner is a Bokkai woman called Yolanthe. She's charming. You'll like her too. Shall we see you there, about 20.00hrs?"

"Sounds good," Thomas replied with a smile as he stood up. "See you soon," he added with a wink.

Chelsea smiled back and after he had left she sat thoughtfully reviewing what had just happened.


A JP Between:

Thomas Whitlock
FNS Journalist


Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams