Unity – Treatment - Pt 2
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk

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Title   Treatment - Pt 2
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk
Posted   Tue Jan 12, 2010 @ 10:59pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD16 - 19.25hrs


Chelsea would have replied but her comm badge chirped.

* * * * * * * * *


Things were changing all over the station as Davies headed from the Science decks up to deck 55 and the main sickbay.

=^= "Commander Villiers, are you free now to join me in sickbay?" =^= Davies enquired, having given her the 30 minutes she had requested.

"I'm on my way, Commander," Karen said, her concern over the silence from the Romulans growing. She took a leisurely stroll down to the infirmary easily making her way through the early evening crowds. It was times like this that she could get a feeling for a place and the atmosphere was one of relaxation, a good evening to spend with friends.

Commander Davies was already there when she arrived.

The sickbay was quiet, unusually so and Karens appearance was a pleasant diversion.

"Commander." Davies said in turning to the door as she entered. "I had been expecting Doctors Milarno & Adams, but there must be some medical emergency elsewhere." He uttered in hopeful explanation.

"Lets hope not," Karen said with a smile. "There's quite a crowd on the promenade tonight - if they're coming that way it'll take a bit longer than usual." Was that a reflection of life on DS5, she wondered, to expect something bad as the cause?

CPO Ed McBain approached the Station CO and XO as they were talking. "Commanders" he called as he drew nearer. "Welcome to Sickbay, I hope this pleasure does not bode bad news?" he smiled, guessing by their faces that it did not.

David shook his head and had a thin smile on his face that hid the fact that he was a little annoyed that the sickbay was practically devoid of medical staff.

"No, nothing at all," David said as he nodded a greeting at McBain, "but we were hoping to catch Dr Adams or Dr Milarno in here." He said with a slight curtness to his voice.

"Ah. Well, Chelsea .... er ... Dr Adams just finished her shift and left about 15 minutes ago and Lt. Milarno isn't due on until 22.00hrs. If it's a medical matter I'll do my best to assist but if you needed them personally, I'm afraid you may have to call them up?" Ed offered helpfully.

"Allow me," Karen said tapping her comm badge.

* * * * * * * * * * *

The call came through on her comm-badge interrupting Rick just as he was still trying to explain.

Chelsea had been mellowed by the beauty of Rick's poetry and she really didn't want to be interrupted at this special and personal moment. She reached out and slapped the badge, missing at first and then having to grope for it on the side. ~Couldn't we have even a few moments alone?~ she thought in frustration, it never seemed they could cut a break lately.

=^= Adams here, go ahead, Ma'am =^= despite the several blows that the comm badge had fortunately been robust enough to take during her attempts to activate it clumsily, the Lt. Commander's tone was professionally neutral and gave nothing away.

=^=Doctor Adams, could you join us in the infirmary please," she said pleasantly. "There's no emergency," she added, not wanting to alarm the doctor. She would repeat the same process in a moment for Doctor Milarno.

=^= I'll be with you right away, just give me a few minutes to get there. =^= again the amazingly non-committal voice especially considering the furrow of frustration across her brows and the tightness of unspoken objections still waiting on her lips.

Chelsea stood up and pulled her uniform tidy as she headed for the door. She allowed Rick to make his own decision whether he accompanied her but was very relieved and soothed to find him walking beside her as she strode along the corridors the short distance back to Sickbay.

As they walked in they could see Commanders Davies and Villiers talking to Ed and also Ryan who had arrived just before them. Chelsea took in a deep breath and steeled herself. Given what Ryan had said to them earlier, she imagined he must have already spoken to the CO and XO about his plans but she couldn't be sure yet.

Ryan gave her a long look as she approached. He could tell better than anyone else how on edge she was. He thought it was his own announcement that had caused this, unaware of the conversation she and Rick had just begun but had been unable to finish.

Chelsea was the one least looking forward to this conversation and her stiff stance at full attention allowed no body language to be read. She really did NOT want Ryan to take lighter duties and she wasn't ready to have to adjust to his replacement coming in. Even though she understood and sympathised with his reasons, their history was long and complicated and with Rick about to go away she was feeling emotionally vulnerable making this a bad time from her own perspective.

Kreallia had a L shaped hand across her chin as she looked over to Commander Adams. She nodded to Commander Villers and moved beside Commander Davies. With Kasikova on leave Kreallia was the next in line for Chief Counselor and was summoned to this little summit. She raised her head to Commander Davies ear and put a hand to cover the side of her mouth that Chelsea could see. "Are you sure sir? About giving a promotion at this hour?" Kreallia said, knowing fully well that Chelsea had a long day.

"Absolutely." He whispered back.

Ryan, in the waiting group was not blind-sided by the Counsellor's arched hand and had noticed the comment.

Likewise Ed's ears had pricked at the whispering and he shot Ryan a look which was returned fleetingly. It was all the communication the old friends needed.

"I'm sorry, I don't think we've met" Ryan introduced himself. "I'm Dr. Milarno, soon to be 'former' Chief Medical Officer. I take it you're the new Assistant Counsellor, Lieutenant?" he said rhetorically, holding our his hand to shake Kreallia's.

Ed didn't look shocked to hear Ryan say he was "soon to be former CMO". He had been Ryan's confidante long before Chelsea had even arrived on the station so he had naturally been consulted about Milarno's plans for the future, probably before anyone else.

Chelsea noticed Ryan offering his hand to a stranger in a teal trimmed uniform and, knowing all the medics personally, she came to the conclusion this must be the new Assistant Counsellor she had heard so much about and had been due to meet later.

What she found difficult to work out, was not *who* the woman was, but why Ryan was only just meeting her too. ~Surely he would have already met her when she first started, being her Department Head?~ she wondered.

On the other hand, she knew Ryan had been forced to let quite a lot of protocol and routine tasks slip lately, in fact he'd even been shortening his shifts and laying a lot of his responsibilities on Chelsea. This wasn't a situation she had a problem with and Ed and the team had been a huge support as always so they'd coped just fine but clearly at least one new member of staff had slipped the safety net.

Adams made a mental note to step up tomorrow and check that Kreallia had been given the "Welcome to the Department" chat and, following the same thought trail, whether she had been given her routine medical on coming aboard.

Rick and Chelsea arrived in front of the assembled group and she presented at attention, glancing briefly around the familiar faces. She couldn't resist a slightly longer, curious peek at the stranger but her eyes returned 'front and centre' as soon as the CO spoke.

"Very well, as we're all gathered and I know the hour is later than usual," He nodded to Kreallia, "but following a request from Doctor Milarno for lighter duties, both Commander Villiers and I are in complete agreement, that Lieutenant Commander Chelsea Adams should be promoted to CMO, rather than seek an outsider to take the position." The Commander eyes sparkled as he looked at the open mouth response of Chelsea.

"Sir?" she responded, taken by surprise. "but... I didn't think....i mean.... er.... thank you Sir!" She looked anxiously at Ryan to see if this was ok with him but he was smiling at her, looking almost proud. Ed was grinning at her too as both he and Ryan had been her mentors since she had arrived at DS5.

"If I may Sir, I'd like to say I wouldn't have been up to this if it weren't for these two awesome teachers." she said, giving credit where it was due.

David's smile widened. This was typical Chelsea Adams, passing on credit that was given to her deflected to another. He glanced to Karen.
"Of that I am sure that both your tutors would say that the pupil must be open to be taught." He winked.

"Every Monkey can learn if their teachers are talented and inspirational enough, Sir" she blushed. "But I don't mean to be ungracious as I'm very aware of the significance of this promotion and of the trust you are placing in me. I will do my very best not to disappoint you, Commander. Any of you...." her meaningful and grateful looks indicated David and Karen but also Ryan, Ed and Rick too, these being three of the most important people in her life.

Rick was proud of Chelsea and very very happy for her, all he wanted to do was grab her in a big hug, but there were commanding officers present and her staff, so he erred on the side of caution, and simply placed a hand on her shoulder. "Congratulations" he said simply but gave a look with his eyes that said so much more.


A JP Between:

Commander Davies

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

Lt (jg) Kreallia T'jay
Assistant Counsellor

Lt. Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader


Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams