Judgement – Breakfast
by Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer

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Title   Breakfast
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer
Posted   Wed Jan 19, 2011 @ 8:43pm
Location   Main Replimat (Promenade)


It was a very early morning for Vince, especially after a very long yesterday. Vince felt very proud of his new posting aboard Deep Space Five. The first day at any new assignment can be hard, but to show up and be put in charge was a bit much. Though, he felt pretty good about yesterday. Main Engineering had been a bee-hive of activity all day long with the many repairs taking place. He even forgot to stop for something to eat. He was going to make sure that he had a good breakfast to start this day.

Vince walked down the Promenade, there were not too many residents out yet, but that would change very soon. He was looking for the Replimat. He had been told that it wasn’t fancy, but functional. If he had the opportunity, Vince wanted to meet other members of the crew.


Dunham at a table alone by the public replimat. It was early in the morning and not many people were about. But Rick still liked to sit here at any time of day just to watch the world go by, or in this case watch all the shops open, as there keepers grumbled to themselves about the early hour and or the rent they had to pay. Rick smiled to hismelf as he ate another mouthful of his corn flakes.

Vince made quick use of the food replicator. He could have spent the entire morning going through all the options for food. With the many diverse species here on the starbase, the replicators had files for every taste. This morning he ordered up a high protein breakfast and added some oatmeal and orange juice. He was sure that would get him through the day if he couldn’t stop and take a break.

Carrying the tray into the dining area he saw that there were only half a dozen personnel there eating. Vince noticed an officer sitting near the window that reminded him of his Uncle Charlie. As he walked closer he noticed his rank; Lieutenant Commander. Well, that was a little over Vince’s pay-grade, but as he looked about the room the rest of the personnel seemed to be very involved; either reading or totally focused on a task as they ate.

Vince approached the table, tray in hand, and humbly asked. “Sir, may I join you?”

Rick was shook awake from his hypnotic staring of watch milk that he would spoon out of the bowl then watch as he poured it back into the bowl from the spoon. It took a moment for it to click that the young officer was talking to him. Rick hand't got totally use to people calling him sir yet. "Certainly" said Rick in a friendly manner and with a smile. He pulled out a chair for the man to sit in.

Setting the tray down across from the Commander, Vince sat down tring to sit comfortably in front of a superior officer. He didn’t want to immediately start a conversation or make if seem like an interview, so he took a bite of his ham followed by a drink of orange juice.

After emptying his mouth he spoke up. “My name is Vincent Kramer. I’m part of the Engineering staff.” He could have been more through informing the Commander that he was Assistant Chief of Engineering and currently in charge with the Chief on assignment away from DS5, but that would have been boasting and not really appropriate for this time or place.

"Pleasure to meet you Mr Kramer" said Dunham with another friendly smile, and offering his hand across the table to shake. They shook hands.

"Kramer, Kramer..." said Rick thinking out loud, "Your name seems very familiar, yet I do not think we have met before....Are you on the duty rosta for engineering?" Rick's contact with the starfleet engineers was frequent, as some of there teams fixed his fighters for star fighter wing.

Vince thought, ‘Is this guy fishing or was he just being curious?’ So, he decided to just play it modest, “Well, I am new on the Station. Yesterday was my first day. They have me in charge of the repairs to the Main Reactors.” And then stuffed a forkful of ham and eggs into his mouth and chewed.

Dunham shovelled another spoon full of milk soaked soggy corn flakes into his mouth. He frowned a little. "Oh, really..." he chuckled to himself a little. "Good luck with that, its a hell of a lot of work, and a priority job."

Vince thought it was funny how this officer was chuckling through his cereal.

“I appreciate the confidence,” Vince said smiling back. “It’s all under control.” Trying to remain modest. “It should be all up and running next week. We have crews working around the clock.” Vince took another bite of ham.

After a pause Vince asked, “What’s your role here Commander?”

"CAG" said the officer around another mouthfull of corn flakes. He chewed the food in his mouth swallowed and tried to speak again, a little more clearly this time. "CAG" He said with a smile.

Vince hesitated for just a moment. ‘kag? Cag?’ he wasn’t getting it. He didn’t want to feel foolish. He began to nod in recognition and quickly stuffed more food into his mouth and chewed slowly.

Why was this not clicking in his brain? He held up one finger as to let the commander know to ‘wait a moment’, and continued to chew slowly. Why was he not getting this. He was very familure with all the parts of the starbase. His mind flashed to all the possibilities, thinking of the different parts of the Starbase and their function. Then his eyes popped open in realization ‘Commander Air Group’.

Vince closed his eyes for a second and swallowed. Then very casually said, “I’m sure that’s very challenging. How long have you been flying?”

Rick paused a moment and tilted his head thoughtfully to one side as he considered the answer "Oooo must be may four years maybe five? I think" said Rick as he pontificated his answer. "Something like that, after I finished the academy my first assignment was helm and flight control, piloting the then new hornet class starships. Found I had a nack for flying, so wen't back trained as a fighter pilot." He smiled "been doing it ever since."

Vince relaxed a little more now. Him mentioning the new hornet class, made Vince think. Though, he couldn't remember the engine type. He's always up on those kinds of things. "Say," Vince began, "What engine did they decide to put in the hornet? I don't remember the specs."

Rick scratched the stubble on his chin as he thought about it, " It did a cruising velocity: of warp six, a maximum velocity of warp nine point two and an emergency velocity of warp nine point eight two, for about four hours. It was a hell of an engine for a ship that small. Had a lot of kick when flying her. Looks like a fish, moves like a fish, steers like a cow though."

"Ha ha ha." Vince couldn't help but laugh. He was also laughing inside. He had asked what type of engine it had, and the response back was how fast it went. 'Well, that's a pilot for ya,' he thought.

"And now you're CAG. I'm sure there's quiet a squadron based here at the Starbse." Vince said curiously.

"We have twenty four broadsword multi-role assault Fighters, twelve peregrine heavy fighters, twenty four razor interceptors, and fourty eight valkyrie space superiority fighters....." He paused for a moment, "Well were suppose to have that compliment of fighters but many of them are assigned joint task force and operation duty fighting pirates."

“I see,” Vince replied, “Out there taking care of business. Still that is quite a few. When I get things settled down in Main Engineering, I'd like to come and visit and checkin with your chief mechanic."

Rick nodded an affirmative "Sure no problem, and when you settle in a bit more perhaps you can get me a few more engineers to fix my birds?"

Vince gobbled up what was left on his plate. “Well, I don’t mean to be rude, but my day starts early.” He casually stood up, making sure everything was on his tray.

"Not a problem" said Rick finishing the last of his corn flakes and briefly considering going to the replicator to order some fresh orange juice.

“It was a pleasure to meet you, Sir.” He paused for a moment. “I look forward to seeing you next time.”

Rick waved aside the 'sir' and offered his hand to shake again. "Pleasure to meet you too Mr. Kramer and please call me Rick." he smiled

With a smile in return, Vince took the Commander's hand with a firm grip and release. "Thank you Rick. Have a good day."

With that said, Vince turned and made his way out of the Replimat. The Promenade had begun to pick up now. It was going to be a good day.


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham


Lt. Vincent Cramer
Asst. Chief of Engineering