We All Fall Down – A Course of Action
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   A Course of Action
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Mon Aug 11, 2014 @ 7:47pm
Location   BII Offices
Wayne sat in his office looking over the reports that had finally crossed his desk. Though the report did not have much overall information it was able to confirm the type of explosive device and the different componates that would have been used. Now thou it was time for his own men to take on this investigation, Starfleet security was all fine and dandy and they were a decent investigative force but they had their hands full with the larger explosion not to mention the security for the station. Well that and to be honest he just did not trust fleet Sec to do the job.

No this was something that was better handled in house, after all it was his family and business that was targeted. Not only that but it was his grandchild that had been killed and well he took that kind of thing VERY personally. That being said it was time for him to take action.

"Cody I need you to come to my office I have a job for you." Said Wayne calmly he would normally have asked his eldest son and head of corporate security to do this but considering that it was his daughter that had died in the bombing he knew that his son would be in no shape for this job.

"Dad you wanted to see me." Said Collin he was wandering why his dad wanted him after all he did not think he had done anything wrong at least not majorly.

"Yes I did collin I have a job for you one that may take you away from the station for an extended period of time and could very easily see you confronted with some very dangerious men." Said Wayne calmly

"I see dad would this have anything to do with what happened in the office recently." Asked Collin he would not mention the bombing unless he had to

"Yes it would son. I have the initial report from fleet sec but we both know that they are very busy and even if they would have better resources then we would they could be hamstrung by the letter of the law. I want you to take the SS Vicoy and using that ship I want you to track down any leads as to who was involved in this plot. Whoever they are and whatever needs to be done." Said Wayne calmly thou anyone who knew wayne could see the emotion that was starting to come into his face and voice.

"The Vicoy wasn't she one of the ships that we were going to refit as a frieghter." Asked Collin

"Yes she was but I changed her orders she went in for a refit alright but it was to increase her abilities not to decrease them." said Wayne

"Um ok then you had better let me know what I am getting ahold of here I knoe the soyzu class pretty well but with you one can never tell." Said Collin with a chuckle

"I guess I deserve that don't I. Well I increased the types of phasers to where she has type seven and type eight phasers rather then what she had originally. Her shuttlebays were increased in size to allow for 1 argo shuttle and 6 fighters. I am also assigning our best investigative team and a 10 man squad from our PMC to the ship. her sensors and shields have also been improved to the limit that the hull can handle." Said Wayne calmly

"in other words dad you are handing me a small warship." Said Collin flatly

"Yes Collin that is exactly what I am giving you. Your mandate is to find out who the hell bombed our offices and killed your niece and my grand daughter not to mention who bombed this station. I think they both might be the same person or group. Oh and one other thing if you find the people that did that job and you should happen to have a choice well I think you know what I am saying." said Wayne softly

"Yes dad I get the message loud and clear." Said Collin firmly

"Alright then son i will not keep you from your ship. take care of yourself son and keep me informed of what you find out." Said Wayne calmly as he rose from his seat and lead his son to the door knowing that this would be the last time in several months he would see his youngest. "Oh on another note and one I forgot to tell you before you can take your family with you on this one." He added

Posted By

Wayne Bradshaw
CEO Bradshaw Intergalactic Incorporated

Collin Bradshaw (NPC)
Head of corporate investigations