Beg, Steal or Borrow – A Relic From the Past
by Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Richard Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   A Relic From the Past
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Arrival Alexandria Marshall & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Richard Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Sat Jun 27, 2009 @ 5:29am
Location   International Space Center/ Odysseus VI / Deep Space Five
Timeline   July 4 2047 / Current

Alex hated it, she had to hitch a ride with the Russians because NASA didn't have the budget to ferry her to the ISC. She remained silent throughout the launch and the docking with the center. Fortunately, NASA's Budget was fueled toward more Ambitious goals of manned missions outside of the Solar System. "Four hundred thousand tons of deuterium, an experimental fusion drive, all built by the lowest bidder."

Richard looked at her. "Well, look on the bright side Alex. At least they're signing the paychecks for this thing."

Alex shook her head, "Are contracts and money all you think about?"

"Yeah, ever since NASA became privately funded." Sara Carlsen replied. Alex shook her head. Both Richard Carter and Sara Carlsen managed to persuade and charm their way onto the Odysseus mission. Alex had to work hard. A doctorate from Harvard and intensive training at NASA. And for what. To be passed over six times for the Odysseus Missions. Odysseus I was a huge spectacle, but every mission after it became routine. That and more and more of the space program's budgets were being diverted due to Asian nations forming a new power bloc known as the Eastern Coalition.

"Hey, you heard the latest? The ECON actually threatened the Western Alliance with reprisal attacks if it didn't remove its forces from Russia." Richard spoke.

Alex sighed, "Ever since the Energy Crisis back in the 2010's The ECON has become energy crazed. Let's just hope the world doesn't end by the time we get back in 2067"


The large spacecraft undocked from the large International Space Center complex. "Houston, Penelope. We have a good separation vector. We have green across the board."

"Penelope, Houston. Acknowledged. See you in twenty years." A section on the spacecraft began to rotate, providing microgravity to the astronauts onboard. Alex checked her console. "Houston Penelope, Impulse Drive is warm and ready for trajectory adjustment.

The large ship began to venture forward into the unknown.

<< Present >>

The silence of space was interrupted by a large moving spacecraft. Onboard the ship was completely darkened except for a computer that remained active. Suddenly a monitor activated and the Computer began processing data.

Trajectory Analysis Commencing...... Error
Diagnostic Program Activated...... Warning... Critical System Failure

An alert klaxon sounded throughout the ship.

Warning.... Impulse Unit Failure
Warning.... Cryochamber 1 Failure... Mission Leader Richard Carter Deceased
Cryochamber 2 Fully Operational... Science Officer Alexandria Marshal Stable.
Warning.... Cryochamber 3 Failure... Second Officer Sara Carlsen Deceased

Initiate Cryochamber 2 Emergency Resuscitation

The Cryochamber began its emergency protocols and before the chamber opened. Alex's eyes fluttered open as she was recovering from Cryosleep.

"Emergency... Navigation Computer Error. Emergency... Impulse Unit Failure. Emergency..." A Mechanized voice repeated Alex pulled herself up. "Dear.. God..." She looked at the other cryounits that had the remains of her crew in.

Alex pushed a console. "Penelope, activate Microgravity."

"Unable to do so, Microgravity Impeller Failure." She shook her head. "Penelope, Life Support Status."

"Emergency, Life Support Power down to thirty percent and falling." Alex picked herself up and made her way to the cockpit quickly. She entered and sat down. "Penelope... What is that?" She asked staring out of the cockpit at what seemed to be a very alien space station. "Unknown..." The Computer responded. "Penelope, Send Extraterrestrial Contact Package."

<< DS5 - Ops >>

Robert was content, analyzing the data bursts, sending requests, orders and communications to their respective recipients when Harris turned and tugged at his elbow.

"Bob, I need your opinion." Bill whispered the plea for help.

Robert hated being called 'Bob', it was not his name but Harris sounded so unsure and concerned, that he turned to see what it was that had confused the new man so much.

The flashing red blip on the console caught his eye at once and half pushing and half turning Harris, he maneuvered himself to get a better view.

"That is an unidentified craft, or one without a Federation transponder. Call up the tactical display and inform security, flight and the commander." Robert ordered in one breath.

"Aye." Came the response from Bill, even though he was not fully sure of how to call up tactical, but he knew how to send messages and did so, one to Commander Gabriel and the other to Flight section.

Jarred exited the turbolift on the ops level with a PADD in hand with his plan for an inspection cruise for the USS Buker Hill. As he made his way to the ready room he saw some activity at the tactical station and spoke,

"something interesting guys?" Jarred asked

Lieutenant j.g. Michael Duquense exited the turbolift behind Jarred and noticed the commotion by t he current Ops officers. He quickly went to his station and noticed the activity beacon activated for Tactical. Duquense quickly sat down at his station and began to perform a preliminary analysis of the vessel outside of the station. . .if you could call it that. Barely a propulsion system and no tactical system to speak of at all.

"Have we attempted to contact them?" Duquense replied with a question of his own.

Jarred mused for a second, "Do we have visual of the bogey?"

Duquense ran another scan on the vessel. "I'm not even sure if we can call it a bogey." Duquense replied. "I'm not picking up a Federation or any other type of transponder. The only thing I can detect is a. . .no that's not possible" he said.

"I'm detected a trail of Helium-3!" Duquense said incredulously. That form of fusion energy had not been used since the middle of the 21st century. At the time it was heralded as the "Fuel of the Century" because of the nearly limitless supply found on the Moon of Earth. However, it also led to various factions forming to harness the fuel, none moreso than China.

"A Fusion reactor? There's no way that could have traveled beyond Sector 001, let alone all the way to this area of space." Duquense said to the gathered officers in Ops.

<< Odysseus VI >>

"Penelope, any response to Extraterrestrial Package?" The Computer responded. "Negative Radio Contact." It was not too long until the Computer spoke up again. "Emergency! Reactor Coolant System Failure. Coolant levels down to eighty percent."

"Sh*t!!"Alex began to flip switches. "Penelope, stand by to cut the Engine Module loose. Emergency Separation in Five, Four, Three, Two, One. Separate." The ship separated and began moving away from the spherical reactor module and the attached fusion drives. "Penelope, open a signal."

Alex grabbed a headset. "This is Odysseus VI. Calling unknown object. We are experiencing a wildcat overload of our fusion and engine module. Repeat, Fusion Module overload in progress. Do not approach the jettisoned module and remain at safe distance."

"Emergency! Reactor Coolant levels down to sixty percent. Overload in progress." The Alert Klaxon continued.

<< DS9 Ops>>

"Can we have a visual on that ship?" Jarred said while he was beginning to formulate a plan.

It did not take Duquense much time to bring the object on screen in Ops. He continued to scan the vessel to determine how many, if any, life signs were onboard. "On screen now, I'm detecting one life sign, but the radiation is preventing me from getting a lock or even determine what kind of life form it is." Duquense responded.

Jarred walked over to a nearby console, "The radiation levels are increasing, we need to get the Skipper here, this is not looking good." He said with a pitch in his voice.

Harris shrugged his shoulders and turned to Rushtone. "Your call, your the duty comms man!" He pointed out the obvious.

=^= "Ops to Commander Davies. Sir, we have an unknown vessel in the sector. One lifesign, but the ship is degrading badly." =^= Robert informed the Commander.

=^= "Keep me informed." =^= Came Davies' flat reply as he signalled T'Lan, to take command.

=^= "Aye sir. Ops out." =^= Rushtone closed the channel and raising his brow, looked at Bill then to Jarred.
"I think the Commander has other things on his mind.

<< Odysseus VI >>

Alex continued to type on a Keyboard. "Let's hope they're nice Aliens that can give me a ticket back to Earth." her hand flipped several several switches. The auxiliary engines ignited. Propelling the spacecraft away from the damaged fusion module and toward the unknown space station.

"Emergency! Reactor Coolant levels down to thirty percent. One minute until overload." Alex held onto her chair for what seemed like an eternity. "Nineteen, Eighteen, Seventeen, Sixteen, Fifteen." What seemed like days passed as the computer counted down.

"Five, Four, Three, Two, One...." A Blinding flash appeared right behind the fleeing spacecraft as its fusion powerplant overloaded. The blinding light began to fade.

Alex breathed slower, finally loosing consciousness. "Penelope, cut engines... drop emergency buoy."


Jarred looked at a display "Either they're breaking-up or they jettisoned the propulsion, we need to get some rescue assets organized!" Jarred paused "I'm getting......what the I seeing things?"

*COM* "Tactical to Flight Deck, we have a level 3 priority situation bearing 134 mark 02, unidentified vessel in a critical situation. Immediate engagement and recovery needed." Duquense said into the comm unit. "Whatever the hell that thing is, I hope it is lucky." he added.

Dunham and the alert fighter wing had already launched into the black void around Deep Space Five. Closely followed by a Danube Runabout. The Valkyrie Space Superiority Fighters took point around the Runabout. Dunham activated his comm as he got eyes on the target. *COM* "Op's this is Bravo one. You are not going to believe what this is. It looks like something out of the history books"

"Correction Dunham it is out of the history books, NASA markings, I can't get any other identification, wait....I'm getting, Dunham does that look like an emergency beacon signal?" Jarred stated into the COM.

*COM* "Ops to Bravo One, proceed towards the vessel and contain. Beam any survivors onboard and place the vessel under tow and return to DS5. Once onboard, initiate proper containment procedures." Duquense said.

"I have an ID on the vessel, Odysseus VI launched just over 300 years ago, how the hell did it get this far out for this long?" Jarred reported "I'm detecting a deuterium leak, and several other system failures, there also appears to be a life support failure in progress, alert sick bay, Commander T'lan and Commander Davies to ops!"

T'Lan entered Ops. "Report?"

"What appears to be an early DY-100 has been found drifting near the station, one survivor confirmed, and its reactor is going critical." Jarred reported.

"Bravo One has been dispatched, sir." Duquense stated to T'Lan. "They are engaging the vessel and beaming aboard any survivors. Medical and Security have been alerted." Duquense said as he sent the updated information to Main Security.

<< Sickbay >>

The transporter beamed aboard a young woman in her thirties. What was unusual was that she was dressed in a NASA Jumpsuit. On the Jumpsuit was the Odysseus VI Mission Patch and a Namepatch on her chest that had wings and her name.

Chelsea and her team were, by protocol, obliged to await the incoming "casualty" within a force field protected *quarantined cubicle* in their encounter suits initially until radiation was determined to be of a safe form and levels. After that, their quarantine suits, then and only then would they be allowed to approach her in their normal uniforms.

Naturally, that would have been pretty scary for her on awakening.

Alex's eyes began to flutter open and focus on the people looking down at her. "Sh*t!!!" She jumped up, fear evident in her eyes as she recoiled toward somewhere.

Chelsea held up a heavily padded-glove, palm forward, her intention to offer a signal to remain still but realizing this might be intimidating, she switched on her helmet comm.

"Please remain still. We need to scan you for radiation. We have no intention of harming you. We want to help you." she said as Ed McBain, in a similar encounter suit, ran a tricorder over the patient from the other side of the bed.

The young woman seemed to be afraid of the device being waved over her and the opaque light-filters on the visors on the helmets worn by her apparent *captors* didn't help, as they prevented her from seeing who or what was inside.

"Um.. hi... Nice alien... good alien..." She stated.

Realizing suddenly what the woman must be seeing and thinking, Chelsea laughed softly and pressed a switch on her helmet, clearing the visor to transparent.

"My name's Chelsea." she said gently. "I'm human. I'm a medical officer on a space station, which is where you've just arrived. Perhaps you might not have heard of *Starfleet* but we're on your side, if you've come from Earth as your attire seems to imply."

Alex spoke, "Why do I feel like Buck Rogers all the sudden. And what the hell is that on your nose? Last time I checked humans didn't have that thingy. And.. And... How did you get here? Wait a minute here, this must be Cryosleep dreaming. Yeah, Odysseus II's Mission leader had one heck of a bad dream in Cryo." She closed her eyes. "This is just a bad dream, I will wake up, it will be 2067, and no strange aliens that think they're human. This is a corny dream, and I want to wake up now. Hello!!" Alex said frantically.

"Okay, take it easy, we're here to help you." Chelsea soothed. "But you're right, I *was* over simplifying it, trying to help. Actually I'm not ALL human, only half. My father was Bajoran but my mother was from Earth, okay? and Ed there...." she indicated her colleague beside the bed "...he's totally 100% human. Does that help any?" Ed smiled hopefully from within his helmet as he cleared the last of his tests.

Ed nodded to Chelsea that the radiation levels were safe and both of them took off their helmets, leaving their heads clad in transparent, flexiplasmat hoods which held back their hair and framed their faces. Chelsea pulled off her gloves, revealing close fitting lataskin medical handslips.

"Quarantine gear" she explained to a wide-eyed Alex. Ed's still scanning for any viral contaminant before we let you loose." she smiled, as she herself ran more scans over Alex with a medcorder.

Jarred entered sick bay, keeping back until he got the all clear. He could sense the confusion in her mind, "Doc hows our guest?"

From within the *forcefield contained quarantine cubicle* Chelsea could hear the question raised from outside.

"She's just getting the all clear now, Ensign" the ACMO replied as Ed nodded again and they both pulled off their hoods, gloves and climbed out of the rest of their suits. Back down to their normal uniforms with the encounter suits in a heap by the door ready for cleansing. Chelsea dropped the forcefield and tapped her comm badge to hail the all clear.

=^= This is Lt. Cmdr. Adams. Medical authorization code: Delta One Three Alpha Niner. Incoming alien is secure. Medical red-alert hereby canceled. Negative contamination. Stand down security alert. Code Red also canceled. Sickbay clear to resume normal operations. As you were ladies and gentlemen. =^= she trawled through the releases for all the precautions they had been obliged to initiate on the arrival of their *guest*.

She spoke, "Last time I checked, you're the one with the weird nose. Where am I? Are you guys Alliance or ECON?"

~Econ?, shes' from the late 21st century!~ jarred realized.

Gabriel stood up from the chair that he had occupied and walked over towards the individual and other gathered officers.

"Thank you Doctor, now that she has been medically cleared, I'll take over from here." Gabriel said as he took Alex's arm and assisted her from the biobed. "Until Engineering completes their inspection of her craft and can verify its authenticity I'm not taking any risks on her not being a spy." Gabriel said as he took Alex by the arm and began to escort her towards the door.

"Erm... You might need this, Commander!" Chelsea addressed Dorian and held up a padd that Ed had just handed her.

"As for her being a spy! I'm sorry to disappoint you, but the material of her clothing is not anything we still produce in this century. It's something called *polyester* and the construction is totally authentic and it's ageing rapidly, due presumably to it's removal from a long period in cryostasis. It wasn't designed to last this long.

We'll have to offer her some *modern* clothing and do more tests on the clothing but in the meantime, she *IS* who she says she is. Or at least, her clothes are as old as she says she is! I think that takes her out of suspicion and back into the care of the station medical staff, if you please." she waded in to the rescue.

However, Alex decided to move before the Doctor could.

Alex didn't like the gesture. With a smooth action she landed a hard blow onto Gabriel's head that caused him to recoil. A Security officer approached and she smoothly grabbed him and twisted his arm back on itself. She seized his phaser. "DON'T MOVE!!" She yelled.

"SHUT UP!!" She yelled. "One wrong move and I start pushing buttons. You're ECON aren't you!!" She stated.

Gabriel staggered a bit before regaining his footing and looking at the woman. His day wouldn't be complete without someone going crazy and pulling a weapon. Gabriel nodded to the other officer, instructing him to take several steps back, but to maintain position in front of her.

Gabriel reached across his chest and tapped his comm badge in a smooth motion. "Security Alert level II, hostile civilian, lock down this immediate area from any transporter signal." He said as he maintained eye-contact with the woman.

"I don't know where you came from, but you won't leave here alive if you don't surrender." Gabriel said in a flat tone.

"shut your face Dorian!" Jarred turned to the woman, "The year is 2386, your on a space station over 200 light years from earth, and unlike my colleague I'd like to help you."

"....and there will be no killing! This is a medical infirmary not a battlefield!" Chelsea fumed, also aiming her comments at Gabriel.

"Miss... er... look... I don't know who ECON are, but although I understand your alarm, attacking security won't help you. I promise you we're Starfleet - The United Federation of Planets" she backed Jarred up.

Jarred walked up to her, standing right infront of her ~hear my thoughts you are with friends, we are here to help, the wars you know are long over and forgotten, trust me.~ Jarred took a huge risk here ~Hear me!~

Gabriel remained patient, if she shot Jarred, then he'd have tons of paperwork to fill out, and he was not in the mood for that at the moment. However, in the woman's frantic state it would be only a matter of time before she actually pressed a button and shot someone. A firefight in sickbay would not lessen his load of paperwork either.

"Put the weapon down and surrender," Gabriel said affirmatively. "In case you did not notice, you are in a Medical Facility, when I initiated the security alert a dampening field was placed over Main Sickbay and all other sensitive area." Gabriel said in an attempt to explain the futility of her actions to the woman. "That weapon will not discharge in here." He added.

"Things are bad, do not make them worst." He concluded.

Jarred took the weapon from her hand, "I'll take responsibility for her Dorian, your not trained to deal with this situation," He turned to the stations new visitor "Whats your name?"

Alex settled down. "Alexandria Marshal. I am no damn spy, I don't even know the first damn thing about this century. What? Did National Socialism make a comeback or something?"

"not exactly, the year is 2386 and your on the United Federation of Planets space station Deep Space five." Jarred started, "alot has happened in 300 years, how about we got have a talk?"

Gabriel took the officer's gun back and handed it to him as he addressed Jarred. "Unacceptable Ensign, either this woman stays here under armed guard or she goes to a holding cell in Security, but she WILL NOT freely walk around this station until I feel that she is no longer a security threat." Gabriel said.

"Talk here or through a forcefield." Gabriel added.

"Dorian, go arrest a pick pocket or something, this is no longer under your jurisdiction Chief of Security Dorian, Temporal affairs are under my direction or are you in a rush to get that senate seat?"

Alex spoke, "Even after three hundred years, Politicians are still bastards. I'm not going anywhere with him, so I'll stay right here where everyone can see me. Hell, he may throw me out the airlock or something." she said timidly.

"Smart woman." Gabriel quipped. "The second she was beamed aboard this station, it became my jurisdiction, or are you in a rush for an insubordination charge?" Gabriel responded.

"The second she leaves this station to return to Starfleet Command, Temporal Affairs can have her, but she has already demonstrated a willingness to attack not one, but two Security officers." Gabriel said while looking towards the woman.

"She's either a security threat, or medically unfit to leave. It's one or the other." Gabriel said as he looked from Dr. Adams towards Jarred. "You don't like it, Ensign, take it up with Commander Davies." he said. "Until then, I suggest you pull up a chair and get comfortable in Medical Bay."

"Dorian, leave before I have you removed from your position under article 619." Jarred said reaching behind his back.

Before Gabriel could make a motion to prevent the duo from leaving, he heard the arrival of Commander T'Lan.

T'Lan entered the room. "Mr. Gabriel, stand down."

T'Lan spoke, "This situation is under my authority now. And I will only indulge you so far Gabriel. One more word from you and I will relieve you pending psychiatric evaluation.

~How fitting, perhaps she could recommend the one that worked wonders on her.~ Gabriel thought to himself as he crossed his arms and observed the situation.

T'Lan spoke. "Now then, this woman is our guest, and will be treated as such Mr. Gabriel."

"So be it, Commander, however I'd advise that a security detail remain with our "guest" until Earth's Genealogical Affairs can properly verify her." Gabriel said while glancing towards Dr. Adams.

"Call me paranoid, but I'd rather rely on something more reliable than the cloth of someone's shirt and pants." He mused.

End of Part 1


PO3C William Harris / CWO2C Robert Rushtone & Commander David Davies
By Tasha

Lt. Cmdr.
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security

Lieutenant j.g.
Michael Duquense (NPC by Gabriel)
Asst. Tactical Officer

Ens. Jarred Wallace

Astronaut Alexandria Marshal (My new PC) / Civilian Scout

Lt Cmdr Chelsea Adams

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader