Judgement – It will not end well
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   It will not end well
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Sun Oct 31, 2010 @ 9:52pm
Location   Romulan Consulate, Ambassador's Office
Timeline   SD35. 21:15
"Was there something that you wished to tell me, t'Merek?" Isha asked watching t'Merek over steepled fingers.

Her Head of Security had had three days in which to report the incident. Isha had discovered once she had investigated a little further but she had not; it had taken that fvai Getal to bring it to her attention. Isha was less than pleased that a visitor to her embassy, even if was that bastard's whore, had been assaulted within her walls.

"Concerning what, Madame Ambassador?" Arrienye asked, her figure as composed as ever - straight, her head held respectfully high and her hands resting behind her back.

Isha lightly rested her chin on the apex of her fingertips, "Your recent reports have failed to note a particular incident," she said. t'Merek either did not know what she was talking about or else she was obfuscating. "Let me get to the point then," she continued. "Why did you assault a visitor to my territory who had made no threat to me, or to my embassy?"

"She was out of line towards me with her comments," Arrienye told her simply, looking at t'Khellian.

Isha met her gaze, hers just as unwavering as t'Merek's. "Any action within this embassy, or in the station beyond is taken in my name, t'Merek. You should have no opinion on the comments of a bartender, you should have no comments at all on others when you are on duty," Isha observed. She did not want to do this, but she had no choice.

"Tell me, if one of your direct reports made such an assault what would you do?" Isha asked.

"Were it the first offense of an officer under me, I would keep the matter off their record and suspend them from their current duties, giving them less desirable tasks," t'Merek answered truthfully. She had dealt the punishment out already on one of her officers.

"Less desirable tasks?" Isha said through a chuckle, "What on ch'Rihan does that mean?"

"Let us simply say that the maintenance and cleaning crew of the embassy would have a good holiday," Arrienye replied. There was no tone in her voice that could indicate her view on the duties, remaining even and calm.

"And if one of the officers under your command had caused personal embarrassment for your Ambassador, and consequently for your government, what would you then do?" Isha asked her.

t'Khellian was aiming for something, Arrienye could feel it. She was leading her to bringing something into this conversation, without saying it herself. But what? Arrienye gazed at the woman before her for a few moment, her blue eyes trying to find some hint before catching a glimpse of it.

"I would, most likely, deliver some form of corporal punishment." Arrienye said it, meeting the Ambassador's eyes once more.

"Then why should I order less for you when you have brought such on my embassy, and through that, on me?" Isha asked, her chin still floating above her fingertips.

"You shouldn't."

"Perhaps you would like to tell me why this assault occurred," Isha suggested. She needed a moment - Rh'vaurek would normally deal with this, had he been here it would have been dealt with already, but he was away. Isha needed a moment to consider, and t'Merek's reply would give her that time.

Arrienye was tempted to hold her tongue and simply tell the Ambassador to finish this. But, she hesitated, and spoke after a moment. "Ibalin made a rude comment about my House. It was out of line and, I am ashamed to admit, I lost my control."

Isha nodded and finally sat back. "I understand your passion for your House," she said, "but there is no excuse to lose control. I am left with no choice about what I must order," she said.

Arrienye nodded once in understanding before taking the appropriate stance to accept the Ambassador's decision. She had no regrets for her actions. She had acted to protect her House, by her own feelings. However just she felt they had been, they were, as the t'Khellian had said, inexcusable.

"I take no pleasure in this, t'Merek," Isha said, "I am disappointed that you did not make the incident known to me. I find you a loyal, useful and resourceful officer, but I cannot allow you to bring my name, and that of this Embassy into disrepute. I will inform EnRiov R'vek tr'Khelian that he will administer your punishment," she finished, only then did Isha break their gaze.

"Yes, Madame Ambassador," Arrienye accepted, lowering her gaze as well. She was surprised, even if she didn't show it. She had given out a few punishments such as this, she had often wondered secretly what it was like to receive one. It seemed now was that time for her to find out. She couldn't say she was looking forward to this.

As she was dismissed, Arrienye gave the woman before her a quiet, respectful bow and turned towards the doors to leave. Half a meter before it, as it opened before her, Arrienye took a step back. It closed once more and she turned to face t'Khellian. "May I be allowed a question, Madame Ambassador?" Her voice was soft, slightly lacking in the confidence she was known for.

Isha folded her arms. "Ask your question, t'Merek," she said - she owed her that much at least for what he was making her do.

"You are not known between these walls for your harsh nature," she began, meeting her eyes once again. "And I cannot rid myself of the feeling that there is something else behind this decision," Arrienye voiced. "Am I mistaken?"

"You are not in a position to question me," Isha replied, her throat tight. "Sometimes a notable reprimand is necessary, that is all," she said.

Arrienye watched her for several moments. Finally she bowed. "I understand. Forgive me. I have forgotten my place, Madame Ambassador. But now I have been reminded of it," she told her. With another curt nod, t'Merek left t'Khellian's office.

As the doors closed Isha rested her head on the heels of her palms. She may have turned a loyal officer into an enemy, all at the behest of a creature who would attack them both if she did not.

At least this way Isha could control what happened to Arrienye. That was what she told herself as she rose and turned to gaze out into the night.


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian

Arrain t'Merek