Things Past – Not so adult sleepover
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   Not so adult sleepover
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Tue Jan 15, 2013 @ 3:57pm
Location   Holodeck 14 / Deck 34-Crewman Lash's quarters
Timeline   SD57 - 20:00hrs

The first thing Lash did when he answered the door to Kaelin, was to yawn, loudly. A huge thing that wracked his entire body. "Sorry!" he mumbled through the action. "Long long day."

Kaelin raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you sure you're okay?" he asked, looking at him with concern.

"Yes," the word lengthened into another yawn. "just tired." he grinned. "I got to play with klingon poop!"

"Ew." Kaelin's expression changes into one of disgust. "Hope you had a shower."

"SOnic and water and a decontamination." Lash confirmed. "But between you and me. Klingon septic tanks smell better than the actual klingons. Probably more soap in there than on rest of the ship put together."

"You know, coming on this date, I never thought I'd leave it with more knowledge of Klingon septic tanks than I ever wanted. I bet you use this kind of charm on all the people you take out," Kaelin teased.

"Only the special ones," Lash admitted turning from the door and beckoning Kaelin to follow him. "Let me get coffee and we'll go out."

Kaelin smiled, walking inside. "You know, sweetie, if you're so sleepy you need coffee, we can just reschedule," he explained, stepping into his quarters.

"No, no, its okay." Lash shook his head, and headed to the replicator. "I want to hang. Otherwise all I feel I do for the next few days is work eat and sleep until my routine settles again."

Kaelin watched him run about with a fond expression. "Why don't we stay here then? Just replicate some sandwiches, some warm tea and curl up with a vid?" He walked up to Lash, standing close enough to him to wrap his arms around his waist and pull him back against his chest.

"Mmmm," Lash relaxed against him, and the murmur of appreciation sounded more like a purr. "I could stay here all night."

"You can if you want to," Kaelin told him, holding him closer and resting his cheek against the side of Lash's head.

For a long moment Lash stood there, enjoying the warmth. Then he let out a long, loud, and obnoxious snore.

Kaelin laughed, his chest vibrating against Lash's back. "Come on, sleepy," he told him and with one swift move, pulled Lash into his arms, bridal style.

Lash laughed and hooked his arm around Kaelin's neck. "But dad!" he mocked, "I want to stay up late." He made no move to get down.

"Now you're just being naughtly on purpose," Kaelin told him, strengthening his hold on Lash as he carried him into what he assumed what his bedroom. "And this conversation is on the edge of becoming something much dirtier than I anticipated," he added as an afterthought as he gently placed Lash on his bed and went over to the nearby closet. "What do you sleep in?" he asked before opening it.

"On the edge?" Lash raised a slanted Vulcan eyebrow. "If you keep feeding me lines like that its going to swallow dive with reverse pike and twist all the way to the bottom"

Kaelin shot him a small smirk before going over to Lash and leaning over him, resting his knee on the bed between Lash's knees. "We're not going there," he told him casually but with an undertone that showed Kaelin's mind was set. "Now, I'm getting you some pajamas. Then replicating some for myself. Then we're replicating some food and a blanket and lazing around."

"You are such a party pooper. Just because I'm exhausted doesn't mean we can't have some fun." He waggled his slanted eyebrows as that deltan, like a puppy wagging his tail.

"You're too cute for your own good, you know that? And we can have fun. Just not what your dirty little mind is thinking in terms of fun." Kaelin leaned in and gave Lash's lips a small kiss. Going to the closet, he just pulled out some loose shorts that shouldn't be worn in public and a large shirt he couldn't imagine Lash ever getting for himself. He tossed the two to the hybrid before replicating himself some pajama bottoms and a sleeveless shirt.

"Get dressed," he told him, pulling off his own shirt and putting the other one on. He knew neither of them were shy and nothing was going to happen if he didn't want it to, of course. Well, he wanted to, but he knew they shouldn't. The fact that they'd both get to see each other half naked was a plus.

Lash wriggled on the bed to get rid of his trousers and replace them with the worn shorts and then pulled the shirt over his head. It too was worn, and whatever had been printed on it, He didn't hurry, flaunting his skinny body at the Deltan.

Kaelin smirked, watching Lash's little display. He got dressed quickly and leaned back against the closet door, never taking his eyes off Lash's. When the other man had finally pulled on his clothes, Kaelin felt a little tightness in his chest at how skinny Lash was. He was swimming in his assigned pajamas. Okay, so maybe that was an exaggeration, but he looked very skinny, Kaelin just wanted to bundle him up in a blanket and hold him close.

So he decided to do just that for the night. The fact that he could filled him with a sense of contentment he'd never felt before. "Come on," he told him, taking the folded blanket from the bed. "Let's go into the living room. You hungry?"

"I think I could manage to force down some more of those truffles you made the other night."

Kaelin smiled. "I'd have to leave you to go to my quarters and get them..." he trailed off.

"No," Lash chaged his mind about the truffles. "I'll have extract of malt sandwiches. They're in the replicator."

"Okay. You go sit in the living room and I'll get them. Pick out something we can watch. And no action movies. Pick something I'll like," Kaelin told him, giving Lash a small peck on the lips before going to the replicator.

"Rom Com?" Lash asked. "Have you seen the Exchange? Its Risian. Two men have their neural patterns beamed into each others bodies and they try to get the girl the other one fancies to go out with them?"

"Sounds perfect," Kaelin agreed, tapping commands into the replicator. Setting two plates of food down on the table in front of Lash, he got them a large blanket and finally sat down, throwing it over their laps. "There you go, honey," he told him, handing one of the plates to Lash.

Lash snuggled down. "mmm, champion." he took a bite, swallowed. "Computer, play film."

Kaelin smiled at the sight of him. He really was adorable when he wasn't being handsy. He settled down with him, feelings his muscles relax after a long day. He could get used to this. Granted, he'd always been more of a homebody, but he couldn't deny how much he didn't mind. He'd never particularly enjoyed large gatherings or having too many friends to keep proper track of, preferring more intimate gatherings of maybe two or three other people.

As the vid progressed, Kaelin didn't really notice the way he and Lash unintentionally ended up pressed up against each other, cuddled up in a cocoon of warmth from the blanket.

"This is nice," Lash mumbled sleepily, head resting on Kaelin's shoulder, "We should do this all the time."

Kaelin smiled, pressing his cheek against Lash's soft hair, smelling the shampoo and burnt wiring he'd no doubt spent most of his day around. "We should," he agreed softly, kissing Lash's forehead. Feeling the weight on his shoulder getting heavier, he shifted a bit to look at Lash's face. "Do you want to go to bed?" he asked him.

"I thought you'd never ask!" the sentiment was lively, but the tone let Kaelin know Lash wasn't serious. Well, not that serious.

Kaelin smirked. "Come on," he said, standing up and pulling Lash up easily with him. the blanket piling around their feet. As they made their way into the bedroom, Kaelin felt a wave of apprehension wash over him. He hesitated, turning to look at Lash for a few moments. Taking in his disheveled hair, his drooping, sleepy eyes, he couldn't believe it was possible to feel this much for someone. Seeing him in his baggy pajamas, bare feet and scrawny physique, Kaelin could barely keep himself from indulging in his desire to just crawl into bed with him gather him up in his arms.

"Do you think..." he hesitated, swallowing hard. "Maybe I should sleep on the couch..." he suggested, unsure.

"You don't have to." Lash held onto his hand. "Seriously, all I'm good for is sleep. I promise no funny business."

Kaelin smiled despite his nerves. "If you're sure," he said slowly, allowing Lash to pull him into bed and setting behind him under the covers. Turning to lay on his side, he wrapper an arm around Lash and pulled him back to rest against his chest, his arm protectively set over his chest. "Is this okay?" he asked quietly, his breath playing over the nape of the other man's neck.

But Lash was already asleep.

Crewman Lash
NPC by Notty

Ensign Kaelin Niers
Medical officer