Things Past – Meet the CO
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Meet the CO
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Thu Jun 12, 2014 @ 5:00pm
Location   Commanders Office
Timeline   SD102 - 07:10
As the Romulan left the turbolift Isha was slightly bemused that she was allowed to enter ops without question. Isha herself carried the order of appointment to give to Captain Tahir, so despite the secrecy she surmised that somebody, probably Jarred had configured the scanners and sensors to ensure that she was made welcome.

Isha wondered how Tahir would take it - Isha might look different, her long hair cropped into a neat Vulcan style so not to raise the casual eyebrow, and the gowns and robes discarded for a neat, slate grey pair of tight leggings and a 'neru' style tunic cut from similar fabric - but nothing could change her bearing.

A smile played on her lips as she pressed the chime for admission.

Tasha was still busy putting things into an orderly fashion in the commanders office and that was before she could even ask to have the desk moved back to where she preferred it, facing the door. The wall hangings had gone and left the walls appearing bare and cold whilst the few comforts of her office had been taken and placed into storage so there was little for Tahir to relate to in this barren room and though she was a decorative person, she needed to have things in there that would draw the attention away from her at all times.

What annoyed her most of all, was whom had decided it would be better to move the Captains desk to beneath the viewing window onto Ops opposed to its previous position. She pressed the door release button as she slid the awkwardly stacked PADDs into the top drawer and herself into the chair.

As the former Ambassador breezed in, Tasha knew the face but did not recognise her as Isha at first glance but then her mouth fell agape as she tried to say "Isha?" as she rose from her seat.

"Captain Tahir, I'm sure you're surprised to see me after all this time."

Isha paused when she reached the chair opposite. She rested one hand on the back, and with the other she placed the rod on the desk.

She heard her heart rate increase and a familiar flush on her face as the Romulan drew up close to her and with their own personal history, had some cause for concern which she kept to herself.

"This contains everything you need to know, but if you will allow me to take a shortcut, as you say, I am here as your new First Officer by agreement of both Starfleet, and the Stelam Shiar."

The Commander was not yet up to speed in regard of any changes to DS5, except that the rumour of a collaborative command had been bandied about and she had heard whispers in the Box the previous evening but until she read the 'Official' orders, she decided to play dumb to the fact.

"Would you like to view the record?" Isha asked.

Not sure what to do or say or what would be appropriate, Tasha struggled to find the words as she first glanced to the object that now lay unobtrusively on the desk, then to Isha before bringing her attention back to the rod.
Without looking back to Isha, Tasha held her gaze to the object whilst her mind tried to resolve exactly what Isha was presenting and more to the point, what was her angle.

"First officer? Record? View?" She asked before rallying herself and trying to appear casual as she strained to turn herself around on the chair and bring herself to look up to Isha.

The confusion must have been evident on her face as her one hand went to reach for the rod as Isha spoke, forcing her hand to waiver over the metallic cylinder.

"There have been discussions ongoing since before I arrived here as Ambassador. Even though I have long retired it seems my government have one more thing for me to do." Isha noted Tahir's hesitation as she continued, "An exchange program has been arranged between our powers, a Federation Officer is even now introducing himself to a Romulan Commander at an installation of similar import to Deep Space Five, as I am introducing myself to you. It seems that Starfleet requested me specifically."

"Sorry Isha, but I am not fully briefed. I was aware that there was to be a collaboration, but I didn't know I was getting a new first officer. Heck, I was not even aware that Karen had been ...." She was about to say ousted, but just managed to refrain from saying it, settling on "...replaced." She withdrew her hand and via a wipe across her mouth and down her chest, settled both hands palm down on her thighs, forcing them down keeping her legs from pushing her body upright from the chair.

"Captain Tahir, I would have preferred to stay and nurture my colony, but some things must take priority. May I be candid?" Isha asked with a directness that others often found disconcerting.

Having known Isha for sometime, Tasha thought it odd that she would ask for permission having always been confident, forthright and stoic in her responses and Tasha suddenly had a glimpse of the diplomatic side of the woman who was about to stand at her side in running this station.
She felt her chest tighten as she swallowed. "I would have it no other way." She uttered with a little apprehension.

"Had I not agreed to come another would have been found but you would have had on your hands a puppet and a spy. I know that my government expect information, but in forty years of service I have never yet given them anything that could not be found out my simple means."

Her response took Tasha by surprise. It was more honest than she had expected and gave an acknowledging nod.

"There is something further that I would like to share with you, but I would prefer to wait until I have proven that you can trust me. That way, I will know that I can then trust you," she said with a certain amount of mystery.

The captains hands fell from her legs to her side as she rose from her seat.

"Isha, I will be honest with you. I did not expect you to tell me that another Romulan would have been a spy and that surprised me. We have known each other a long time, but we don't know each other personally, only via our relevant jobs. As long as we are both honest with each other, then trust will follow easily." She stated not sure what the future held or how the crew would feel and her biggest fear would be that the crew would rebel against the change. But, with Isha, a well known Ambassador aboard and at the helm, she hoped that the difficult transition would be easier to accept.
She started to turn and locate the replicator and realised that there was no longer one in her office.

"Well, as long as my current attire is acceptable, I hope that you will not insist I wear your uniform. I confess I find it uncomfortable. I will concede to add the appropriate colour to the collar," Isha said running her fingers along the short grey nehru style collar that rose at her throat. "Your decision, of course," she added.

Tasha turned back to look at Ishas' attire and it fitted her well, even as much to give a shape to her bodily contours yet still looking respectable but for the former ambassador, a step down in the fashion rankings and Tasha was no expert in fashion or attire. The most she had done to look lady like, was her wedding dress but now she still often felt dowdy and old.

"If you are comfortable then by all means." She shrugged, "but a colour rank on the collar would spoil the look, in my opinion. The decision on your attire though, must lay with you and your superiors." A wry smile crossed her lips as she admitted a hint of jealousy to herself. "What about quarters? Will you stay with your old suite or move up to the officers deck?" She asked as she yearned for something cool to drink and without the amenity of a replicator, wondered how she would stay the course. She made a mental note to contact engineering and have one re-installed.

Isha turned. "I already moved. I cannot live in an Embassy if I am no longer an Ambassador. Nor can I claim to be part of the Command team if I choose to live apart."

Tasha nodded in concordant agreement. "In that case, I hope that you managed to arrange a room with a view!" She remarked with a grin.

Tasha moved her hands to behind her back and moved towards Isha, the grin dropped from her face.

"Isha, I said I would be honest and so I will be. When I heard that the station was getting a Romulan joint command, it hurt me, went straight to my heart." Her hand thudded softly against her chest as her eyes sought something in Ishas eye. "I felt betrayed." The word betrayed flowed easily. "I have commanded this station for several years, through battles, attacks from within, attacks from outside and each time, this crew and I fought back those who took it upon them selves to put us in harms way." She took a breath and released it as a sigh as she maintained the upward look into Isha's eyes still searching for an emotive response. Nothing was forthcoming, so she continued.

"So, despite my best efforts, we have been thwarted by subterfuge at the hands of both the Romulan and Federation governments, but not by you and not by me and....." Now she paused, taking time to put her words very carefully. She shook her head and reached her hands forward, hoping that Isha would take them. She did but her eyes were puzzled.

"So I could not share this station and I tendered my resignation on the route back, though now I know it is you, I so wish I could retract it." She stated truthfully.

"Whatever did I do do deserve your hatred?" Isha asked, "Except serve my government. I now serve the Reunification movement, though my Government does not yet know that. Do you despise me for that too?"

Isha extended her hands in return and grasped the Captain's reluctant fingers in hers. Not a handshake, but a two handed heartfelt clasp.

"If you ever want to come back, Tasha, Deep Space Five will be here."

The captain could only nod as her eyes welled up with tears. "I don't hate you." She faltered. "Good luck Isha." She muttered as her voice failed to maintain it's level and releasing herself from Isha's grasp, she dashed from the room.


Captain Tasha Tahir


Captain Isha t'Vaurek