We All Fall Down – Inventory Controls
by Colonel James Darson

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Title   Inventory Controls
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson
Posted   Sun Nov 30, 2014 @ 10:50pm
Location   Marine HQ - Cargo Bay 17
Timeline   MD03: 1300

The atmosphere was hectic as Marines swarmed around one of the vast storage bays that inhabited the Marine complex of Deep Space 5. Containers of all sizes and shapes packed tightly together, some the size of breadboxes, others the size of a hundred breadboxes, and all being checked and inventoried to see what gear was inside, and if it could be useful for decontamination of the complex.

Standing on a pile of crates shouting orders to the throngs below was the Marine Quartermaster, 1st Lieutenant Elrik Storn, a smaller than average human with a larger than average voice, “Get up there! Scan every crate, log it in! We need to find some decon or HAZMAT gear! What do we have so far for garments Staff Sergeant?”

One of the beefy Staff Sergeants below started reading off the list, “Sir, so far we have been through approximately 65% of the containers in this zone. We found survival gear and uniforms, BDU’s…not much else. Three crates of PPG-50 THEOG’s, and one crate of PPG-100.

Elrik nodded grimly. The PPG-50’s were airtight suits designed to be worn over regular uniforms on inhospitable planets with extreme temperature environments. However, their multi-layered auto-sealing nature, coupled with a biological and chemical contaminant resistant layer, made them good in a pinch to go in somewhere where a suspected virus was on the loose. The PPG-100 was the big brother of the PPG-50, designed for extreme environments, nothing airborne would be getting in there.

But that wasn’t enough. He was about to raise his voice to that effect, when the Staff Sergeant’s PADD beeped. Glancing quickly, the Marine smiled, “Good news sir! They just found a whole stock of the surgical equipment that we’ve been missing! PPG-230,240,242,250,260! Crates and crates of them. They’re bringing them out of storage now!”

Elrik breathed a sigh of relief, PPG-230 through PPG-260 contained surgical equipment, masks, eye-guards and especially HAZMAT decontamination suits. Exactly what he had been hoping for. Perhaps now that they had found that, they would be able to focus their search.

“What do we have on Medical Supplies?” He shouted, turning to the medical Warrant Officer.

“Sir, we’ve found large reserves of Sterilite (broad-spectrum anti-infective) and Terakine (analgesic). Also found stores of Normal Saline and Atrophine. They’re being rushed to the Medical Staff and Quarantine area right now, under guard.”

“Good. Decontamination supplies?”

“Beyond our normal NBC, not much. But we do have a dozen Emergency Medical Units if we need to put them out on the station, as well as six DCN-5 trailers and two DCN-7” He was referring to the light and heavy portable decontamination stations that could be moved around through the cargo lifts, “Their fusion cores are charged to full, and they have been put at the head of the line…they can be moved at any time.”

“Great!” Elrik yelled as he descended from his perch on the crates, “Alight guys, keep at this, we are not going to let some inventory problems beat us. Get me the lift! We’re going all the way up!”


1st Lieutenant Elrik Storn
Marine Quartermaster