We All Fall Down – New Beginnings
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

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Title   New Beginnings
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Posted   Tue Nov 25, 2014 @ 5:20am
Location   DS5 Docking Ring
Timeline   during Sniper Action
Tag   Steiner, Gabriel
Girauna stepped off the transport and back onto DS5 for the first time since the day she left to finish things with Vassily Ermaine. Well, to try and finish things with that bastard, anyway. He'd slipped her again and State had shut her down, sending her into retirement. They had probably thought that would be it for Girauna, that she would just fade gently into that good night and never be heard from again, and she tried that for a while, it just didn't sit well with her. Her retirement had lasted four days short of one year, then an old friend from Special Branch had told her about a new Marshall Service Field Office on DS5, it was an opportunity too sweet to pass up on. She would report to her new boss, Chief Deputy Steiner, in the morning since she'd arrived very late at night, now she needed to find the place she'd be calling home from now until who knew when...

She walked a bit before she bumped into a familiar face, Petty Officer First Class Michael Farkas. He'd been one of her men when she ran Security during Dorian Gabriel's trial... ~Dorian, there's another unfinished issue...~

"Commander Girauna?" Farkas asked with a smile, hardly able to believe it was her.

"In the flesh." She winked, "How are you?"

"Good, good." Farkas answered, "I heard you retired...."

"Yeah, I did for a while." Girauna replied with a shrug, "It was too quiet, so I came back." She paused for a minute, not really wanting to go into the details about her retirement, "So, seems you got that promotion I put you in for before I left. And another to go with it! Nice."

"Thanks, Commander." Farkas smiled, "And I'm on the list for Chief Petty Officer, a full year early."

"That's awesome, Farkas." Girauna said, returning his smile, "But I'm not a Commander anymore, I'm a Deputy Marshall now."

"So right back into the game, huh?" Farkaas laughed, quite nearly as hard as he'd laughed when he was told she'd retired, ~Some people just aren't cut out for retirement.~

"Yep. Guess I never really left, just took a breather before going back in." She shrugged, she hadn't ever really left, pursuing Ermaine tirelessly as a civilian PI hired by the families of the victims and very nearly having him on more than one occasion though she was never able to hold him against political pressures, "And now I'm off the bench for good."

"That's great, Comm... Deputy." Farkas nodded, he was happy for her, "So, I take it you'll be with us for a while?"

"Yeah, until I can't resist the call of retirement for real." Girauna said, "Got a lot of old business to handle and being back on the job makes it a lot easier."

"Yeah." Farkas sighed, he knew what that meant, just like he knew that was what got her run out of Special Branch, "Look, Girauna, rank aside, friend to friend, please tread lightly."

"Because I'm well known for my light touch, Mike." Girauna laughed, "But I got your meaning. And I'll try."

"Yeah, heard that one before." He laughed.

"So, anyone seen Gabriel lately?" She asked, even if she didn't want to admit it she'd been thinking about him a lot on the trip here.

"Ahh, another member of the 'Not a Commander Anymore' Club." Farkas quipped, though he'd never had any fondness for Dorian Gabriel. Gabriel was a good man, and a good Chief, but about as personally inviting as a great white shark. The fact was Dorian Gabriel was as cold as a Breen's blood but, for reasons he'd never been able to fathom, the beautiful Deltan woman still carried a torch for him, "Yeah, he's around. Anyway, where's your berth?"

"Oh, I'm on Habitat Ring 27, 2708-J." Girauna answered, she knew talk of Gabriel made Farkas, who had always had a bit of a crush on her, uncomfortable.

"That's great, we're neighbors." Farkas smiled, happy to have his old friend right across the corridor, ~Shel probably won't be as happy as I am.....~ He paused, cringing as he thought about his bride of two years who had just given birth to their daughter and still hadn't shaken her baby weight, the gorgeous Deltan he'd been in love with moving in across the way probably wouldn't please her one little bit.

"Show me the way?" Girauna asked.

"Sure thing." Farkas smiled, happily taking her bag from the deck, "Right this way."