Time is Fleeting – Closure (Part 1)
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Closure (Part 1)
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Colonel James Darson & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Commander Bruce Freeman & Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Mon Nov 09, 2009 @ 9:55pm
Location   DS5 Deck 54 Science Lab / Ops
Timeline   SD15 22:00

[Main Astrometrics]

Tovon hadn't seen a busier lab in his life, but then again this was the first life or death anomaly he had been team lead on. He had drafted in all those on the Astrometrics team and several engineers, including Ensign Brosarn and Lieutenant JG Telgar. Tovon felt that the two junior officers were probably the brightest sparks among the Astrometrics crew and knew that their expertise would come in handy. Freeman had also come down to check over the Tempus Array console connections and the power relays.

He had been feeling the pressure of the situation from the moment they had seen the time dilated explosion on the viewscreen in main ops. Now he had to find a way to seal the rupture. He had an idea of how to do it, but things of this type were often nebulous and quixotic in nature. Would his theory actually be applicable to this hole in the space-time continuum. He felt like a quite island in the middle of all the activity, watching the data rolling in on the main computer screen, a giant monitor covering one entire wall of the vast chamber. Slowly he walked up the small set of stairs to the dais on which the main screen stood.

"If I could have everyone's attention please." He spoke loudly so that everyone could hear. Scientist and engineer alike turned to listen. "Thank you. Now I'll keep this brief. We have two teams here. The first, lead by Lieutenant Telgar, are trying to align the Tempus Array to the subspace field fluctuations of the anomaly. The second, which I will be leading, will be converting that data so that we can interpret the results and turn that into a solution for the Commander. Engineering staff are at hand to help with the issue. Well, you all have your duties so let's get this hole plugged."

He descended the stairs again and headed over to where Telgar and Freeman were assessing the status of the Tempus Array and the quick job he had made of connecting the device. He hoped he hadn't caused any lasting problems for the Chief, but he had had little choice. Around him the staff were all heading to their stations and getting on with their jobs. Tovon walked up to Freeman.

"Chief, I hope you have good news for me?"

Bruce stood up from the connection he was working on. "Luckily yes I do. Everything is connected and ready for you Astro boys to use."

"Thanks Bruce, maybe now we can get this flexure closed." He turned to the main computer screen and watched as the data from the correctly connected array started to come in. Thanks to Freeman the whole spectrum of data was fillnig the screen, as were the chroniton fluctuation readings. Telgar came over to Greo as the picture flickered and adapted to the new spatial data streaming in.

"Sir, are we ready?" the Tellarite asked.

"Yes. If you can start to align the Tempus Array with the anomaly. Make sure you eliminate any background radiation and isolate the flexure." Greo knew the lieutenant was a competent astrophysicist, but he had to make sure the basics were covered.

"Yes sir." Telgar replied, heading back to his team of eager scientists.


The klaxons were sounding loudly around the station, so much so that Davies could not stand being on Ops with the noise.

"Cancel those klaxons, please!" He screamed and within a few seconds, a deafening silence befell the circular room.

Davies closed his eyes and rubbed his ears, hoping that he had not suddenly succumbed to a permanent deafness.

"That's better." He said as he straightened up and moved to the first officers side, looking at the station she was manning.

"How is it looking?" He asked, knowing that Tovon was working flat out with Freeman in the Science lab.

"Thanks." Karen nodded rubbing one hand to an ear to indicate that she too appreciated the new peace that had descended. "The read-out here is from astrometrics," she indicated a flickering scroll of figures with a sweep of her fingertip, "They're almost there. I've a lot of faith in Tovon," thinking it not misplaced even if it was based only of a brief acquaintence. "It can work," she added to reasure Davies.

[Main Astrometrics]

Tovon moved over to his team at their stations near the main computer screen. They looked at him ready to accept his orders, even awaiting his instructions in this difficult and stressful time. First though he tapped his comm badge.

=^=Tovon to Davies. Sir I think we might be ready down here.=^=

=^= "Initiate at your will, Lieutenant Tovon." Davies responded as he wrung his hands, hoping with all his heart that this would work.

=^=Yes sir. I'll send through the count down. Tactical will need to fire the tricobalt device on my mark.=^=

Greo returned to his teams watching as the gathered scientists and engineers worked around him. As he moved through the busy throng he felt that he was part of a well-oiled machine, a controlling cog at the heart of a great clock ticking down to the moment of action. He glanced at their confident faces, eager to share in their assuredness. He was still suffering from a few nerves. He was still new to the station, but he had been accepted. Now he had to show that he could deliver the goods.

He glanced over at Telgar. Through some moment of synchronicity the Tellarite looked up at the same moment. Maybe it was chance, or maybe it was the strong organisation of the team as a whole. Either way the two elements were ready at the same time. Telgar gave Greo a thumbs up. Greo stepped on to the dais again.

"People." He announced. Everyone turned to face him. "Well done everyone, we are ready to move on the task of closing the flexure. Lieutenant Telgar has successful attenuated the Tempus Array to the subtle fluctuations of the anomaly and we have been converting this data into a calabrative output for the tricobalt device. We need to monitor and relay this data to tactical. Once we have enough data to account for any time dilation effects we can instruct tactical to fire. Good work, but we still have lots to do."

He descended the stairs and walked over to the central computer. He tapped at a few buttons sending the countdown to the main tactical station in main ops. As the data poured in he correlated this with standard readings for space surrounding the station and all the radiative elements Ensign Brosarn had isolated. He ran a quick simulation, making sure that no elements could interfere with their calculations.

Really he was just filling time. He had checked the figures five times already. When the subspace discharge eminated from the tricobalt device on a particular temporal and quantum frequency it would force the outer edges of the anomaly to reseal. Hopefully.

Data scrolled across the screen. He slammed the comm panel.

=^=Tovon to Davies. The countdown has reached 30 seconds. Please instruct tactical to arm the device.=^=

[Marine HQ]

Darson tapped vigorously at the panel in front of him in the MTAC, quickly sifting through the multiple incoming reports on the monitor. Suddenly, a warning chime sounded from the main viewscreen and a Marine cried out, “Sir! Tactical has armed the device. We are at t-minus 30 seconds.”

Darson acknowledged the technician, then turned his attention back to the status report of the station. As each area was secured it showed up green for safe. About ten seconds later, the whole station had become a brightly colored green icon.

He opened up a comm channel to Ops and said calmly, =^= “Commander, this is Colonel Darson. All compartments report readiness. Station is secure for turbulence.” =^=

[Main Astrometrics]

Greo looked down as the data from Telgar's group grew ever greater on his screen. He tapped expertly at the computers controls manipulating the analysis program that would allow the data to be turned into frequency output for the tricobalt device. As the data came he was using it to make short term projections, which were rapidly proving correct. He checked the countdown. 15 seconds. As the clock ticked down he worked faster and harder to callibrate the programs output. He tapped his comm badge.

=^=Tovon to Davies. 5 seconds to launch. I'll send through the data now.=^= He ran the final projection and sent the data to tactical. It held the theoretical chroniton radiation frequency at which the anomaly would be oscillating in the time it took the weapon to reach the flexure and explode. Well that was the idea. He hoped whoever was standing at tactical knew what they were doing.

Davies felt a flush of pride at Tovon's communication. He looked around the rest of the crew on Ops and he felt that they felt the same.

He tapped station wide.

"All hands. We're about to attempt to close the rift. We do not know what to expect, so you had better hold onto something that's fixed down. Ops out." He said as he silently prayed this would work. Tapping his chest comm, he replied to Tovon.

=^= "We're in your hands Lieutenant." =^= He said with a small amount of humour behind the command.

End of Part 1

SIGNATURES BELOW - Please check ready to post:

Commander David Davies

Lieutenant Greo Tovon
Acting Chief Science Officer

Lt Commander Dorian Gabriel

Lt Bruce Freeman

Lt Cmdr Chelsea Adams

Lt. Colonel James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer
6th Combined Operations Group - DS5

Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer. DS5