Database: Starfleet Diplomatic Corps:

Starfleet has its own Diplomatic Corps, which operates primarily on the far frontier as an interim diplomatic agency until the Federation Diplomatic Service can send representatives to the planet in question. Many members of the Diplomatic Corps serve as military attaches in Federation Diplomatic Service embassies and missions, advising civilian ambassadors on military affairs, pursuing liaison work with local militaries, and keeping eyes and ears open for useful military data.

Starfleet's Diplomatic Corps, one of its most prestigious divisions, often makes first contact with new races and frequently provides the only UFP representative living on a non-member world. They typically settle disputes between member and non-member worlds, supervise the Federation admissions process and serve as liaisons with allied planets, making them the focus of attention throughout the Federation. This front-line work can often be both physically and emotionally demanding. Successful officers in Starfleet's Diplomatic Corps sometimes become members of the Federation Council.

The Diplomatic Corps is overseen by the Office of the Chief of Interplanetary Affairs. From Starfleet Command on Earth, the staff of the Chief of Interplanetary Affairs coordinates its activities with other departments. When a starship makes contact with a new spacefaring species, for example, a report goes to the Diplomatic Corps, which then determines whether or not to pursue diplomatic initiatives. Should a scientific survey uncover a new civilization, the Chief of Fleet Operations will forward this report to the First Contact Division. Any requirements are transmitted up the chain of command to the Chief of Interplanetary Affairs, who then coordinates with the CFO.

Talented individuals might receive a posting to one of the departments associated with this office. The Office of Personnel Management might transfer an officer with a particular talent at negotiation, for example, to Starfleet's Diplomatic Corps. Similarly, those officers who desire advanced training in the diplomatic arts can request admission to the Diplomatic and Exocultural Relations College, a part of Starfleet Academy.

Every fleet in Starfleet is appointed a Diplomatic Corps Advisor, usually of the rank of Captain or Commander. The current Diplomatic Corps Advisor for Obsidian Fleet is Commander Ronny Garber of Earth.

(Sourced from Obsidian Fleet database)

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