Cascade – Duct Tape Won't Fix That
by Lieutenant JG Juliet Dallis & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Duct Tape Won't Fix That
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Juliet Dallis & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Mon Nov 05, 2012 @ 2:10pm
Location   Flight Deck
Timeline   SD70: 12:15

Walking around her Valkyrie, Juliet ducked under the front nose and she made her way over next to the flight deck technician who was looking at her ship. "I did my pre-flight, checked her over and everything looked spot on before I took off. How can the cells be totally drained?"

The engineer kept glancing up from his padd and back at the Valkyrie. On his padd was the Lieutenant's pre-flight checks that she sent to the stations computer before becoming space bound. "Agreed Ma'am, and if the sensors picked up anything wrong with your ship before you left the ship it would of been magnetized to the deck and you wouldn't of been able to leave. So everything checked out. It must of been something that happened to the craft on the mission?" He put down the padd and took a sonic spanner from off his tool belt and started removing the casing from around the ships power cells.

Turning her gaze to the ship she reached up and slide a hand along the hull. "That is all that is left." she mused to herself. then pivoting to gaze at the tech she inquired further. "What could do something like that?" Now she was going, she began to consider the possibilities. Few races they had encountered were capable of such technology but at present none that were a confirmed threat. The Borg, possibly but so far their presence here was not confirmed, all they had was a emergency signal but in the end they had not even been able to do much about that or to rule them out entirely. Was this a by product of the green plasma ball which had been fired at them? Was there more to be concerned about here than just a distress signal? Question after question prayed on her mind.

The tech shrugged "I'm an engineer boss, not a science officer." He held the sonic spanner between his teeth removed the plating and then a couple of hyper wave motivators and pulse funnel units. The now exposed cylinder of the power generator sat in its suspension field, it should of been glowing blue, but nothing was coming from it. "Maybe the blast had some sort of emp element in the plasma?"

"That might do it." she said glancing at the man as he worked on her ship. "How long will it take for you to recharge my baby?"

"Eight hours ma'am" came the echoed response from the engineer who now had his head in side the ships inner-workings. "But we have plenty of spare babies over there..." he said waving his hand in the general direction of the other spare fighters.

"You might want to touch base with whomever is working on Blue's ship from what I hear she was having issues as well. Not sure about anyone else but it is worth a look."

"Yes Ma'am" said the engineer with subconscious nod of his head and in turn banging it against the ceiling. "I'll have our boys take a look at Blues craft, maybe we can find some way to shield the power cells for future mission."

Satisfied that she had done the best she could at this point, Juliet gave the man a nod and headed out of the bay.


Squadron Pilot
Lieutenant JG Juliet 'Radar' Dallis


Engineer (NPC)
(Played By Dan)