Judgement – Honeymooners
by Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Honeymooners
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Tue Aug 23, 2011 @ 9:26pm
Location   DS5
Timeline   SD39 Am

Rick and Chelsea Dunham had been waiting with their bags packed for their clearance to join the Romulan transport that was due to take them on their exotic honeymoon, as arranged as a wedding gift by their Matron of Honour.

There had been 'complications' and a communication had come through to tell them that due to some *Incident of an insurrectional nature* the area of space throught which they had been carefully 'cleared' to travel was now closed to all non-Romulans.

They sat on the end of the bed in the Second Officer's quarters that they had moved into before their wedding, looking at each other.

"I have to be honest...... I was getting a little nervous about all the protocol we might have got wrong on this trip anyway." Chelsea muttered. "What would you like to do now?" she asked turning to look at Rick and catching *that look* on his face.

"NOT that!" she grinned. "I *meant* where...? Should we go to the holodecks and program in a visit to Raisa instead? I know it isn't going to be the same but we can't sit here for a couple of weeks and I'm not ready to go back to work yet. We deserve a *few* days off..... it might as well *seem* to be somewhere different?" she reasoned.

He pouted a little when he realised she was serious and he wasn't going to get *that.* He smiled and got back into the conversation by nodding his agreement. He scratched the stubble of his beard as he pondered deeply on her suggestion as well as a few of his own. He looked very thoughtful. "How about we take the Chelsea and go camping?" It was his two cents suggestion.

Chelsea smiled with enthusiasm. It was a married smile. "Okay! Where shall we go? Or do we just let Chelsea decide for us?" she agreed, thinking she was kissing goodbye to the sun and pleasures of Raisa or the soft sandy beaches of Kalmar 4.... but it didn't matter. Wherever Rick wanted to go, she would be more than happy as long as they were together. ~Besides, she thought to herself, on that little hobby-ship of his, he's sure to want to Technobabble.....~ she warmed to the thought and her smile became mischievous and full of love.

"Let's go!" she said, unpacking their honeymoon cases and re-packing some of the things into rucksacks and smaller cases more suitable for their new, surprise destination wherever it might be.

Rick watched her unpack with a bemused smile on his face. His wife was amazing. ~wow I have wife.....wow I'm married~ It was a warming and heart touching thought and he almost caught himself chocking on the sudden well of emotion he was feeling. He picked up a Padd, it chirped obediently as he pressed a couple of buttons on its touch screen LCARS display, he turned the screen to show Chelsea. It had a picture of the planet he wanted to visit. "How about this one, we camp on one of these tropical islands, its newly charted and so the planet doesn't even have a name yet...and its only eight hours away at warp 7."

It was the image of what she had imagined for the holodeck but it was real. "Rick, it's LOVELY!" she breathed, nestling into his arms and gazing up at him in incredulity. "How did you *know* what I would have chosen? Are you psychic?" she kissed softly at his neck and felt him shiver in response. "Do you think we'll need to put in a flight plan and get permission for the trip? Perhaps that would delay us for a while and we'd need something else to do while we wait for that to come through?" she suggested.

Rick fumbled and spluttered a little over his words as many a distraction was poured down upon him. Op's who didn't have clue what was going on, at first thought it was a static problem over the comm, so Rick had to wait while they 'cleared up the line' then they offered to send a medical team when Rick almost chocked for some reason. After Ricks denial that anything was wrong they finally got the details sorted on the permits and travel plans sorted.

While he was trying to speak to Ops on the comm channel she was still teasing his neck and ears. "What's fair got to do with it?" she whispered to him after the channel closed, reminding him of a situation earlier when she'd made a mock protest and been given that very answer.

Rick didn't say anything. Instead, without a word he reached for the glass of water on the side table, which he then poured promptly over the both of them.

Chelsea spluttered, looked offended for two seconds and then fell about laughing. She shook her long wet hair and sprayed him, laughing and wrestling for the second glass
that wasn't far out of reach behind the first one. She reached herself out to her full length across the side of the sofa arm but as she stretched Rick grabbed her hips and pulled her back into his lap before she could reach the glass. She saw him stretch out himself and struggled free to prevent him, dragging his upper arm downwards by hanging on it, shortening his reach.

All the time they were giggling like five-year-olds, making outrageous claims of superiority and vengence and other nonsensical banter that just made them laugh more until they were two helpless heaps, breathless and wet, horizontally marooned and interwoven with one another's limbs.

"Truce?" Chelsea puffed between bursts of laughter, holding up her hands, palms forward in mock surrender.

"Truce" agreed Rick but he held up a finger to punctuate his next point "but to be continued" he smiled then got up trying to find something to dry himself with as he did. "but in the mean time we got to get packing and get going."

Chelsea took his pointing finger between her lips and pretended she was about to bite it so he withdrew it and stopped punctuating. "I know, I KNOW already but SOMEONE was slowing me down .. and someone has made me wet so I have to go change now too!" she accused, pointing her own finger at him.

Rick smiled with that all to familiar look of mischievousness in his eye, he held his hand up in mock surrender and defeat "Well we seemed to have reached an agreement...perhaps an accord, now as the ranking officer, what are your orders on how we proceed?" He was ribbing her and she knew it.

"If you're taking orders now, Commander Dunham, can I take it that the *we're not on duty here* ruling has been cancelled and then I can have my own way on everything from now on?"

Rick folded his arms he had been bested and he knew it. He smiled and said thoughtfully "Urrrmmmm no....but you can have your way on certain things later" the twinkle was back in his eye. "So i shall re-phrase. Mrs Dunham. My Love. My Wife. Shall we go on our honeymoon now?"

"Yes please!!" she beamed.

It was only an hour later that the Chelsea was launched and less than half a day before Rick was assembling the *tent* they had brought which was a 24th Century technology and which almost erected itself into an awning on the side of the ship which then doubled the size of the craft and installed all kinds of luxuries that had never been imagined in former centuries when the words and concept of *camping out* were first coined.

Rich had landed the Chelsea under a palm tree in the dunes at the back of one of those white sand beaches with still turqoise waters in a bay on the planet Rick had chosen.

Chelsea sucked in a deep breath of the fresh balmy sea air, kicked off her shoes and ran down to the lapping waves, tucking her skirt up on the way down.

Rick who had completed work on the technological marvel that was a 24th century tent came out of said tent holding a small part of the Chelsea in one hand and a optronic pulse emitter in the other. In his shorts t-shirt and hat he propped himself against a fallen tree and began to work on the bit of tech, all the while smiling as he listened to Chelsea splash around in the water.

"Leave that, whatever it is...... you can do it later..... come ON!" she called back to Rick. It was clearly no good. He just waved without even looking up.

"If you come down here I'll show you something." she called seductively but that didn't work either.

"Damn you... MEN!!!" she grumped and tore all her clothes off, hurling them on the sand and running back into the waves until she was deep enough to dive in and swim out.

"What was that dear....." said Rick not even looking up from his work. "I just have to re-align the micro-optic subprogram of this verterium cortenide multi-isolinear directional integrator with this optronic pulse emitter" he called out concentrating on his work and still not looking up.

By the time Rick *did* look up it was just in time to duck having sand kicked at him and all over his... micro, techno, multi whatsitsface just as his naked wife threw herself at him at a velocity that would have made the optronic pulse look slow!


Commander Chelsea Dunham
Second Officer/Chief Medical Officer


Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham
CAG Squadron Leader