Interlude – An Unlikely Ambition - Part 2
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   An Unlikely Ambition - Part 2
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Wed Sep 08, 2010 @ 6:46pm
Location   Anatole's Restaurant
Timeline   SD34
"Well as you have guessed I am in shipping and am always looking for new markets to get into. Also I deal in the design, testing, construction, and sale of various military grade items. Add to that my mining operations and to be honest I could build just about any ship for any group out there. However I deal only with certain races and a great deal depends on the relationship between the powers as to whom I deal with. There is also the little matter of my PMC which I am sure you have at the least heard of. we have done several jobs for the star empire over the last few years." Said Wayne flatly.

He did not give out a great amount of details about himself and would not right away, if ever. After all there were some things that were not anyones business and if a person cared enough most of his service record was an open book.

"The government frequently has cause to contract out certain kinds of work," Isha remarked. "I am of course a private individual, not my government, though as I am sure you are aware I hold a seat in the Praetorate, which gives me a degree of insight into what goes on," she continued with marked understatement.

"I am well aware of your position. heiress to two large estates and a highly regarded ambassador. You see I did a fair bit of research on you and that alone is what made me think that you and I could do some business together or at the very least be friends." Said Wayne calmly.

"Private individual and public persona, then," Isha smirked. "Of course a business relationship with any of the Great Houses would be a somewhat different arrangement to one with the government of the Stelam Shiar. Our needs are both diverse and intermittent, but it has been my observation that it rarely hurts to have friends," she said.

"I can fully agree with you in that regard and it definately never hurts to have a diverse group of friends around you." Said Wayne softly he might not get a business partner out of this deal but he had a feeling he would get a friend and a contact which was just as good.

"So. Mister Bradshaw, you identified an opportunity in this sector, and moved in a month or so ago. Tell me, what is your experience so far of our hosts?"

"Ambassador you really do not want me to answer that question at least not honestly I hope." said Wayne bluntly.

"Why would I want you to answer dishonestly?" she asked her gaze momentarily obscured by lowered lashes. "I too am a guest on this station," she continued as it returned in a flash of green, "I thought we might ... what's the expression ... compare notes," she suggested.

"I doubt my notes will compare with yours but here it goes. With a week of arrivingon the station I was accosted by the security chief who basicly took it on himself to harass me over a cargo that had been examined several times already, that same person took to telling my people what to do and trying to take control of my companies comm system as well as your transporters. In general he had been makeing a royal jackass of himself since almost day one. I have not had much interaction with other members of starfleet aside from a few polite visits early on. Other then that I really can not say much other then what I have seen so far well it does not endear the fleet to me much I would rather visit the marines at least they know how to respect a person for what that person has done as well as for who he or she is." Said Wayne bluntly

Isha chuckled softly, "Ahhhh, the inimitable Dorian Gabriel," she said. "I do hope you have made an official complaint at least?" she asked anything that damaged his character that she could call upon was of benefit to the upcoming case against him. "Are you acquainted with Colonel Darson then?" she asked, "he I consider a friend," though her tone implied that their amicable relationship was governed by any number of untold caveats.

"I reported him the first time and the acting commander basically brushed it under the rug as if nothing had happened. As for the Col. No I have not had the pleasure of meeting the man I have however met his XO and if the Col. trained her well then he is one hell of an officer. One thing I learned before I left the corps was that you could always take the measure of a officer by the way he led and trained his men. What I have seen of the marines on this station leads me to believe then that the Col. is a top notch marine and one that if I were still in the corps I would want as a battalion or regimental commander." Said Wayne calmly

"How interesting," Isha said with utmost sincerity, "Perhaps if you are called on to make a statement regarding Gabriel's activities you would be available?" she suggested. As to his praise of Darson, Isha imagined that his people were either too awed or too afraid to put a foot wrong. "Colonel Darson is a very singular character," she said, "and I believe very good at his job. He was at one time acquainted with my late husband."

"I would honestly love to see his squirm at a court marshal and then dishonorably discharged from the fleet but I will not be on the station for the trial. At lest I do not think I will be. I am leaving in a few days for a tour of sorts. i found that in the corps my commanders were always a little more on their toes and pushed their men a little harder to get that extra something out of them if they thought that at any moment they could be inspected and I intend for it to be the same way in the company." Said Wayne calmly but firmly.

"No matter," Isha said dismissing his regret, "Record a statement and I will use it should an appropriate juncture present itself," she encouraged.

"Not a problem I would be happy to do that and should be able to get it done before I leave and drop it off with you," said Wayne softly.

"How wonderful!" Isha replied, "Ah look this would appear to be our starters. What did you order?" One could tell a surprising amount from the food a person ordered on a menu like this, one might deliberately choose something outrageously expensive, something adventurous or something shockingly conservative.

"What can I say I am just a good old boy from texas so I ordered Texas toast for a starter. It has been to long since I have had the good stuff and well this place makes the closest I have been able to find outside of dallas" Said Wayne cally as he took the inch and a half thigk slice of bread that had been piled with cheese, pieces of meat and spices and took a bite before takeing a drink of the beer he had also ordered.

Isha had never seen such a thing, indeed the very look of it was enough to give her indigestion, but she was too well bred to say that. "A reminder of home," she remarked instead.

Isha herself had ordered from the classic French side of the menu and in keeping her tete de veau came in two dainty stacks, "This is remarkably good," she said, "it tastes rather like quilyr. Have you tried it?" she asked.

"Nope never much cared for anything I could not pronounce." Said wayne as he took another slab of toast from the small stack that had been brought for him.

"Its calf's head, Mister Bradshaw, the cheek is layered with the brains with a very light sauce, based on a dry sherry in this case," she explained tasting the dish. "Poorly cooked it resembles rubber, but they do it very well here."

Wayne looked slightly pale at her discription of what she was eating but to his credit he did not let it bother him much. "Well to each his own I guess." He said as he took another drink of his beer.

"Quite," Isha said with the slightest smirk. "I do like to try new things, if one doesn't one misses out on all sorts of surprises. You know there are very few grazing animals native to ch'Rihan, there is so much forest and sea we eat mostly fish and birds, it was not until I tried Terran Cuisine that I discovered I was a rampant carnivore ... I almost ordered the steak tartare," she continued, "but I had that the last time I came in here."

"Really?" said Wayne. Her remark caught his interest. "Do you think there would be a market for domestic beef in the empire then?" he asked as he took another slab of toast.

"The only significant expanse of grassland is Aihai not far from Ra'tleihfi," Isha said as she finished her starter and laid her fork aside. She took a sip of water before continuing. "Perhaps not for livestock, but the prepared product might find an outlet in Ra'tleihfi, Chula perhaps, and some of the more cosmopolitan towns. One would need to target areas with a population that could afford luxury imports," she mused. "You know some of the nearby colonies do have extensive grassland ... perhaps one of the planetary governors might be persuaded to consider raising livestock, colonists need something to do after all, don't they?" she said with a rhetorical shrug. "That would significantly reduce transportation costs and subsequently the cost of import ... but then one wants to establish a desirable luxury first, something that the populace can aspire to, rather than flood the market."

"I could not agree more. The only reason I ask is that I have a privately owned and operated colony just this side of the old RNZ their main production at the moment is beef both on the hoof and of the butchered variety. I would be willing to sell what that colony produces to the Romulan people by the ton." Said Wayne calmly he did not want to overstep himself but this was simply to good a chance to pass up.

He wasn't one to miss a trick, Isha observed as the waiter removed the starter plates. "I could make some enquiries ... one would not want to get on the wrong side of the rihannen'Galae , but from time to time private companies do receive import licences. Of course there would be the matter of my fee," she added. The fortune Isha had amassed from her own investments equalled anything she had inherited, she was not one to be shy of asking for what she was due.

"Well that would be a given IF we can make this work what would you say to say 50 bars latnium per load shipped to the empire." Said Wayne calmly he knew it would amount to alot but that price pale I know your estates are well off and you do not really need the money but that is better then the standard finders fee for any transaction like this." Said Wayne calmly as he finished off his toast.

"I would say seventy five," Isha replied without hesitation. "I am not offering a mere introduction to the market, but to cut through the copious web of red-tape involved in doing business with the Empire, and to use my Houses to establish the product as something to aspire to." Isha did not necessarily expect him to agree to that figure, but then he did not necessarily expect her to agree to his.

"For a diplomat you are are a sharp business lady so let's cut threw the bullshit 62.5 bars per load for every load shipped," said Wayne he knew his bluff had been called but she could not honestly expect him to cave to her price.

"Sixty five and we have a deal," Isha replied, "I will also purchase two hundred head breeding stock for my colony near the Cariel system," she added as a sweetener. "Oh, don't worry, I wish them to be self sufficient, not to enter into competition," she said.

"Alright 65 it is. I should warn you though it will take a couple years at least to setup a stable herd. I will send you the animals and some experianced people to help get you started," said Wayne thoughtfully.

Isha nodded, "I hardly imagined it would be instant," she said. If powers ever did realign themselves in the Empire, which was always a risk, and Isha found herself on the wrong side, then she wanted somewhere to go. Cariel was part of that safety net, one that she had been weaving for the last forty years, "and your offer of assistance is greatly appreciated," she added with a smile.

"I would do no differant for anyone wanting to get into the cattle business. I happened to learn the hard way that well without some help you make mistakes that can wipe out the whole herd in a matter of a few weeks." Said Wayne calmly he had a feeling that there was more to her request then she was saying but it was not his place to pry into the internal thinking of the star empire. After all they were not enemies anymore.

"Anything that may prevent me from making an avoidable loss is welcome," Isha told him. "So, we've accidentally stumbled on a common interest," she said, "I wonder what else we shall discover."

"Who knows given enough time there might be many more things that we share a common interest in." said Wayne calmly.

"Who knows," Isha said.

"Well ambassador as pleasent as this meeting and the company have been I find I must get back to my office and take care my company. After all I do have to get a herd ready for you as well as line out a couple freighters for beef shipments as soon as you have everything ready. I look forward to this and many more business deals that we can work out togather." Said Wayne softly he had one more surprise for the ambassador. "Please feel free to order what ever you want here and put it on my tab." He added.

What a peculiar man, Isha thought. "Thank you, do enjoy the rest of your evening," she said. Isha was quite comfortable eating on her own in public so she stayed right where she was, her bodyguard lurking in the background and enjoyed her very nice salt marsh lamb.