Things Past – Friendly meeting
by Citizen Min Zhao & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   Friendly meeting
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Citizen Min Zhao & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Fri Jan 13, 2012 @ 10:02pm
Location   BII Offices
Timeline   backpost one week before the current SD
[SS Starfarer]

Miranda Fry glanced over the controls of her shuttle as she approached DS5. DS5 was a bit out of her planned route but at her father's request she detoured to make a stop over and visit an old friend of the family.

Old Friend was more of a misnomer then anything. Bradshaw Enterprises, led by one Wayne Brashaw, was a competitor to Mirella Shipping and had been making inroads into Mirella's business in this part of the galaxy. Mirella Shipping's hold on the shipping in this region, propped up by the Federation Contract's they held, had kept this region free of competition.

In recent years however, younger & smaller firms, like Bradshaw's had begun making inroads into territories traditionally controlled by Mirella. Bradshaw's latest coup, winning a key contract in this sector, opened up a can of worms that Mirella was hoping to close again, by any means if necessary. First though, the lay of the land had to be determined and that's where Miranda came in.


Miranda quickly set a few stray hairs in place before she stepped off the shuttle and set foot on the station. Her shuttle was well known to most of the ground crews of Mirella's various ports of call. Exiting the shuttle bay, she made her way up to the promenade. According to information she was given, Bradshaw's new central office had recently been located on the station, as pointed a gesture as could be made to Mirella.

Entering the offices of Bradshaw Enterprises, Miranda caught the attention of the lady at the front desk. "Is Mr Bradshaw available?"

"That would depend on which Mr. Bradshaw you are referring to ma,am." Said the receptionist politely but coolly as she knew that none of the Bradshaws exactly liked having people drop by unannounced.

"Wayne Bradshaw III." Miranda told the lady. "Please let him know Ms. Fry of Mirella Shipping is here. He'll know who I am and I only need five minutes of his time."

The receptionist hit a com link that went directly to the person in question. "Mr. Bradshaw there is a young lady who says she is Ms. Fry of Mirella Shipping and she is asking for a meeting." Said The receptionist flatly

"Alright tell her I have about an hour before my next appointment and have her come on up." Said Wayne he was a little curious wandering what the daughter of one of his long time rivals was doing on the station and why she would want to meet with him.

Miranda nodded. "Thank you."

[Outside Bradhsaw's office]

Miranda waited quietly in the waiting area beside Bradshaw's office. She'd been in enough of these to know that they were a subtle reminder of how unimportant 'you' were even if you got past the receptionist. After a few minutes, part of the ritual designed to remind you who was the boss, the door opened and Wayne stepped out.

Miranda offered Wayne her hand. "Thank you for seeing me Mr Bradshaw."

"Not a problem Miranda the least I can do for the daughter of a friend is to meet with her when she comes to call. now to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit as I am certain this is not just a social call." said Wayne as they walked into his office and rather then toward his desk they moved to a small sitting area with a coffee table and a couple of chairs a place for informal meetings and a slightly more relaxed atmosphere

Miranda smiled and took a seat. "My father asked me to pop in and say hello to one of his closest rivals. He regrets he couldn't come himself but he's tied up in negotiations with starfleet regarding some trading disputes along the Cardassian border."

"I see well I guess things like that happen when you are trying to stay on top of things." Said Wayne softly more to himself then to anyone else. "care for some coffee by chance." He asked

Miranda politely declined Wayne's offer of coffee. "He asked me to congratulate you on winning the Atheros Prime contract. That was a superb piece of gamesmanship if I may say so."

"that contract was nothing but luck I just happened to be in the right place at the right time and had the ships to do the job." Said Wayne calmly the Contract she was talking about was not exactly one of the better deals he had made but still it turned a nice profit and that was the main thing.

She nodded. "In any event, it'll be interesting to see how things play out. I think you'll find the powers that be on Atheros to be a fun bunch, the Vice Regent especially."

"Thank you I will be sure to pass that little tid bit along to my son next time I see him. Now however as much as I know what we have been doing is all part of the game we call business I must ask just why you came out here yourself. Your father I am sure would not have just sent you out here as a messenger so there is something he wants that he thinks I can either get for him or already have and I have to wander just what that could be." Said Wayne bluntly

"Nothing as far as I am aware. I'm out here mainly to oversee our operations in the sector. To make sure our interests are looked after and our crews are taken care of. And of course to ensure that any gentleman's agreement's are respected." She smiled sweetly. "Our firms have a long standing relationship and I'd hate to see that damaged in any way."

"As would I such damage could have long standing affects on how we do business with each other and with other powers in the area. Though I honestly have my doubts that our interests will overlap at least not for the foreseeable future." Said Wayne calmly "Also next time you talk to your father give him my regards and please pass on a case of 2165 Romulan ale. I seem to remember a bet our families had a long time back and well since we lost I guess we should pay the debt." He added.

"I would be happy to pass that on." She stood up, straightening her dress and offering her hand. "I don't want to take up more of your valuable time so thank you for taking the time to see me Mr Bradshaw."

"Thank you for paying me a visit and please feel free to stop back anytime. Your father and I might be competitors but we are first and foremost friends. I would help him and his family just like I am sure that he would help me and mine if we asked." Said Wayne as he walked the young woman to the door of his office. ~Wander if he told her just who her godparents are.~ Thought Wayne as his mind went back to the day she had been born, he had been honored when her father had asked him be to her godfather.

OOC: Found a couple of cleanups where I'd placed the wrong character name. :) Timeline wise this can take place whenever so if you wanted to place on the current station day, that'd work fine.