We All Fall Down – Helping our own kind
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC)

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Title   Helping our own kind
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC)
Posted   Wed Dec 03, 2014 @ 8:53pm
Location   Dilithium Chamber - Private room
Timeline   MD 3 - 11:30
Dorian Gabriel walked to the entrance of the entrainment established and just studied it for several moments. It was interesting just how much effort Melvyn Raddon had put into creating an business on a station so far from Earth that worked to re-establish an "Earth-feel". The station had a significant number of humans onboard, but they were out-numbered by the growing non-terran population. With the change in command, that dynamic was shifting considerably.

Dorian continued his mental discourse as he stepped to the door and was approached by what appeared to be a private security officer. This man had to be private security, he was not donned in a Starfleet uniform.

"Yes, I'm here to see Mr. Raddon." Dorian replied.

"Do you have an appointment?" The officer replied.

"Do I need one? Last time I checked this place was for any and all humans to enjoy themselves." Dorian replied flippantly. He took a moment to size up the younger man. Although Dorian had a few years if not a decade on him, he was certain that a confrontation between them would not be clearly decisive.

The guard was prepared to respond when he received a message in his ear. He listened intently for several moments before giving a final nod. He turned to Dorian and gestured inside of the establishment.

"Mr. Raddon will see you now, please follow the guide." He said as he gestured towards a young woman, dressed conservatively, but with an inviting smile. "She'll lead you to your meeting." He said.

Dorian nodded with a smile as he walked past the man and made his way towards the woman. "Well, well, well, I'm already starting to feel welcomed." Dorian said to the woman, attempting to establish a rapport.

"I'm sure you are, Mr. Gabriel." The woman said with a distinct accent. If Dorian were to guess he would have detected the accent was East Asian. He never took time to learn specific Terran languages such as Mandarin, but he could still recognize the accents within his fellow humans.

"From your accent I'd guess you're fluent in Mandarin?" Dorian said as they made their way towards a private room.

"Shanghai Province, to be exact." The woman stated as they made their way through the sliding doors. She waved a hand over a nearby console and the walls shifted as its privacy-features were activated. To her immediate right was a long conference table with holographic interface. Along the walls were various portraits from various Human artists that Dorian could recognize. In fact, one portrait captured a scene from the Breen Invasion of Earth, particularly the raid on Paris, France.

Dorian was lost in observing the minute detail within the painting when a voice behind him startled him slightly.

"I hope the view is to your liking. . ." The older gentlemen said as he made his way into the spacious conference room. Dorian stopped to observe the recent for his being here. Dorian expected to meet a much larger looming figure with a billowing cape flowing behind him. But instead he was met with an articulate elderly human who had a flair for sartorial elegance.

"The Raid on San Francisco cost us 22 million lives," the older man said as he stood beside Dorian. "And that's not even including the vessels that were lost defending the system at Neptune and then Mars." He added. "However, this portrait does its best to encapsulate the heroic sacrifice that was made on that day." he said solemnly.

"But, there will be time to reminisce at another time." He said as he turned and made his way to the table. "Thank you Ms. Zhao, if there is anything further needed, I'll be in contact." He said as he took a seat.

Dorian watched longingly as the woman made her way out of the room. His glance lingered until he was interrupted by the older gentleman. Dorian turned to him and noticed him smiling.

"Business first, Mr. Gabriel" He said as another gentleman entered the room and the doors closed behind him.

"I'm certain you are wondering who we are and why we brought you here. First, my name is Melvyn Raddon, I am the CEO and Founder of Raddon Corps." Mr. Raddon said casually. "And my companion here is Rene Babeu, a resident of the station who has been assisting me in several matters onboard." He added as he reached for a cigar and began to light it.

Dorian continued to observe the two humans before him without responding or giving any comments of his own.

"Mr. Gabriel, I need a man like you to help me." Mr. Raddon said before taking a drag on the cigar in his hand. He held the smoke within him for several moments before gently blowing it out.

"Why? You are a major contributor of Dilithium to numerous Federation planets. Clearly, you have every Federation Ambassador at your beck and call. What would you need with me?" Dorian asked suspiciously.

It was this moment that Rene took the opportunity to respond. He leaned forward as he rested his hands on the table.

"You've noticed how things have changed on this station, and when i say change, I mean for the worst." He started. "Humans have continued to matter less and less with every subsequent administration." He said. "Commander Davies, Captain Tahir, one by one the human leaders on this station have been removed in favor of some alien interest." He listed.

"You were our Chief Security Officer and look at how you were summarily removed from office." Mr. Raddon added in between puffs. "Now we have a feckless Trill placed in your position, and that's assuming we aren't experiencing our usual carousel of officers in that position." He continued.

Dorian was listening intently, but he still was not certain with why they needed *him*. Of course the station had begun to demonstrate a distinct anti-human undertone in the years that he served as Chief of Intelligence, then Security. However, with his departure for close to four years he had realized that things had actually gotten much worst.

"I hear what you are saying, but I don't understand what I can do." Dorian replied. "I don't have security clearance, I don't have a uniform, hell, I barely have credits to pay for thins drink!" Dorian said with a slight hint of frustration as he took a sip from the glass before him.

"That is irrelevant, Mr. Gabriel. I need your assistance because you have experience and contacts on this station that can help me." Mr. Raddon said as he put out the cigar before returning his gaze to the younger man. "I am working on a highly guarded project within my company while onboard here and my vessel, The Matthias. I need to know that I will not have to deal with interference from Federation or their alien puppet-masters." Mr. Raddon said with firmness in his voice.

"What I hope to accomplish will benefit the human race is ways not seen since Zephram Cochran's warp test." Mr. Raddon said proudly.

"We'll need you because you know how to handle the locals, plus the other humans around this station trust you to do what is right for your own kind, not what's politically convenient for aliens who would love nothing more than to shutdown this station and evict us all." Rene interjected casually.

"In return, you'll serve as an employee for my company with all of the same privileges as anyone else." Mr. Raddon said. "With that being said. . .will you help me?" He asked.

Dorian sat back in his chair and thought for several moments. Part of him wanted to think about the situation; however, another part of him seemed to trust the elder man for an inexplicably reason. He trusted him enough to go along with his plan.

He stood up and extended his hand. "Well, Mr. Raddon, it looks like you have a deal."

Mr. Raddon stood up in response and embraced the young man's hand. "Indeed, it looks like I have a new friend as well." He smiled warmly. "Now, please, go enjoy yourself." He said as he gestured to the rest of the entertainment venue.

"Do you think he'll be able to do what we need?" Rene asked as he stood and began to leave.

"I have faith in Mr. Gabriel, I have faith that he'll soon recognize his full potential." Mr. Raddon said with a sense of certainty.


Dorian Gabriel
Former Starfleet Officer

Melvyn Raddon
CEO Raddon Corps

Rene Babeu
Concerned Human