Things Past – Arrival And Opening Of A New Business
by Arrival James Scott & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Arrival And Opening Of A New Business
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Arrival James Scott & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Mon Oct 15, 2012 @ 9:02pm
Location   STRS Loch Ness/DS5 Main Ops
Timeline   SD58. 12:45
OFF: Writing my arrival.

ON: James sat happily on the bridge of the Loch Ness. He couldn't help but be eager for his ship to arrive at Deep Space 5. He knew that once it arrived, he would need to open the offices for his business and get it up and running. This convoy consisted of his ship, relatively heavily armed, and about ten other lesser armed ships. His would be the only one to dock. The others would utilize their multiple docking capacity to form a temporary base near the starbase for whatever research they may need to do. This temporary facility would later be replaced by more heavily armed ships as they became available but could take quite a long time for it to become such.

While interlocked, their shields would only be able to function in a very light capacity and their weapons wouldn't function at all, even with the more heavily armed ships it worked this way, thus allowing and requiring them to undock from each other, basically disassemble the station, in order to commit to a more stable and solid defense. Since each ship functioned as its own independent laboratory with seals, lockouts, and classified codes, at least classified within the company, it allowed for them to remain independent and reduced the risk of any shipboard personnel being trapped on another ship as each lab handled something different from the others, even when working on the same project, each lab handled a different aspect, thus keeping all the information separate except from the central lab, which in this case would be the Loch Ness regardless of which type of station was put together, so that should one ship be destroyed or captured, only a tiny piece of information would land into enemy hands.

The Loch Ness was, as James' flagship, and given that he was the CEO of the corporation, the central command ship for the Scottish Technical Research Corporation within this sector of space. As he was in charge of their operations in this sector, regardless of if he was on DS5 in the offices or on the Loch Ness in their lab, he was responsible for ensuring the smooth and total operating efficiency of all STRC operations in this sector, which at this time, consisted only of his ships and the facility they would form. As he sat pondering, he heard the announcement from his operations officer, "Sir, we are now entering visual range of Deep Space 5. Shall I hail them?"

"Yes, please do hail them," he responded as he looked at the STRC uniform on the relatively young lad. The uniforms had been designed to indicate seniority within the ship, and was structure in a clear chain of command way with no one holding the same insignia on their uniforms at all. All ships did this, and then further, each ship or facility insignia on each uniform also demonstrated a clear chain of command. His flagship, the Loch Ness, took priority over all only after the Earth-based Corporate Headquarters insignia. He wore both insignias on his uniform as he was in charge of both whether present or not, thus placing him in charge of all. What this meant was that should corporate headquarters fall, command of all STRC ships, operations, and forces would then fall to those on this ship and that as personnel became incapacitated, command would then be organized by the seniority structure.

It was a nice, smooth, and efficient system, he had found. As the young officer hailed the starbase, he waited for a response, and shortly got one. "STRS Loch Ness, this is Deep Space 5. How may we assist you?" asked some junior officer on the station.

"This is James Scott onboard the Loch Ness. I have a signed contract with Starfleet Command which grants me authorization, strictly with the approval from your Commanding Officer, to dock with your Starbase and establish an office for my corporation onboard the station. However, it also leaves several things left as requirements for discussion strictly between myself and the Commanding Officer. Due to the requirements of express authorization from the Commanding Officer in order for my ship to dock, as expressed in this contract, I request to speak with her as soon as possible," said James quietly.

"Loch Ness, please hold position and hold the channel until we get back to you," came the response right before the Federation Logo appeared back on the screen indicating that they had been placed on hold until the channel could be opened again or became closed.

Why would no-one observe the travel restrictions to and from local space! For the third time that morning Karen almost voiced that thought out loud. SHe had a backlog of calls and appointments, and with Tahir out of commission she was picking up slack for the Captain until further notice.

Karen quickly tipped her latest espresso down her throat and returned the cup sharply to the replicator before retreating to her office to take this new arrival in hand.

"STRS Loch Ness, this is Commander VIlliers, state your business."

"Commander Villiers, I have a signed contract with Starfleet Command authorizing me to establish an office for the Scottish Technical Research Corporation on your Starbase. It also authorizes the establishment of a Research Facility near your Starbase but not on it.

"The Research Facility would consist of a series of our corporation's ships all docked together to form the facility, thus allowing easy undocking in the event of a combat situation. The contract has several terms that require that they be negotiated and signed off on with either the Commanding Officer of Deep Space 5 or the acting Commanding Officer in the event that the Commanding Officer is unavailable.

"Among the things negotiated in the contract is that the facility and any research it does here will only be related to Starfleet and your Starbase and that no one on any of our 'foreign' projects is to know anything regarding it and those that do are to be required to an oath of silence regarding it and also an oath to not use any of the information regarding it in their research projects for such foreign powers. I would like to dock with your Starbase so that we may discuss this further in person and go over each clause requiring signature one at a time," said James calmly. "Unless you'd rather I send the entire contract to you and that we discuss it over subspace while my crew and ship sit here twiddling our thumbs?" he added with a grin on his face.

"I'd prefer to review the contract first," Karen replied blandly. Your crew are going to have to twiddle their hearts out she thought as she did so. "We have a ... an issue with transporter function at present. If you'd care to come over in a shuttle, at impulse with a few of your team we can make a start on those clauses. As well as deputising for the Captain I'm also the JAG officer in these parts," she added. Any contract would go by her even if Tahir was present.

"I'm sending you the contract now," he said. "As for shuttles, I will use my personal shuttle to come over to the Starbase," he added. "The sections requiring Command approval are sections 3, 7, 25, 29, 326, 379, 576, 978, and 1056."

Karen nodded, unsure how well visual transmissions were currently operating even at a local level - the interference seemed to fluctuate - the signal coming from the Loch Ness appeared sound, but were they achieving the same in outgoing transmissions?

"Please transmit the necessary documentation and we'll clear your shuttle for berthing. I'll authorise a fast-track, as we don't want everyone's thumbs wearing out before we get the detail out of the way. Meeting scheduled for 14:30, that will give me ample time to review the stated clauses," Karen added. Though by that time her dedicated team between them would have digested, reviewed and precied the entire document and highlighted any 'complications' that those clauses might cause or disguise.

"All of our documentation has now been sent Commander, and I'm about to depart to come over to the starbase," replied James. By his estimates, it would take an hour to an hour and a half to reach the starbase and dock, leaving just enough time to evaluate the business area of the station and scout for potential locales before his meeting. It would also give him a chance to gauge the climate of the Starbase and see just how conducive it would be to his new business and the well being of his personnel.

"Very well," Karen replied. This day was getting worse and worse, but she'd get through it, and maybe put it to bed with a holodeck run through one of the more rugged Bajoran valleys - if the holodecks were still functioning that was! "I'll receive you in the JAG suite as arranged. You'll find us on Deck 56."

As his shuttle docked with the Starbase, James felt the thrill of knowing he'd arrived. However, due to some minor engine trouble, he was arriving with just barely enough time to reach the JAG suite. He hoped it was alright. Very promptly he reached the turbolift and said, "Deck 56," before it started moving.

As it dumped him on deck 56, he tapped the wall panel and had the computer display the route to the JAG suite for him. The flashing panels with the arrows pointing the direction made it easy to find the place. Arriving, he tapped the wall chime and waited.

The door slid open and on the other side a uniformed woman, very petite, a delicate face, and with an unfeasibly billowy cloud of blonde hair around her shoulders that almost balanced out her bust came into view.

"You must be Mister Scott," she said in a businesslike tone that contrasted oddly with her appearance. With a nod she continued as she trotted along just ahead of the visitor, "If you'll follow me Commander Villiers is waiting for you. This way," she finished ending her step just before the double doors and stepping aside allowing him to enter.

"Thank you," he said as he began to head through the double doors. Once he got inside, he looked at the woman who was waiting for him, and he said, "Thank you for seeing me, Commander Villiers. Shall we begin?"

"Help yourself to a drink, Mister Scott," she said as she placed her own on her side of the desk, "then you can take me through the paperwork." She indicated a stack of actual papers on her desk - Karen had gone old school here (her preferred method of reviewing any document). A hard copy with salient clauses highlighted, and marker tabs pepping out from between the leaves.

"Ma'am," said James as he grabbed glass of whiskey and sat down, "The first point I wish to discuss is the establishment of our research facility's laboratory base outside of the station. It is up to whoever is in command of Deep Space 5 to determine where the facility is to be established as well as the maximum size permissible for the facility. Additionally, since the facility will require only minimal defensive coverage from Deep Space 5, it is up to the Commanding Officer to determine just how defensible such a facility would be," he said as he contemplated the points he wished to discuss in sequence.

"The maximum size, as I'm sure you're aware if you've been through the proper channels is detailed in the handbook. If you're looking to go beyond those bounds, you'll also be aware that such decision is down to the authorised officer, in this instance me," Karen replied in a tone as smooth as the last espresso she had drunk.

"You'll also be aware that activities in your proposed facilty, should they be of a sensitive nature are subject to full security measures due to the proximity of the station. You as the operator will be responsible for engaging and organising a security team to protect your facility. Each member will be subject to acquiring Starfleet level clearance and will at all times defer to orders from Deep Space Five."

"I'll await your response," Karen said.

She nodded as the man departed, unsure if he'd be able or willing to perform the somersaults necessary to establish such a venture.