Unity – As Diplomatic as Unwanted Green Tea
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   As Diplomatic as Unwanted Green Tea
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Tue Dec 29, 2009 @ 5:03pm
Location   DS5
Timeline   Undisclosed (SD16 circa 17:45)

As her ship approached the station Isha resumed her pacing; still under cloak the lights were dimmed and the deep thrum of the engines barely penetrated her suite; they would not declaok until the Dhelan entered the vast interior docking bay of Deep Space Five, and by arrangement between the two governments the presence of the Norexan was to be kept on a need to know basis and the movement of the crew restricted to the Romulan Consulate.

Isha felt no qualms about the task the Praetor had charged her with, and having delivered justice on her son and her late husband's brother it would be a comparative joy to see Dorian Gabriel convicted of the murder of Doctor Kurann and his assistant.

True, until the case was closed she would be unable to resume her duties as ambassador; that status implied a certain neutrality, but Rh'vaurek was more than capable of acting under her guidance. Isha imagined the consternation that her return would cause in certain quarters, and already she had given orders that she was not to be disturbed on her return to the Consulate; she had a case to prepare and the attentions of friends and enemies alike would prove a distraction. Much easier to withdraw until necessary.

First she had an appointment with Commander Davies.

Davies had barely settled back into his office when the notification light on his comm panel caught his attention. He pondered for a moment as his finger hovered over the amber light before falling to touch the panel.

=^= "Commander Davies, go ahead." He spoke with his usual authoritative tone to those he didn't know was calling.

"Ambassador Isha t'Khellian, Commander Davies," she said, still in her suite on her ship. "If you check your schedule, you will see that my government has arranged a short meeting between us. My ship has docked but I require a site to site transport to bring me to your office - you will understand when I speak with you why I wish to keep my presence unknown for a day or two."

Davies tapped at the display, calling up his schedule as he was not aware of any changes, but sure enough, there was a insert for Romulan Ambassador - 15 minutes.

He cocked his head a little and responded.

"Very well Ambassador, I shall arrange transport shortly." He tried to keep his voice clear and professional. "Do you require anything upon your arrival?" He enquired tentatively as he summoned Harris to his office.

"Nothing Commander," Isha said. Her caution was not unjustified, there was more than one group who might find her assignment against their interests, and the starfleet facility would be the ideal place for a disgruntled House member to make an attempt at revenge. "When we are finished talking I would appreciate it if you would have me transported to my embassy."

"I will make the arrangements at once ambassador. Davies out." He replied as Harris entered.

"You called sir?" Bill stated as he strode to the Commanders desk.

"Indeed. I need a site to site transport from the Romulan Ambassadors ship that has just docked and this is to be kept to security clearance Alpha. Then upon my signal, the Ambassador is to be transported to her consulate." Davies ordered as he clasped his hands together.

"Sir, if I may, that is not the easiest thing to arrange." Bill responded, taking a seat opposite David without an invite.

Davies' brow furrowed. "Why not?" He enquired.

"Well, as you know, with Commander Gabriel in the brig and heightened security measures in place, I don't have the necessary clearance to operate a covert site to site transport." Harris advised in a plain tone.

David pursed his lips and tapped at his console.
"Mmm, I see your problem." He scratched at the end of his nose. "Well, if we make an addition in your position to Captains Yeoman and promote you to Lt JG, as a temporary measure, then that will give you enough clearance, but I am trusting you to keep this to yourself, do I make myself clear?"

Bill nodded reservedly, as this was a rather unusual request for Davies to ask of him. "Yes sir, it will suffice, but if I may be so bold, why does the Ambassador require such secrecy, after all, he could arrange this from his own ship to his consulate then on station site to site would not be a problem." He stated.

"I intend to ask HER when she arrives. So for now, just carry out my request Lieutenant Junior Grade Harris." David said sharply as he made the alterations to the stations log for Bill.

"Aye sir." Bill said in standing, "immediately." He turned and headed back to Ops.

David watched as Harris exited the office and then moved around the desk and closed the door.

"Computer, lock entrance door and instigate level 1 security measures on this room. No audio or visual logs." He ordered as he stepped over to the replicator and ordered a green tea for the ambassador and a cream coffee for himself and made his way with the drinks balanced in each hand, laying the beakers onto the table.

=^= "Sir, transport initiated." =^= Harris' voice spoke quietly over the comm.

=^= "Acknowledged." =^= Davies replied and tapped his panel, cutting off any communication as the shimmer of the Romulan ambassador appeared a few feet from his desk.

This was not the first time Davies had met Isha t'Khellian and he had hoped that during the Romulan attack a few days previously, that she had left for good. He had a feeling that her return was to mark another series of events yet to be disclosed.

He stood, pulling at his tunic as Isha approached the desk.

"Welcome back Ambassador. Green Tea?" He signalled to the steaming cup with an open hand.

"Thank you, Commander," Isha said linking her fingers together in front, "but I am adequately refreshed. You must find my measures most unusual, but given recent events they are necessary. When one takes decisive action against one's enemies one is wary of repercussions." She referred to the events within her own family, but that was not what she was here to talk about. "The unfortunate attack on this station led by my son and his conspirators has had proven a most positive juncture and has opened dialogue between the Empire and the Federation in a manner that was not previously possible. One of the results of that dialogue is that certain information pertaining to an unresolved murder case has been shared."

"Well that answers one unasked question." He stated rhetorically as he sat, "but then I have to say that I don't think the bringing about a charge of murder on one of my crew is really the way forward to resolving issues that were brought about by the attack of your own family upon a Federation station," He raised his hand seeing that Isha was about to defend herself, allowing himself to finish. "BUT, I understand the need for closure. Commander Gabriel is currently confined on the brig, but I fully intend to use all of my resources to have this charge dismissed." He spoke evenly and clearly, his face holding plain, giving not too much away.

"I must commend you on your alacrity, Commander Davies. Dorian Gabriel is a flight risk, and his incarceration has negated that risk. He will come to trial."

Davies guffawed at her statement. "Trial. Ambassador, forgive me for my crudeness, but this ludicrous charge of murder, who exactly is it that Commander Gabriel is accused of murdering?" He enquired as he moved himself to the edge of his chair.

"Why the murder of the eminent scientist Doctor Kur'ann, and his Nausicaan assistant." Isha emphasised that, knowing that Davies was aware of the antipathy Gabriel had shown not only to the Romulan population but the the former Chief of Security; it was irrelevant to Isha that the release of the new data served the purposes of someone in the Federation who might want Gabriel out of the way, for it served the Empire's purposes too. "The case was unresolved. New evidence has been brought that will lead to the conviction of the murderer. On behalf of the Praetor of the Rihannsu Stelam Shiar I demand that Dorian Gabriel is delivered into our custody to stand trial for the murder of Doctor Kur'ann."

Davies flopped backwards into his seat, taking his coffee with him and raised it to his mouth, but he did not drink any.

"Do you seriously believe that I would let a member of my crew be released into Romulan hands so that this charade can be carried out in a Romulan court, away from Federation help and resources?" He pressed, "I think not. If a trial is to be held, it has to be on common ground in an open court." He stated.

"I am not unreasonable, Commander Davies," Isha said, "I have the authority to conduct the trial here, with the proviso that you will comply with the verdict. You may appoint Gabriel's defence ... if you can find anyone willing to speak up for him that is," she added.

He was shocked at her response. He had not expected her to offer to hold the hearing upon DS5.

"Err," He stammered, "That sounds dandy to me." David said off the cuff, but he still had reservations. "As for defence counsel, I am sure that we shall be able to find someone who will have an unbiased judgement to stand for him, after all, his service record since rejoining starfleet is excellent and as his CO, I found him diligent, considering all the events that preceded." He now took a sip of the coffee and it was already cold and skinned. Pulling a face, he set it back upon the table.

"But what of your own feelings towards Gabriel?" He enquired seriously. "I understand that you have a personal dislike for him and he for you, surely that can only lead to a conflict of interest? " He said, but was thinking;
~ With the fact that your own family just recently murdered numerous federation citizens, will you be accountable to those charges I wonder? ~

"Feelings?" Isha was visibly astonished, "I have no feelings toward Gabriel," her eyes narrowed slightly. Isha could not read minds but she could read people, "Your government have declared themselves satisfied with the compensation they have received, Commander Davies if you would care to check, and the perpetrators of the attack on this station, including the members of my family involved have been executed. That matter is closed, regardless of your own personal feelings," she added with a slight smile.

Isha was in a dangerous mood, the ruthlessness she had displayed in bringing her own family into line had not subsided, and in dealing with her own conflicts on the matter she had repressed her doubts, leaving Isha with an icy certainty. "Romulan justice is not a charade, Commander Davies - we deem Gabriel guilty of that crime, if you think that you can prove his innocence, when previously suppressed evidence that has been provided by the Federation itself suggests his guilt, be my guest."

He could see that he had managed to unease Isha somewhat and he smiled back at her.

"I am just a human with very strong feelings for my crew Ambassador, but if my own government has released details that SUGGESTS guilt, then who am I to stand in the way." He shrugged his shoulders still holding the smile on his lips as he tapped the preset signal key on his console to prepare Harris for the next stage of their covert transportation. "I take it that we have nothing more to discuss presently?" He asked as he stood.

"My ship will remain under cloak in your internal docking bay, if the verdict goes our way then it is in all our interests to keep the matter of extradition as low key as possible," she said, "her crew will not be making use of the station's facilities. Until this matter is resolved the erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol will continue to act as Ambassador rather than myself; it is to him that you should address any matters that are not pertinent to Gabriel's case. Inform me of his representation and I will inform you when proceedings are to begin," she added. "I thank you for your time."

"Of course." Davies said simply as Isha moved backwards away from him to her original position.

"Computer, enable communication to Operations and signal Lieutenant Junior Grade Harris to commence." He nodded respectfully at the Romulan ambassador.

Isha returned the nod and shimmered as the transporter beam took her, leaving only a suggestion of her perfume in the air.


Commander David Davies

Isha t'Khellian (NPC)