Judgement – Returns and Considerations
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton

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Title   Returns and Considerations
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek & Lieutenant Bridget Stapleton
Posted   Sun Jan 30, 2011 @ 3:55pm
Location   Sickbay
Timeline   SD36 - 1230

The Infirmary had been incredibly quiet and calm, apart from a few cries from the Pediatrics department, and everyone was comfortably silent, keeping to their business. The atmosphere was relaxed, while maintaining a profession air, as usual.

It was a couple of hours into Bridget's shift that the nurses' station became a bit more active and one of the younger nurses was pushed towards the door of the Pathology lab, through which Kaelin had stalked earlier that day. "Okay," she finally told the rest, shaking her head at them. The others laughed and then went on with their business. Eventually, the girl walked back out and went to the replicator. "Doctor Stapleton? Can we get you anything?" she offered, calling over to the older woman as she stood by the replicator, already typing something in.

"Thank you, I'd love a cup of anise tea," she said, looking up at the young nurse with a smile.

Nodding, she typed in the order and smiled as Bridget walked over. She handed a steaming cup to the older woman. "There you go, doctor," she said with a perky grin. The girl just seemed to be bubbling with enthusiasm. Then the doors of the Pathology lab swished open and Kaelin stepped out, in his white lab coat over his uniform. Her smile doubled, if it was possible. "Yay, the creature of the Black Lagoon has finally risen from it's pit," she said in mock-theatricality, causing Kaelin to roll his eyes. "You're crazy," he stated, a kind smile taking over his features.

"Yes," she nodded. "But I'm your kind of crazy," she decided, taking a padd with a patients chart and the other cup before handing the latter to Kaelin. "Here you go. Absolutely healthy and disgusting, just the way you like it."

Kaelin laughed, "Thank you very much," he said honestly and she shook her head. "Uh-uh," she scolded before standing next to him and tapping her cheek with the tip of her index finger. The taller Deltan chuckled before leaning down and kissing her cheek. Finally satisfied, she smiled and strutted towards the intensive care unit.

Bridget had quietly observed the interaction between the two, and at the kiss on the girl's cheek, an eyebrow went up her forehead. She looked up at Kaelin inquiringly, over the rim of her cup.

"I didn't realize members of our department were on such familiar terms, Doctor Kaelin," she said, her tone light.

Kaelin turned his head to look at the Doctor, noticing her for the first time. He smiled, looking back to where the nurse had gone. "Oh, Gwen and I know each other a bit better. She's dating my roommate," he explained, sipping his latte. "So, we spend more time together than most."

"That explains it, then. Though, I must say... " She paused, smiling and framing her words in such a way so as not to give the impression of offense. "Between giggling young ladies who demand kisses from pathologists, to outrageous tantrums by the Chiefs of Surgery and Security -- well, this department has had enough drama and comedy today to fill an episode of a social opera." She lightly shook her head, still smiling, and took a sip of her tea.

Kaelin nodded, laughing. "You can say that again. It occasionally gets dramatic here like that," he explained before adding, "And Gwen doesn't demand kisses from pathologists. Only me," he smiled.

Bridget chuckled. Tipping her head to the side, she gave his face an appraising look. He definitely had nice eyes. "You know, now that we're standing here talking, I want to take this opportunity to apologize to you. We didn't meet under the most congenial of circumstances," she said, referring to their discussion with Trellis the previous afternoon. "And I can be," she smiled a bit sheepishly, "very headstrong at times." He had confronted her when Trellis had all but ordered her to do a second autopsy, and she had snapped at him when he questioned her ability to do the procedure.

At her apology, Kaelin took on a more uncomfortable stance. He shook his head. "Don't worry about it, Doctor. There's really no need to apologize. And being headstrong is alright, as long as it isn't mixed with arrogance. And, in your case, it isn't," he said kindly with a smile. He obviously wasn't used to people apologizing to him, as he was never one to complain openly about anything or demand an apology. Sometimes it was just easier to take things as they were, and hope they eventually improve. At least, when people and social situations were involved.

"You're very kind," she inclined her head, giving him a slight nod that said the issue was resolved. She visibly relaxed a bit; there had been a tension in her mind about it, and now that it was over, she let out a mental sigh of relief. ~But now what to say to him?~ she asked herself.

"You said you had a roommate? I thought that officers were assigned their own quarters." Not that a roommate was anything negative, just that it seemed unusual.

"Well, Ensigns are usually put together. Unless they're married or something," he shrugged his shoulder. "But, funny enough, on my last assignment, I was also rooming with Phillip. Apparently, a few months after I left my last posting, he was transferred. And, as fate would have it, we both got put here, and assigned to the same quarters once again. I think the fates are trying to tell us something, but for the life of me, I don't know what," Kaelin laughed.

"Imagine that! You both must have had quite a laugh over it," she smiled.

"Yes, we did. Once Phillip stopped crying and throwing things," Kaelin said in a tone that made it unclear whether or not he was joking.

Bridget gave him a long look. "Philip must have quite a temper." She took a sip of her sweet licorice-flavored tea.

"You have no idea," Kaelin told her with a nod. "He doesn't like me very much," he added with a frown, clearly bothered by the fact.

Suddenly she wondered if he was in a domestic abuse situation. Her eyes flicked back to his face, his hands - the only visible portions of his body, which weren't covered by the Fleet uniform and a white lab coat. He didn't appear to have any bruising, but she would have to look up Deltan physiology to see whether or not bruises would be obvious.

"Had you ever thought of just petitioning for a different roommate? Or had Philip ever petitioned for one?" She paused, realizing the question could easily be taken the wrong way. She wasn't being nosy; she was genuinely concerned for his welfare, just like she would be for any other sentient being. "If.. if you don't mind my asking, that is. I realize that's pretty personal information, and I'd respect your desire not to talk about it, if the subject bothered you." She knew that Deltans were traditionally pretty open about themselves, but she didn't know what kind of variances there were between individuals in that regard.

Kaelin gave a half smile. "No, it's okay," he assured her. "As for getting a different roommate,...I don't know. Neither of us have petitioned for one. We kind of...tolerate one another, I suppose. And it's nothing serious. I guess I just expect to be friends with my roommate, but Phillip just thinks a roommate is a roommate, not a friend," he tried to explain.

Bridget wasn't so sure, but she didn't say so out loud. It sounded to her like Philip had a violent temper, and that could make for a volatile relationship. Then again, if this Deltan held true to form, he may have inadvertently made Philip uncomfortable with his natural friendliness.

"So what race of being is Philip, by the way?" If he was a Klingon or something, that could explain some of his behavior.

"He's human," Kaelin replied, sipping his latte quietly. "And, to be honest, I'm used to people being put off by me. I'm Deltan. Sometimes that makes people uncomfortable. I've even begun taking pheromone inhibitors when off duty and that eased a lot of the tension. But, we're still not friends. And I think he's annoyed that Gwen and I get along so well."

Inhibitors! Ahhh, that explained much; she'd somehow forgotten that Deltans emitted a powerful pheromone. No wonder she thought he had such nice eyes! But wait... if he's not taking them at work... could some of Gwen's friendliness have less to do with the fact that he was her boyfriend's roommate, and more to the fact that he'd be a walking aphrodisiac?

"I, um..." she wasn't quite sure what to say. Or, well, she was sure; she just didn't quite know how to phrase it. Maybe a sideways approach? "The inhibitors - do they have side effects?"

"Not for others. They just inhibit my pheromone excretion and occasionally give me a headache. The pheromones make me a distraction to the people I work with, so it's better for everyone if I inhibit them. Each injection lasts about twelve hours, so I take them in the morning before I leave for work. Usually, I wouldn't take them when off duty, since I wouldn't be working. But for the sake of making Phillip more comfortable when we're living together, I'm taking them off duty as well," Kaelin explained.

"Huh. Seems to me your situation would be a special case, and Starfleet could see it's way through to giving you your own quarters, so that you would only need to take them once a day." Though if the Fleet did that for every human and alien that had special needs... well, starbases and starships would have to be a lot bigger to accommodate all the single quarters.

"My tea's cold," she voiced, after taking a sip and looking down into the half-empty cup. It wasn't so bad when it was cold, but still... "Would you like a refill?" She indicated his cup with her head.

"Sure," Kaelin nodded with a smile. "As for special cases, it's not a problem. I'm used to the effect of the inhibitors. Though, my friend Ai'lani, who's also Deltan, really doesn't like them. He says that talking to me while I'm under inhibitors is like talking a human. No offense," he added quickly, not wanting Bridget to get the wrong idea.

She laughed, reaching for his cup to refill it. As she walked to the replicator, she said, "So does he take them anyway, your friend, even though he hates them?"

"Oh, no. There is no force in the Universe who can get Ai'lani to take any drug that would make him 'less Deltan', as he says," Kaelin laughed. "He is perfectly happy to be as natural as he can be."

She ordered a refill of both drinks through the replicator. "I hope his job isn't one where he performs critical tasks; I could imagine his ... um ... effect would be distracting for the others around him." She envisioned an un-medicated Deltan walk through the Promenade; every head turning at his approach, and an invisible scent trail wafting behind him.

Kaelin grinned, then as he was about to speak, he stared in slight shock over Bridget's shoulder. "Well...this is...unexpected," he said. Turning around, Bridget saw something peculiar walking through the main entrance to Sickbay. Another Deltan, with a leather bag slung over his shoulder. He had a very content smile on his face he walked by the Medical personnel, who stared after him. Kaelin glanced at Bridget for a moment before going to meet him. With the other man putting his arms out, Kaelin quickly found himself greeted by a warm hug from his friend. Pulling away, he looked him in the eye.

Seeing the warm embrace between the two men, she guessed that he was the one Kaelin was speaking of.

"Ai'lani...what are you doing here? I thought you'd be across the system by now?" he asked, moving back to where Bridget was.

"The Tal'Shiar did some research on Deltans and demanded I be put under medication during my stay. So, I quit," he shrugged. Kaelin blinked, "Ai'lani that job was huge! You're just going to let Thomas have it?" Ai'lani nodded in reply.

"It's just a job," he explained, "Integrity and self-respect is more important," Ai'lani added before noticing Bridget and flashing her a bright smile. "And who's this?" he asked, glancing at Kaelin, who smiled in return. He couldn't help it. Despite the conversation they'd had two nights ago, he still couldn't deny the attraction he felt towards him.

"This is Doctor Bridget Stapleton," Kaelin introduced them, "And funny enough, we were just talking about this."


"You. And your fight against anti-pheromone medication."

"Wow," Ai'lani said, looking impressed, "I have impeccable timing," he added, then turned to Bridget. "I'm Ai'lani Elley," he said, holding his hand out towards her. "You're Edward's wife, right?"

Pleased at being recognized, she smiled widely, and put both her hands around his in a warm handshake. At the instant of physical touch, a tingling ran up her arms in a wave quick as lightning, and spread through her whole body. A responding rush of blood surged to her her skin, as if she were experiencing a menopausal hot flash - or something more intimate, but just as powerful.

"I.. ah... uh... yes. Edward's wife. Yes." She was beet red and giggled nervously as she released his hand. Subconsciously she wiped both her hands down the thighs of her uniform, as if she could remove the lingering sensation the touch had caused. She gave him a comically suspicious grin, and said, "You enjoy doing that to people, don't you?"

Ai'lani flashed her a cheeky grin. "Little bit. But don't worry, I don't bite," he assured her. "And I met Edward the other night. I was with Kaelin, actually," he added, looking up at his friend briefly. "I have to say, I admired Edward. Not many men I know could work pants that tight to the small hours of the night and look confident," the Deltan complimented.

~I wouldn't mind being bitten by you...~ she thought as she listened, and then gave herself a mental face slap. ~Knock that off! You're married. Remember Edward?~ "Well, I'm glad he made an impression on you, Mr. Elley. He certainly made an impression on me, seventeen years ago." ~Good Lord, I wonder what kind of impression this guy made on Edward?~

"I'm sure he did," Ai'lani laughed. "And call me Ai'lani, please. Mr. Elley makes me sound old," he told her with a charming smile. "Anyway, I came here to tell Kaelin that I'm back on the base and," he turned to the other Deltan then, "and we're going out tonight," he concluded.

Kaelin shook his head, "I can't. I'm going out with someone," he told him, causing Ai'lani to raise an eyebrow and glance at Bridget briefly before turning his attention back to Kaelin. "Well, well, look at you. I'm gone for two days and you're already spreading yourself around," he teased, making Kaelin blush. "Fine," he said in mock-anger. "What about you Bridget? Think you can get away from Edward long enough to go out tonight and have some fun?" he asked. Kaelin looked a little nervous.

Bridget had watched the interaction between the two, realizing that they'd had at least one date. Kaelin looked odd, but she couldn't say why; she just didn't know him well enough to interpret the expression.

When Ai'lani asked her about going out, her blush was back, but her face wore a shocked expression. "Well, uh, what did you have in mind?" ~I can't believe I'm even considering this!~

"Nothing special. Go out, get to know each other over a few drinks. Oh, there's a great dance club on the second promenade level I'm dying to see. Dominic has already left with Gregori, so I'm totally free for the next week or two as far as any parental responsibility goes. So, what do you say Bridget?" he asked. "I promise it'll be fun," he said.

She debated with herself, looking from Kaelin to Ai'lani and back again. It was an incredibly enticing invitation. Her hormones were screaming at her to do it. The problem was, she wasn't sure she'd be able to control herself. She didn't want to make a mistake that she'd regret for the rest of her life. ~I need to think.~

"Tell you what, Ai'lani. Let me get through this next patient, and I'll get back with you in about half an hour?"

"Sure," Ai'lani nodded. "I have to go unpack anyway," he told them. "I'll see you later. You can reach me on my personal comm to my quarters. Kaelin knows the code," he said and the other Deltan nodded. "And we'll talk later," he told Kaelin. "I want to hear all about this mystery you're going out with tonight," he said. "Bye," he told them both before heading out of the Infirmary, giving one of the nurses a small wave which she returned.

Kaelin let out a sigh he didn't know he'd been holding. "Well...." he began unsure what to say. "That's Ai'lani," he said lamely, not knowing what else he could say. "He's a bit...forward," he told Bridget. "But, he's really sweet. You shouldn't worry," he added more seriously, having sensed the internal struggle Bridget was going through.

"Phew," she replied, and wiped moisture from her hairline with the back of her hand. Looking up at Kaelin, she said, "I'm glad to know he's a good guy. But to be totally candid - I'm more worried about myself than I am about him. Combine pheromones, alcohol, and dancing - and I'm not so sure about my own behavior."

Kaelin laughed. "I know what you mean. Ai'lani is definitely not shy about himself. But, he is a good guy. He'd never take advantage and has a strict 'Deltans only' bedroom policy," he explained. "But, if you say no to going out with him, it'll be fine. He'll understand."

"Yeah," she said, slowly drawing out the word. "I think that's what I'm going to do. Although I already regret it, in some ways. If it wasn't for the pheromone issue, I probably would have said yes. It sounded like a lot of fun."

She looked at him critically, her head tipped sideways. "So do you really have a date tonight? I saw something in the way you responded to him, and with the Deltans-only policy, I figure there's history between you two."

Kaelin looked away, a bit uncomfortable. "There isn't that much history. We met about a week ago and, since he was basically the first Deltan I'd seen off Delta in a long time, I sort of developed feelings for him a bit too soon. Feelings of more than just friendship. And then, I found out that he only sees me as a friend," he explained with regret. "And I am going out tonight. But it's not a date."

"Ouch," she said, a concerned expression on her face. "I apologize for bringing it up. But I am glad to hear that you aren't staying home and moping about it." She reached out and squeezed his arm, briefly but encouragingly, giving him a bright smile. "Alright, I should follow through and give Ai'lani a call; could I have his comm code?"

"Sure," Kaelin nodded, typing the code into the nearby comm unit. Kaelin knew Ai'lani would be disappointed, and part of him felt sad at how people seemed to alienate his friend just for being who he was, instead finding Kaelin as a more 'acceptable' kind of Deltan because he quite literally kept any openly Deltan part of him subdued. But, he wasn't one to point things out like that, not wanting to, as they say, 'rock the boat'.

"Thanks." Geri stepped to the unit and sent the call. She still debated with herself, feeling like she was missing out on something. She wondered what Edward would say. She'd have to ask him what he thought of Ai'lani last night.

"Yes?" she suddenly heard the Deltan's melodic voice from the other end of the channel.

"Hi Ai'lani, I have decided not to take you up on your offer to go out together tonight. I really do appreciate the invitation, and I know it would have been... an interesting and stimulating evening." She gave him an awkward smile.

Ai'lani nodded, and Bridget could clearly see he knew exactly what she meant with that awkward smile. "Okay, no problem. I understand," he said this last without the lively tone she'd noticed his voice was almost meant to carry. He didn't sound neutral or even sad, simply not as enthusiastic as usual. "Well, I suppose that's that then. Hope you have fun tonight with whatever you end up doing instead. Say hi to Edward for me. Bye," he told her before giving the woman a heart-felt smile and a small wave and ending the call.

~Wow. I feel like such a schmuck.~ She turned away from the comm unit and headed to the patient records. Kaelin was over there too, making a notation on a chart. She said, "You know, if there was some sort of human hormone suppressant I could take, so that his pheromones wouldn't affect me so much, I'd take them. I'm sure he's fun to be around."

~I'll bet he'd have loved my Cotton Club holosuite program, too, if he likes dancing. Darn.~ Her eyebrows drew together and she allowed herself a miniature pity party as she looked through the next patient's progress report.

Kaelin looked over at Bridget, feeling the emotions going through her. He frowned, glancing down at the chart. "You don't need to justify yourself to me, Dr. Stapleton," he told her, taking the chart he'd been reading and, finish up his second latte, he gave the woman a small nod goodbye before leaving to attend to some lab tests.

She looked after him a long moment, with a frown on her face. It must be a Deltan trait, she concluded. Both Ai'lani and Kaelin would say something with finality and then leave, without giving anyone else a chance for rebuttal or agreement. It didn't help her mood much.


Ensign Kaelin
Medical officer - Pathology resident
Deep Space 5


Ensign Bridget Stapleton
Doctor (General Practitioner) - DS5