Judgement – Relentless Repair
by Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Commander Derek Yaist

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Title   Relentless Repair
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Commander Derek Yaist
Posted   Mon Mar 14, 2011 @ 4:28am
Location   USS Relentless
Timeline   DS36
((Back Sim))

((Relentless - Docking port))

Lt. Kramer had come onto the USS Relentless the other senior officers from DS5 for introductions. After the other officers left the ship for a tour the station, Kramer waited for his Alpha 3 repair team to come on board.

As they made their way through the hatch, Kramer turned and saw a young Ensign standing to the side. She was quite pretty and petite. Her youth was enhanced by her straight dark brown hair being pulled back. “Would you happen to be our liaison for the repairs?” Kramer asked.

“Yes Sir, I am Ensign Crosby,” She said.

“All right then Mr. Crosby.” Lt. Kramer said to the Ensign. “Please lead us to Main Engineering.”

“Right this way,” She stated and turned and walked down the corridor.

They soon entered a turbo-lift that took them to engineering.

((Relentless - Main Engineering))

Walking onto the deck of Main Engineering of any vessel was always a joy to Kramer. He was a true engineer at heart. The love and understanding of what took place in that room just gave him goose bumps, every time.

Ens. Crosby stopped behind an officer and spoke almost in a whisper. He seemed to be concentrating on something. “Excuse me Sir.” Crosby interrupted him. “The repair crew from the Station have arrived.”

Talla turned to Kramer. "Great! Let's bring them in immediately." she said, anxious to get started. The young Andorian had just been given charge of the Relentless Engineering department until a Chief arrived and thus was excited.

“We are here.” Kramer said extending his hand to the Andorian. “Hi. I am Lt. Kramer,” he finished with a smile.

"Lieutenant Junior Grade Talla. It's a pleasure to meet you." she replied as she shook his hand in the Human fashion of greeting people.

"Same to you." Looking over his shoulder, Kramer saw the repair crew file in behind him, 6 strong. “Will there any additional tasks added to the list previously provided?” Kramer stated then looking down at his PADD.

"Yes, the replicator system wasn't installed correctly. Sometimes orders go to the wrong terminal. We just noticed it about an hour ago." replied Talla.

"Well," Kramer paused for a moment. "That might throw a kink into our procedures. I made a bad assumption, based on the previous problems, that we would use your replicators for any parts we might need." Putting his hands on hips in thought. "We'll just have to made due."

"Could fix them first? Some of the crew, however small, are starting to complain about the inability to order the food they want." she replied.

After making a few changes of planned procedures on his PADD, Kramer looked and pointed to two of his engineers. “You two start on the replicators.” Looking back at Talla, “So, let’s start with the warp core and work out from their, shall we?” Kramer said with a smile. “We should have you up and fully functional in a couple days.”

Talla watched the engineering team start to unpack their equipment. They removed all sorts of equipment from the containers they had been carrying, from warp field scanners to old, tow-tech wrenches.

"All right boys, " Kramer began. "Let's get to it." The engineers dispersed and got to work.


Lt. Vincent Kramer
Asst. Chief of Engineering


Lt. (JG) Talla
Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
USS Relentless
(NPCed by Cmdr. Derek Yaist, CO, USS Relentless)