Unity – A Relaxing Training Session - Part 03
by Colonel James Darson

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Title   A Relaxing Training Session - Part 03
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson
Posted   Mon Feb 01, 2010 @ 6:06am
Location   Deep Space - Normandy Class Carrier "U.S.S. Nimitz"
Timeline   SD 17 - 0330

With the difficulty of the simulation as it was, he would have to resort to some even more unorthodox tactics to even the playing field. As he sprinted through the rock labyrinth, he reached behind his back and drew out a throwing knife and two grenades. With unbelievable dexterity, he tied the two grenades to the knife in a daisy chain and armed them with a ten second timer. Still running, his arm flashed out, and the knife and grenade chain took off and flew nearly straight up, towards the ceiling of the chamber. He turned a corner quickly, and broke into a sprint as the knife embedded itself in the cave roof. About 3 seconds later, the first grenade detonated, followed quickly by the second.

The first grenade was nothing more than a variation on the basic illumination grenade…just with a lot more flash. It was as if a miniature sun had blossomed in the cave, illuminating every nook and crevice, and causing every shadow to disappear. The purpose of this one was to blind the enemies on the perimeter, looking inwards carefully.

The second one was an EMP grenade, specially designed for special forces to provide a localized EMP burst to disable things like sensors…automated turrets or defenses…

Cloaking devices and disruptor rifles were two more examples.

Darson was fine though. His armor was hardened to resist all but the strongest and most direct electromagnetic pulses.

Darson turned another corner and broke into a sprint, heading full bore towards the perimeter, and one of the assassins that he had located with his audio detection systems.

The Romulan was doubled over and rubbing his eyes as his cloaking device crackled around him, finicky things that they were. He didn’t even see Darson coming.

Owing to the enhancements gifted unto his body by Black Cell, and with the assistance of the armor, Darson’s sprinting speed reached in excess of 100 KPH. So when he plowed into the distracted assassin and took him directly into a wall, the effect the combined weight of Darson body and armor had on the poor hologram was not pretty.

Darson turned away from the new crater in the wall and took off again. There were still seven more to go, and he wanted to get rid of as many of them as possible before they recovered their vision. Though their weapons were dead, they would only get more dangerous.

He met up with the next two about 150 meters down the cave, while they were still trying to recover from the flash. He dispatched one with a single blow to the neck, flipped off the collapsing man’s back and used the resulting moment to deliver a deadly meteor like blow to the other one’s head, while in the air. He twisted in the air and landed on his feet, taking off running again.

However, by the time he reached the last group, they had all recovered. They had learned that the only way to effectively take him on would be in a group. Not wasting his element of surprise, he reached both arms behind his back and withdrew two knives, sending them flying into the midst of the enemy group. As they scattered and turned towards him, he snapped his fingers in both hands, sending the signal to the explosives in the knife handles to detonate. The resulting explosion took out two more of the group, leaving only the last three.

He moved into the midst of the group and clinically took up a stance. To take on these last three would take more concentration than he had used so far, and require him to use some of the skills that he hadn’t used in combat in a long time.

He took a deep breath and relaxed his mind, as the three assassins gathered around him and drew long, ugly looking knives, things that would work regardless of how many EM pulses there were. He raised his hands slowly and moved them around in a slow arc, tracing a 360 sphere around him, a 360 degree sphere of protection, where he could engage and dominate his opponents.

Not that they were visible, they were much easier to track than before, and his uncanny spatial awareness, combined with his armor’s sensors, made it so that he knew exactly where each of them was standing even out of his line of sight.

Suddenly, they all rushed forward as one. Darson moved to intercept one and parried the attack out of the way, followed by a push, then turned to quickly parry the other knives. He had long since abandoned all fear in combat of weapons or opponents, and as he turned back to the first one who was attacking, he moved inward from the attack and utilized a technique to attack and parry at the same time with one arm, twisting his arm as he parried the blade, contracting the muscles and sending a fist straight from the parry into the Romulan’s jaw, shattering it. He stepped in close as he reeled from the blow and grappled with him, spinning him around to take the blade of one of the others, then tossing the corpse away.

With only two left, he fell upon the one who had stabbed and killed his squadmate, focusing on the weakpoints in his defenses, and eventually managed to land a blow on the throat, crushing it. He moved in and took out the eyes, which was followed by the snapping of the neck with a strong crane blow, just to ensure that he was out of the fight.

Turning to find the last one, he felt his soldier’s tuition beating a tattoo in the base of his skull, as his suit’s motion alarms went off. The assassin was right on top of him. Time seemed to slow down for Darson as he turned his attention upwards to find that the one he had originally pushed away had retreated and climbed up one of the pillars on the edge of the maze, and had jumped off above him with the knife pointed downwards, and a determined look in his eyes.

Time slowed for Darson as he analyzed the situation calmly. He could catch him, just avoid him…and he was sure that was what the assassin expected him to do if he didn’t get hit. But he opted for an option that would end the fight in an unexpected manner.

He examined the assassin’s body in a millisecond as it floated towards him in mid-air. He pinpointed the largest whole in the defense and brought his leg up and chambered it. He could swear he could hear the click as his leg cocked. With a perfect center of gravity that was like having roots in the ground and amazing flexibility, his leg shot nearly straight up, breaking through the weak guard, and poured all of Darson’s considerable power into one place. The assassin’s now broken body shot up into the air and away from him.

Darson kept his guard up until he heard the chime signaling the end of the simulation. He slowly relaxed and took a deep breath, feeling the rush coursing through his body.

This was what he was talking about. The rush, the feeling. He felt his body going back to normal and he sighed. This was what he had been built up for. Combat.

The cave dissolved around him, leaving only the pattern of the holodecks in it’s place. He had sacrificed so much…most aspects of a normal wholesome life, in order to become what? A tool of destruction? Something that was meant to be used by others to take as many lives as possible during its lifespan for their own gains?

As Darson fingered the pistols at his side and opened a new simulation, something more appropriate to his true style of combat, he thought to himself that he didn’t really mind in the least.


Lieutenant Colonel James Darson
Marine Commanding Officer
6th Combined Operations Group