Unity – Bi-Simmaversary JP - Knowing who one's friends are
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Bi-Simmaversary JP - Knowing who one's friends are
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Thu Mar 04, 2010 @ 7:19pm
Location   DS5
Timeline   SD17
Isha could not recall the last time she had gone everywhere under guard, ten, twenty years ago? For now she thought it prudent not to be out alone and not to be alone when she was in the Consulate. In addition to her bookends, she took the added precaution of having two or three others milling in the crowd. For this meeting, however she knew it would not be necessary to keep them at her side.

They entered the infirmary together then Isha muttered for them to stand away and wait. She continued to the CMOs office and rapped on the door with her knuckles.

Chelsea looked up and called "Come In". When Isha entered she leapt up in delight and ran round her desk to hurl herself at her friend, enveloping her in a hug whether she responded or not.

"I think that I will never get used that spontaneity," she said with a smile as Chelsea released her. Isha had fallen back on the role of grand dignitary, a guise in which she could keep Rh'vaurek and his latest whore at a distance, dismiss the insults of the Cardassian Ambassador and make a start on conducting her own business once again.

The clothes and jewels and poise were a shield and behind it, Isha realised that without a friend she would crack, she mentioned none of this to Chelsea though. "I need to thank you for talking some sense into me," she said taking a seat, "and to make a request."

"No need to thank me. I just did what any friend would do... ran off at the mouth with unwanted advice!" she grinned and sat too. "What can I do for you? You know you only have to ask?"

"Join me for lunch," Isha said fancying that she knew the question that was on the tip of the doctor's tongue, "and help me make sure my child is born safely."

"What all in the next hour?" Chelsea threw the comment lightly in as a reflex against the surge of emotion that she was feeling. Elated to be restored to some semblance of the Isha she loved, Chelsea added as she linked her arm with the Ambassadors and headed out of the office: "I will give my life for him or her, if it should be asked of me Isha. I owe you and Raedheol no less.

Isha's gaze darkened at the mention of Raedheol, but she did not elaborate, the humiliation was much too fresh in her mind.

Speaking to Ed about a handover matter and promising him she wouldn't be much more than an hour (or two), Chelsea and Isha left Sickbay to *go for lunch*. The CMO was initially a little startled when two Romulans with very dark frowns appeared out of the walls and fell in close behind them but then she told herself it was unreasonable to be surprised, in fact she should have hoped protection would be even more evident, if anything.

"Isha I have missed you so much I can't put it into words." Chelsea sighed as they walked.

"I've been here all along," she said paying no attention to the escort, "Life is sometimes rather demanding. Do you think there will be anywhere open? What with all the trouble there has been recently. I'd not be surprised if half of the store-owners have boarded up and moved on."

"Perhaps, but if there's nowhere at all to eat, I know a nice new set of CMO's quarters where the replicated lunch is as good as it gets when you can't have fresh ingredients!" Chelsea smiled.

They needn't have worried as the very restaurant they had first visited when they first met, was open, albeit with a limited menu. They went in and sat down, waiting for the waiter to approach them.

"Shall we have the same as we did that first day? My first day on this station. How long ago it seems." Chelsea suggested.

"Perhaps without the copious quantities of wine we seemed to consume last time," Isha said.

"Spoil sport" Chelsea muttered, grinning.

The waiter arrived and brought menus for them to choose from. Chelsea didn't even look at it but straight away ordered Vulcan Molluscs as before.

"Normally a glass or two would be no issue, but ..." Isha paused and folded her hands in her lap, "There are one or two thngs I shouldn't do. When I was carrying Fvierrlollh I was recovering from the effects of an unknown drug ... I may even have still been taking it along with what I normally require to help me sleep. I carried on as normal and ... well, he turned out ... " Isha chose not to finish the sentance.

She spoke in a hushed tone when she continued knowing that the white-noise generator stashed in her bag would be blocking the equipment of her escort at this radius, "I cannot sleep without help and I am terrified that even that will cause issues. I want nothing on my medical record and secrecy is still the word of the day."

"Isha, don't worry. I know I'd never amount to much in Romulan society but I'm damn good at what I do in my own, if I do say so myself. I can pull up many natural ways to help you sleep, from sonic soothers to natural herbal remedies to hormonally-neutral interventions of the endocrine-systemic kind. I can see that no chemical ever reaches that baby unless it's meant to and now that I'm Chief of the whole medical department, I answer only to the Station Command.

No-one can commandeer my confidential records and even if they could, I'm keeping yours in my head, so they'd have to be good at cranial surgery to get to them!" Chelsea assured her in no uncertain terms, mixing a metaphor in to lighten it at the end and smiling at the imagery of someone attempting to carve out a file from her skull.

Isha smiled and nodded in silence as the first course was delivered, then once she thought the waiter was out of range she continued. "I hope you can, Chelsea, I've been sleepless to the point of hallucination, my Husband's brother standing behind me accusing me of all the shortcomings I accuse myself of ... I cannot continue this way for long."

"I can." Chelsea was emphatic. "We will begin today. Tonight you might try the sonic sleep inducer. If necessary, I can even stay with you. Someone you trust nearby can often banish hallucinations. Do you want to talk about any of it? I'm no counsellor but I'm a friend whose ear will neither betray nor judge you." she offered.

"I would settle for being hit on the head with a mallet if it gave me a few hours peace," Isha said nudging her food around the plate. "I can hardly believe it myself now I'm back here, but it happened." Isha paused, "Sometimes one fiinds that one has to take action which one finds abhorrent, not because they personally will reap the advantage, but because the action, though wrong is necessary. After that one must cope with the consequences as best one can."

"I understand that, but accepting that one has had no choice is an important factor and if one is suffering hallucinatory accusations of guilt and blame then I would imagine there's some element of subconscious that disputes the acceptance still. That element needs to be laid to rest." Chelsea suggested.

The ambassador, feeling a lot less grand than she looked nodded. "I saw an opportunity to buy peace, that Klingon House and mine had endured a prolonged feud, I agreed that if I let them do it, the conflict would be layed to rest. It was very brutal, and very bloody and the look that Nniol gave me ... aside from the astonishment that it was I who outwitted him in the end told me that even he would not have stooped so low. I was still caught up in the idea of revenge, usually a stab in the back is metaphorical, in my case, always, but not this time. It doesn't matter that I was not the one holding the blade that gutted him, I chose the weapon, and it was the wrong one, and I cannot ever change that."

"Isha" Chelsea said very quietly and gently. "It is my opinion that you are a good person inside and that is why you have convinced yourself that Nniol would not have *stooped so low* as you put it but allow me to remind you, if I may, what he did to you. This was a man... no, a monster..... who was prepared to drug and repeatedly rape.... systematically, coldly, mercilessly... rape, discredit and impregnate his own brother's young wife. He then went on to murder, in cold blood and without compunction, compassion or remorse, that same honourable, worthy brother whose name alone was more than he could ever hope to match up to, let alone his character."

She took a small breath before continuing, her tone even and her voice still low enough to keep the matter private. "This same monster who not only murdered the brother he couldn't hold a candle to, but the heir and hope who you and Nvied created out of love, only to replace them with his own monstrous bastard, forced onto you by violence and turned against you by hatred and greed."

Chelsea paused for a second as the full horror of this catalogue of unthinkable crimes was put together in summary. "This 'animal' who broke your arm out of pure viciousness and gloated over the misery he had forced on you over a whole life-time of abuse and cruelty, for his own sadistic pleasure..... let's face it he *could* have achieved his ambitions *less* cruelly had he chosen to."

"Nniol *deserved* a taste of his own brutality, never mind one short act of violence that lasted but moments, no matter how violent it might have seemed to someone of decent sensibilities like you or I, it was less than the tiniest fraction of what he put you through alone, to say nothing of what he did to your husband and eldest son, the twisting he did to your youngest son's soul, and the future atrocities he would have undoubtedly committed against your daughter had you NOT stopped him."

"His death was the only way you were going to make it all end for both your Houses. You know that one or other of you had to die and there are at least four beings here on DS5 who love you and would, in your shoes, have done the same as you did. We're only thankful we were never forced into that position. Nniol died more mercifully than the death he served up to Nvied; he lived less cruelly treated than his own victims (including yourself) and he has nothing, but NOTHING to reproach you for, save that you couldn't manage to stop him sooner." Chelsea fell silent.

"Please do not feel sorry for me Doc .. Chelsea." Isha corrected herself as she reminded herself that they were here as friends. "It might amuse you to know that he was impressed." She grinned and then straightened her shoulders, "Not a very appropriate observation in your reckoning, but he taught me a lot in the years we were friends and their had ... was ... always a competitive edge - it got out of hand somewhere along the way." Isha raised her gaze to Chelsea's knowing that she would not understand, she did not understand herself.


A JP between :

Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams


Ambassador Ishe t'Khellian
Romulan Ambassador
NPCd by Louise