Things Past – Lockdown (part 2)
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Colonel James Darson

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Title   Lockdown (part 2)
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Colonel James Darson
Posted   Fri Oct 19, 2012 @ 2:51pm
Location   Promenade
Timeline   SD 57 - 17:00 - BACKPOST
Meanwhile, Darson had arrived at the Promenade, and made his way to the Romulan Embassy. He headed over to where Trellis was in the center of all the commotion

“Mr. Trellis,” Darson said in a sardonic tone as he approached casually, “Seems like you’re having a rough afternoon. Anything I can do to help?”

"Colonel Darson," Trellis said, somewhat relieved to see the particularly dressed individual. "As you can see, hell is breaking free" The Trill stated, somewhat borrowing the Human phrase. "A riot nearly erupted due to *FORMER* Commander Dorian Gabriel's racist rally." He said as he pressed several buttons on his padd.

"I'm assuming you have arrived to help sedate the volatile situation?" He asked.

"Don't pretend you're your own man now, Trellis." Rianni laughed at Trellis' damning condemnation of his former boss, "Once a pathetic lackey, always a pathetic lackey, yes?"

J'Tar stood behind and to the right of them, now knowing himself to be observing the halfling sister, and he was definitely pleased to see there might be some small glimmers of hope for her. But it was the new addition to the party that most had his attention, this masked lunatic could only be Colonel James Darson. Having been thoroughly briefed by his father's Tal Shiar men, he knew exactly who and what he was up against should it come to it, but, for some reason, he didn't think it would. "Greetings, Colonel Darson." He smiled, walking past Rianni and the one she labeled a mere lackey, he didn't have time or inclination to remember his name, "I am Riov J'Tar Tr'Khellian."

Darson shot a glare at Rianni and stated in a very clear and heavy tone, “You, be quiet,” and then turned and responded to Trellis in a more business-like cadence, “I have simply been waiting for your command, Mr. Trellis. Marines can’t interfere in affairs outside our garrison without a request from a department head, etc, etc…” He looked around at the mass of people being detained, “However, I want to know what you want from us. Detaining? Perimeter control? Interviewing witnesses?”

Trellis' hands involuntarily balled into fists as he watched the Romulan walk beyond him as if he did not exist, as if he was nothing more than a mere child amongst adults. He steadied himself and turned to face the Colonel in order to prevent himself from yelling at the Romulan Officers before him.

"Colonel, I'll need your Marines to establish a parameter and assist Security in maintaining a curfew throughout the promenade until cooler heads have had a chance to prevail." Trellis stated, knowing that the inhabitants would not be pleased.

"No one is to be on the promenade for the next 26 hours unless it is a vital emergency or they own a shop or business here." He added.

He turned to the other Romulan and held up a finger to instruct him to wait a moment, while at the same time taking an image of his face with the sensors in his helmet, and running it against intelligence databases, at least the ones locally stored on station. As it worked, he contacted Marine HQ, =^= “Homeplate, this is Wardog. Please send in Teams one and three to the promenade, tell them to bring extra restraints. Transport them to outside the Romulan Embassy and have them set up a mobile command post. Have teams two and four gear up and get on standby.” =^=

There was the chatter of an affirmative response, and then the software in his helmet brought up a match to the Romulan. He turned back to J’Tar and said with a bored sigh, “Yes Mr. Tr’Khellian, I am Colonel Darson. What can I do for you this fine day?”

Rianni stormed past J'Tar, putting her finger right in Darson's.... err, mask. She wasn't about to let him talk to her that way, "Hold on a second, who the frack do you think you're talking to?" She snarled, he was not about to shush her.

J'Tar sighed and moved her out of his way, she was tiny and light, so lifting her and moving her to the side was easy for one in the great shape he kept himself in. He looked at her with a mixture of annoyance and pride, she was definitely his sister. Turning back to Darson, "All right, you and your friend here can settle the issue of hurt feelings at a later time."

Trellis watched as the Marines moved into positio in their respective places.

"Finally, some order is being re-established here." He said to no one in particular as he tapped his comm badge.

=/= "Trellis to Captain Tahir, the situation on the Promenade is being handled and we are beginning to clear out the area. I should have the area completely contained within the next half hour." he reported. =/=


Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Col. Darson

Sub Commander
Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian