Cascade – The Arrival
by Ensign Treesa Cunningham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   The Arrival
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Ensign Treesa Cunningham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Tue Oct 16, 2012 @ 5:11am
Location   Promenade Decks
Timeline   SD70, 10:00
The trip from Earth had been long and drawn out aboard the civilian transport, but it could not have been guessed if one were to examine the young Ensign Cunningham as she rose from her seat to join the queue to exit the crowded ship. her long red hair flowed over her shoulders and down her exposed back. Even though she was travelling light with only a medium sized, non-discript rucksack, she wore a long backless beige dress and five inch heels. Moving gracefully, she exited the ship only to find herself at a crowded, under-manned security checkpoint. 'Hmm, this could be problematic' she thought as she pulled her ruck from her shoulder and held it close. The contents of the bag, namely the non-standard phaser pistol and small encrypted PADD, were sure to cause some concern to the security detail.

Rees slowly made her way to a line infront of a young enlisted man who was scanning and rifling through passenger's belongings. Slowly, the line shortened with only a Tellarite couple between Treesa and the inspector. After being searched, the Tellarites began to move from the inspection point with Treesa following closely behind.

"Ma'am," the voice of the young enlisted man called out as he gently grabbed her arm. "I need to search your bag."

With the man's hand still on her arm, Treesa eloquently rotated her body towards him, leaving his arm wrapped around her shoulders and the front of her tall frame brushing lightly against his body. "That's not necessary love."

The young man, not really sure how to respond to her sudden closeness, stated with a slight studder, "Y-y-yes it is." With his arm still wrapped around her, "W-w-we are at an elevated security level due to recent events."

Displeased with the nearly autonomous response, she slid her hand down his side. "I have a better idea. How about you come by my place later," she spoke softly in his ear, "and then you can search my bag and me." Her tone quickly turn seductive. "Ring 5, section D-24." She gracefully and slowly rotated away from the man and walked away in a suggestive manor, leaving him dazed and wanting.

Smirking to herself, 'Wwish I could see the look on his face when that door open with the tall Ambassador Valtek facing him down.'

Gliding through the crowded docking ring, she moved to the Promenade decks. Once there, she spotted the very person she was looking for carrying a small stack of PADDs. She discreetly pulled her pack from her shoulder and retrieved the small encrypted PADD from within. As she approached Captain Tahir, she swung the black bag back onto her exposed freckled shoulder, hitting the other woman hard enough to knock the stack of PADDs to the floor.

As the she walked by she discarded the small PADD into the group of now falling PADDs. Without looking back to acknowledge the collision, she moved like flowing water, fading into the crowd.

Tasha had been to the coffee shop on the upper promenade deck to personally deliver her recipe for the Bacardi coffee to Drarg, the owner. He had assured her he could mix the tropical mixture into his own blends of coffee and after several minutes had returned with his initial trial. Tasha had sipped and gave a joyful nod that the coffee tasted good enough and that he could add it to his repertoire of specialist beverages.
With the cup of coffee in one hand and several PADDS tucked under her arm, Tasha was weaving her way along the Promenade making her way to the nearest turboilift when the idiot had swung a bag carelessly across her shoulder catching Tashas arm releasing the PADDs from their nestled position. As it was only the PADDs hat fell and not the coffee, she would was less angry, but more upset that the woman had not even broke her stride to either apologise of look back and ensure that the Captain was unhurt. She shook her head as she dipped down, picking up the devices and continuing her way to her office.