Intermission – Meeting the Boss
by Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   Meeting the Boss
Mission   Intermission
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Mon Feb 17, 2014 @ 1:00am
Location   Engineering
Timeline   SD 73
OFF: This one's been sitting on the back burner for a bit, and I thought Straggard and I would get back to it. But since the Captain says to clear the backlog - so let it be written, so let it be done!


"Structural integrity looks good. RCS thrusters are all green. Artificial gravity generators are all functioning perfectly. Shield emitters are within spec. Phasers all ch..." At that moment Steve pulled the PADD from Ceridwen's hand and set it down next to where he was leaning on the master system display table. "Am I boring you, sir?" she asked, a mocking tone in her voice.

Steve smirked as he folded his arms over his chest and looked down at his subordinate/significant other. "Not at all, Senior Chief. I just think it'd be a more efficient use of our time if you told me what was broken instead of running through everything that's working right."

Snatching the PADD back off the console, Ceridwen scowled at him. "Do not mock the briefing, for the briefing is good."

David was checking up on some of the propulsion specs on some of the starships docked on his PADD in between routine checkups on console readouts. He saw the Chief and Lieutenant in the middle of engineering. He realized, he hadn't really met the new Chief Engineer except in some brush by's and personnel reports. He sipped his Andorian espresso and walked over. "Lieutenant Wyman, we are showing systems operating normally in all station propulsion systems." David noticed a bit of tension in the room. "Am I interrupting, Sir?" He asked.

"Not at all, Ensign. In fact the Senior Chief was just giving me the full run down on everything I missed while I was out of the office. The whole shebang. The ol'... whack whacka-doo..." Steve explained, giving his wife a devilish smirk.

At that Welshy smacked him in the chest with the PADD she had just reclaimed. "I told you not to mock the briefing!" After a second she remembered the Ensign standing next to them and added, "Sir."

"Don't mind her, Ensign. The Senior Chief got to be a senior chief by taking her job seriously. Sometimes she needs to lighten up." Wyman added, gesturing to the engineer's mate with his thumb. This just resulted in her sticking her tongue out at him.

"I realized I hadn't properly introduced myself, Sir. I am Ensign David Straggard, propulsion specialist." David said as he stood reached out to shake the Lieutenant's hand. "I've been here for about a year now."

Steve nodded as he took the younger mans outstretched hand. "You were on that Romulan ship headed out to Ivor Prime when we got here. Guess that means we've got you to thank for our current predicament." He smirked, knowing that Straggard couldn't possibly know about Drant. "So, a propulsion specialist, eh? The Senior Chief and I are both warp drive specialists - we spent a few years working at Utopia Planitia redesigning warp engines."

At that he chuckled, "Three people that specialize in making things move are stationed on something that doesn't usually do so. Starfleet Personnel at its finest, am I right?"

David smirked and then seemed slightly disconcerted. "It was my initial position that I started with. However, it would seem logical for a change of pace. If I may say so sir." David didn't want to seem to forward. "I've spent my free time tinkering with warp equations and some of my duty hours working in the starfighter wing as well as on runabouts, shuttles, and starships in the station or that come through the station. I know you're still somewhat new as chief, but I would actually like to ask you now if some other duties I can perform. As a means for keeping me sharp on more engineering tasks and procedures, of course." David felt he may have pushed the issue. Nevertheless, he said it.

"New to running things on a starbase. I've been chief engineer on four starships during my career - the Hyperion-D and E, the McKinley, and the Freedom. That being said, I absolutely expect the officers under my command to be able to handle any repair task that comes up. Specialization in one specific niche is for enlisted personnel. No offense, Senior Chief." Steve added that last part in, lest he get an elbow in the ribs once Straggard was gone.

Narrowing her eyes at her husband, Ceridwen chuckled, "None taken, Lieutenant. Now if you gentlemen will excuse me, Gwen should be getting out of school in a few minutes and you know how she gets when I make her wait."

"I'll see you two for dinner." Wyman replied with a smile. His little girl was a more demanding task master than any admiral he'd ever met. As Ceridwen walked away he returned his attention to Straggard, "So, as I was saying... I don't know how the last chief handled things, but as an officer you should have a team of enlisted under you that are specifically responsible for anything propulsion related - station thrusters, engine repairs on docked starships, pretty much all the stuff you went through. I assign those duties to your team, you assign them to your people, you follow up to make sure they're getting done right, and report back to myself or the senior chief on your progress. Then in addition to that, you'd also be responsible for other generalized maintenance tasks around the station - transporters, holodecks, replicators, blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda. Are you following, or am I rambling?"

"I see sir, thank you got your time."

At that Straggard walked off, leaving Wyman standing there slightly stunned at how abruptly the conversation ended. "Was it something I said?" he muttered.


Lt. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineering Officer
Deep Space 5


Ensign David Straggard
Propulsion Specialist
Deep Space 5