Arrival Kaia’s Personal Log - Ship owner's woes (#1)

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Title   Ship owner's woes (#1)
Author   Arrival Kaia
Posted   Sun Dec 28, 2008 @ 3:33am
Well... All things considered, the situation could have been a LOT worse. This is the first time I've had a chance to survey all the damage incurred by the pirate attack during the recovery of the USS Legacy. Natrina uploaded our doctored sensor logs to the feds after we arrived, but I was still in a bad way at that point. I guess that'll teach me to say in a place that gets decompressed.

As it stands, the cargo bays were the hardest hit. It was probably predictable, but at the same time, they coudn't have know we didn't really have anything in there but empty containers. Still, when you damage the artificial gravity projectors and then puncture the hull, the immediate vacuum will throw those containers around like a bunch of boulders, not to mention that your lungs and blood tend not to appreciate zero atmospheric pressure. Had the emergency systems failed, I might not be here at all. Thanks Nat, Thanks Hal, where ever you ended up.

Bah, who am I kidding, Haldamir probably ducked and ran when the ordeal was over. Can't say that I'd blame him, though, not that he had anything at stake, and we can always send him copies of the schematics. We always seem to get shot at whenever we're in the same place at the same time...still figuring that one out...

Still, he's had a lot more success at the whole "legitimacy" thing than I have. Heh heh, probably due to tactics like that. Maybe I should try actually avoiding illegal activities when I encounter them, rather than plunging in head first. Like I said, it seems to work for Hal...

Nat... not so much... She tends to be more like me in that regard. She's not afraid to use old solutions on new problems. Granted, that approach has at times resulted in the creation of new problems, such as the one I find myself in now. Need to work after it's been finished but before the daily archive routine. In that time frame, I can just plant a brown out code through a back door into the operations core. That'll underpower all of medical's active memory and utterly corrupt their daily records. Engineering swaps out the faulty isochip, Medical restores their files from backup, and that nastly little detail in my file disappears without me needing to get anywhere close to it.

My past disolves back into obscurity, the right people continue to be left in the dark, and anyone asking questions gets looked at like they're an idiot who doesn't have enough to do already.

Hmm, though if anyone in medical requests me to come back for an updated medical scan... well, the facilities on my ship should be enough to do that if I can get everything up to par. That way I can just tell them I'm too busy and that I'll send them a personal scan when I get the time.

Hmmm, in which case, I'd better get to work...