Unity – Freighter Call
by Colonel James Darson & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Freighter Call
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Colonel James Darson & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Wed Apr 14, 2010 @ 5:31am
Location   Deep Space 5 - Main Operations
Timeline   SD 17 - 1000 (Backpost)

Captain Flynn sighed to herself as she tapped the PADD on her thigh. She didn’t really want to be doing this, especially after the events of last night, and the disastrous meeting in the MTAC…but it was her duty. She could only hope that the Commander was in a better mood than last night.

The turbolift beeped, as the hatch opened and deposited her in Main Operations. She moved with efficiency and precision through the throngs of personnel tending to the stations well being, though she was nowhere near as stealthy as the Colonel. She approached the watch officer on duty and said, “Excuse me, Marine Captain Flynn; I need to speak to the Commander…where might I find him?”

Robert eyed the woman for a moment before responding. "He is in his office," His head bobbed towards the stairs that led to the upper level, "would you like me to signal him for you Captain?" He enquired as his hand already hovered towards the communication channel to Davies office.

Miranda considered it for a moment and then nodded, “Yes, please inform him that I need to speak with him. Privately, if possible.”

Robert dipped his head and signaled Davies, informing him that Captain Flynn wanted to speak with him.

"By all means. Send her up." Davies replied, pushing himself from the desk and heading to the door to greet her.

She thanked the watch officer again and headed over to the Commander’s office. She took a deep breath to compose herself outside and then pressed the call button. When the hatch slid open, she entered and said, “Commander, thank you for taking the time to see me,” she didn’t really want to dredge up the events of last night, and if the Commander didn’t bring it up, than she sure as hell wasn’t.

"Captain, good to see you. Please," His arm gestured to one of the metal chairs that sat near the desk, "take a seat." He said as the door closed behind them.
He could see that she was troubled. Her face was as not stern, but had the cragginess of deep thoughts that had made their mark. He moved around the table and as he sat, he asked, "What's on your mind?"

Flynn took the offered seat slowly as she went over in her head once more exactly how to tell the commander. She decided quickly that a direct approach was probably the best way to go about it, so she said, “Commander, approximately 14 hours ago, a training flight picked up a distress call emanating from an unpopulated region of space. Upon investigation, we found a Cardassian flotilla shot to pieces. Two freighters and a Galor class vessel. The Galor was dead and gone, but the freighters were intact.”

Davies watched her for a moment, wondering what it was she wanted him to do. "Cardassians? Who attacked them?" He asked, shifting his weight in the chair.

She proffered the PADD, “Sir, the distress call and sensor records indicated that the group of ships was attacked by Federation ships. That’s why I’ve been keeping it on the down low…after the incident with Lt. Dunham; I didn’t want to give the Cardassian bastards more ammunition.”

His face dropped. "Federation ships! Impossible. The Federation would not attack a civilian fleet, no matter what race they were from." He took a deep breath as he stood and reached across to take the PADD. "Who else knows about this?" He asked as he began to read the report.

“As of right now, the only people on the station who should know are You, me, a few of my communications personnel, and Lt. Wallace sir. I enlisted his help in the first place as this was in his area of expertise. I’m bringing this to your attention now because the Cunningham, a Galaxy class ship, put the two freighters in tow, and started bringing them back here. They’re holding outside the system on the edge of the designated entry vector, pending your authorization for them to approach sir.

"Get out there and bring them in, but nobody else is to know about this until they are aboard. I want medical on standby and Wallace to assign an intelligence officer." He paused. "What about Colonel Darson? This appears to be in the vicinity of his training mission?" He enquired.

Flynn frowned, was it? She peeked at the PADD again and saw that the actual location of the incident was fairly close to where the Colonel’s itinerary had him being. Coincidence? Maybe. But she kept that little thought to herself, “I don’t know if he’s heard yet sir. Communications throughout this region, several sectors in fact, are undergoing intermittent communication difficulty. I’ll try to get in touch with him to inform him that he should investigate. He will no doubt relish this sir.”

Davies nodded. "I understand, he will have autonomy in this, but I would like Lieutenant Dunham and a volunteer to head out there and help, giving Federation presence. The Cardassians will undoubtedly have also picked up on the distress and if we are aware, then you can bet your last piece of Latinum, they do to. Anything else Captain?" He asked, handing back the PADD to her.

She nodded her understanding to have a Starfleet Officer on the scene, but she was mildly confused about how they were going to be able to have Dunham go to the incident, and be on the mission to the prison camp as well. Well, they’ll work something out, she thought. She stood and said, “No sir. Nothing else, though I do not believe that the Cardassians did detect it…or if they did, they didn’t inform the consulate here, otherwise we would have been hearing a lot more out of them. I still recommend we tread lightly until Lt. Wallace can determine what went on.”

Davies nodded. "Concurred." He said somewhat ruefully as he watched her stand to leave.

As she turned to leave, she hesitated at the door and looked over her shoulder at the commander, biting her lip as she did so. She considered briefly giving him warning of the whispers going around that Darson was being closely considered for promotion to a full bird Colonel, but decided quickly against it…that kind of talk, especially to Davies would do more harm than good. Especially if Darson found out. With no more hesitation, she pressed the control and exited the room, while contacting the Cunningham to bring the freighters in, discretely.


Commander David Davies

Marine Captain Miranda Flynn NPC’d by Colonel Darson