Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Ms. Understanding
by Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Ms. Understanding
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Sat Jan 24, 2009 @ 10:22pm
Location   Jarred's Office
Timeline   SD6 17:20
Jarred looked at the terminal, and smiled, "Ok Veronica, If I can convince Lt. Gabriel to request your transfer to the station, I could really use your help." His train of thought was interrupted by the buzzer. "Just a second Vicky....Enter" Jarred said. "I'll get back to you as soon as I know" Jarred just waved at Lt. Kasikova to come in. "I'll talk too you later." The female voice answered, "ok Jerry, just don't your hopes up about me coming." Jarred just smiled and said "I'll know more in a week. Until later."

Jarred uttered one last laugh as Veronica said her goodbyes. He looked up from the terminal and saw the lieutenant. "This is slightly unexpected Lieutenant, what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I was...well...I was just wondering if you had resigned and wanted help cleaning out your office."

“I’m going to be around for a while. Mostly not be choice.” Jarred smirked. “I wasn’t originally supposed to be here after the Legacy was recovered.”

She sat down in the chair facing the him, this was different change of pace, being on the other side of the desk. “Where would you rather be?” She asked simply.

“It really doesn’t matter anymore, How about you?” jarred retorted.

“I…I…came here to escape.” She was now looking at her folded hands in her lap, she was ashamed that she was hiding. ~But I’m not hiding!~ She told herself, he had found her within hours of her coming to the starbase. It wasn’t that hard to find her, he was in Starfleet too and it all he would have to do is press a couple of buttons on a console and find where she had been stationed. No, hiding wasn’t the right word.

“Sounds more like you more interested in hiding than dealing with the past. Or is that a little too presumptuous?” Jarred inquired.

“Who is the counsellor now Mr. Wallace?”

“My job is to collect and interpret information, not be a psychologist. And sometimes I have to get my hands dirty. So why are you here?” Jarred prodded.

“You first.”

“It was here or a nice cell in a Federation prison cell, being behind enemy lines wading in swamps and fighting Jemhidar soldiers, some over bloated captain didn’t like my attitude and so I showed him how the Klingons and I dealt with people who questioned our tactics. I broke his nose and both cheek bones.” Jarred said pointedly, “your turn.”

Zorana sighed and closed her eyes. “I finished early one day when I was headquarters for some training before my next assignment. I was in to my apartment that I shared with my long time boyfriend…let‘s just say I was betrayed in the worst possible way.” She opened her eyes again and watched his face to judge his expression.

“So he gets caught playing around and you run away to sulk instead of moving on with you life. I’ve been dealing with my brother death for a while now, my family and I had too move on, we couldn’t stop and pout about it, we moved on, it wasn’t easy but we moved on.” Jarred remarked.

“Sulking? No, I’m not sulking. I left because he started to get obsessive about getting me back. Not that it took him long to find out where I got stationed mind you. He works in Starfleet too and all he had to do was punch a couple of buttons on the console and he saw that I was stationed here. There was a message waiting for me when I arrived, begging me to take him back. I could be on the other side of the galaxy and he would still find a way to get into contact with me.” She shuddered realizing that he would track her wherever she was.

“He’d be foolish to do anything, but being paranoid about what might be won’t help now. Chances are he’s feeling guilty, but I think that’s not the only reason you’re here.” Jarred said.

“Not really, I had friends warn me about him and I didn’t t listen." Zorana shrugged trying to be casual about the situation she put herself in.

“I’ve been foolish but mostly when it comes too command staff who question my methods in the field. Since my time on the Asia and my stint in operations I’ve gotten in more trouble than its been worth, I could’ve made Lieutenant Commander by now, instead I get busted to ensign and spend three months in the brig for assaulting an officer. By the time the war broke out I was drafted into operations behind enemy lines, spending it dodging jemhidar and Cardassians.” Jarred stated.

“I never sought out the real ‘danger’ that I guess you can say that Starfleet offers…I always tried to be assigned to the science vessels or on diplomatic missions. Besides the Chandler, the Legacy was the most action that I have seen in a long time…neither of those experiences are ones that I care to experience again.”

Jarred thought for a second, “we’re less than 5 light years from the neutral zone and your not seeking out action? I thought my time in the anti-terrorism was tense” he continued “I was assigned to the senate attack, we never caught all the people involved in the bombing, the case has been going cold I got sent here when the Legacy was hijacked thinking it was the same group, another dead end.”

She laughed, “Yes I know, blond hair remember?” She tugged at her hair. “Senate attack?” Her mind working in circles trying to figure it out…

Jarred reached into his desk and pulled out a PADD, passed it to Zorana and continued, “ten years ago a terrorist group attacked and killed several beauraucrats and ambassadors, the investigation went no where for six months, every lead was either interfered with by several Starfleet captains or just a dead end. When the Legacy was hijacked I was recalled from other duties, actually I was more or less offered two options jail time again or investigate. I wasn’t transferred, I was sent here. The PADD will confirm that.”

Zorana quickly read though the information given to her, she did remember the bombings, how could she not? “What do you want me to do with this information? You do realize that this will change my report now to the captain…or send me to the brig if I decide to withhold it.”

“My original orders are part of the files on that PADD, its even odds that the captain is about to arrest me that won’t get me off the hook completely but it should slow her down enough for me to get a hold of intelligence and get the captain too back down. I did my job and I have Federation regulations on my side.”

“I guess this changes my report. I better go and add this before the captain comes calling.” Of that fact she was sure, the captain was going to see her sooner or later regarding the incident on the Legacy. Zorana stood up to leave.

“If the Captain wants me arrested she’ll do it before she leaves for Earth. Lt. Dorrian and I are finishing our investigation and I can’t do that from a cell in the brig. I’d like to finish this assignment without going to jail again.”

“I’ll do my best. I’d better go, I have a feeling that she will be coming to see me shortly.” She thumped the PADD against her hand, smiled and left. Once out of range of Jarred’s office she began to ran. Zorana knew that she had to get this information into her report before she gave it to the captain.

Lt. (JG) Zorana Kasikova
Ensign Jarred Wallace