Judgement – Dream becoming a reality
by Ambassador Cala Lurn

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Title   Dream becoming a reality
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Ambassador Cala Lurn
Posted   Mon May 09, 2011 @ 5:25pm
Location   Cala's quarters
Timeline   SD 37: 02:00 hr - 08:00

Cala decided after she was done spending time working that it was time for much needed rest. She walked out of her office, walked threw the head of the department and walked all the way to the turbo lift. Entering in the turbo lift she still cared her notes of work, figuring they would be nice to look over in the morning. After her ride on the turbo lift she walked out onto her floor were she walked down the hallway to her quarters. When reaching her quarters she walked threw the doors and into her living room. She sat her PADDs down on a end table and started to take her golden hair piece out of her hair.

She knew she should have eaten something, but her bed was beckoning to her. Her tightly bun started to loosen itself down to her shoulders; she ran her fingers threw loosing up her hair more. Walking into her bedroom she undressed herself out of her blue gowned and into some simple PJs. She went threw her beauty regiments and crawled into bed. She turned the lights off and nestled herself into her bed, she slowed her breathing down as she drifted off into her sleep.

[In her dream]

She slowly opened her eyes to be welcomed by the sunlight. The walls were made green gold walls with gold trimming, the floors were garnet, she had one huge window on to walls of the room, with dark green velvet curtains and white lace. The bed she was laying on was a early 17th century bed with red fox fur blanket covering her. There were small statues off in the distance on shelves, accompanied by books, pictures, and shrubbery.

Cala sat up in her bed enjoying the morning breeze coming in threw an open window. She looked around the room once more, remembering that this was her old bedroom from long ago. She rolled out of bed in her white sheer gown and her lying nicely on her shoulders. She walked over to the window to see the city of Gara the capital city on Elurana; a placed she lived ten years prior to the Borg attack. She smiled softly as she watched her people scurry around the streets and children chasing one another. After a few moments, Cala turned away and got dressed for the high council meeting.

[Hour later]

Cala walks into the Parliamentary department of Commerce in dark green gown; the dress only showing her neck, upper chest and her fore arms. She had her hair half way up with a few strands placed at he side of her face. She had once gold necklace on. She walked quickly and quietly as she made her way threw the crowed trying to find her father with in them.

She found her father talking to a group of men not to far from were she was. When she reached her father she stood next to him with her head held down and her hands in front of her, not saying a word. She simply listens to the conversation the men were having. Occasionally she would look up to man who was speaking, some were old and some were young, but not once did Cala speak up.
She noticed occasionally one of the men glanced over to her, as thou he was curious to why she was there. As she was locked eyes to this stranger some one pointed her out as “Who is this?”

Her father of dark hair and black eyes looks at her with a wide smile. “Gentlemen this is my daughter Cala. She is here to assist me,” her father stated proud fully, “She is my eldest daughter and she’s quite cleaver. I have high hopes for her as a assessor after I’m gone.”

Cala smiled at her father and nodded her head to the group of men before her. When she went to show her respects to the mysterious man staring at her, she noticed how uneasy she felt as he icy blue eyes locked on to her. He turned his head from her and spoke in a deep husky voice, “She must be something knowing woman are not allowed in the chambers.”

Cala smile turned to frown and before her father could say anything she quickly came back, “Well my dear sir, that I am. You are?”

“Lord Onyx Tillius from Nerlleia,” he replied to her. Then it felt like the world stopped moving and zoning on Cala. With out moving Onyx’s body slowly turns around and faces Cala and he looked at her with a deep stillness. It returned, Cala uneasiness she felt from him as he stared her down. In a split second the nosy room turned into an empty one. Cala looked around the empty Commerce room, everyone even her father was gone.

She turned around to face Onyx and there he still stood looking at her in his black suite the El-Aurian men would typical wear. An instrumental tone began to play in the background, Cala started to turn around to see if anyone else was in the room but as she made her way around to a complete 360 she was startled when Onyx stood next to her. His over bearing caused Cala to tremble were she stood. She really hadn’t remembered this man before in her life; only meeting him here and there during council meetings. She knew his family was very powerful but why now was she remembering this man in particular and most likely he died during the Borg attack.

She started to back up slowly and each step she took back he took a step forward. She started to realize that her once great memory was turning into a nightmare. With in minutes she turned around and started running away from this pursuit. She ran to the other side of the room and pulled the doors wide open and bolted down the hallway. No matter how fast she was running or how far she was going, it always seems that Onyx was right behind her. When she was brave enough she turned around, her pace started to slow down when she realized that he wasn’t chasing her.

Cala came to a complete halt and as she turned herself back around, there he was right in front of her. She jumped back a little and he stood right in front of her like a stone. “You can not run from me,” he stated in his deep husky voice, “No matter were you go. I’ll be right behind you.”

Cala stared at him coldly before she bellowed out, “Leave me alone.”

Onyx grabbed her hand and replied, “But my darling you and I to be together in this life.” Cala’s eyes widen and she didn’t know what to make of it. How did a simple conversation she had over 1,000 years ago turn into a romantic scene. Before she could reply walls started to shake as if there were under attack. Onyx pulled her closer and he lowered her head down and whispered, “Wake up.”

“What,” expound Cala as she looked up at him.

“Wake up!”

She looked at him confused as she watched his face start to melt away. She tried to pull away from the melting body. She started to get frantic and all she could here is time ‘is o seven hundred hours.’ Repeating several times. As she felt as thou she was going to be engulfed, Cala woke up from her dream. Her eye’s bolted open staring at the ceiling and her heart raced. She shut off her alarm clock and rolled out of bed. She was still on ease as she entered the bathroom.

As she was taking a shower she tried to think her dream threw. Why would she be thinking of Lord Onyx Tillius especially now, having the gut feeling that he might have died so long ago on her home planet. After her shower she dried off and put on a black silk dress. It showed a little more skin then normal. She combed threw her hair and braided it wrapped it up in a twisted design; placing three golden pins to keep her hair in place. She placed a few pieces of gold jewelry on and grabbed her PADDs. As she left the room with a mug full of hot tea, she started to read things over again.

She walked down the hallway and entered the turbo lift which led her to the main area on DS5 were most of the shops and restaurants were located. She just wanted to take a small stroll before work. She walked slowly as she weaved in and out in the crowed occasionally looking a peoples faces. She would smile at people that stared at her. As she was walking threw something caught her eye. The man walking towards her looked familiar. As this person grew closer, she stopped in her tracks. It was the man she believed dead. “Onyx,” she whispered as she watched the man walk by with out a care in the world.

Onyx have unique ear, picked up on Cala’s whisper. He turned is head and looked at the woman. Cala looked at the man dumb struck but when his eye’s locked on her, she quickly looked away. Onyx smirked and then walked up to Cala; when he reached her he stated, “It’s been a very long time.”

Unable to divert herself she looked at him and smiled before she stated, “Yes it has.”


Posted by:

Ambassador Cala Lurn


Lord Onyx Tillius