Beg, Steal or Borrow – Innocence
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   Innocence
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Tue Mar 17, 2009 @ 5:58am
Location   DS5
Timeline   SD8 - 13:20
As Verelan Iawaain swallowed the last mouthful of osol twist and her finger chased the last crumbs around the rim of the plate she had a realisation.

This, she thought, must be what people describe as an epiphany. Very suddenly she knew what the true purpose of her life was, the Tal’Shiar, working for two masters within the Empire and others without …

Odd, she thought, how anxious she had been about her children, how angry she had been at being exposed as a murderer, at her failure to escape from the station, at Raedheol’s treatment of her. It all seemed so petty, more so as the chemical agent added to the delicacy reacted in the acids of her stomach, dispersing through her veins, and seeping through her brain.

“All hands, this is Commander Davies. We are currently under threat of an attack and I urge all civilian personnel to take shelter in the lower decks. All shops are to close and preventative measure to be taken. All department heads to report to the conference room on the double. That is all. Davies out.”

Iawaain slipped from the tall stool and glanced over her shoulder through the shopfront window; already people were beginning to emerge from doorways, nervous and alone, in tightly muttering groups …They’re so biddable, she thought as someone pushed a bundle into her arms.

“Take this, and follow,” the words were whispered as hands wrapped a light, silk scarf over her hair and brow. “Keep your baby safe,” the voice instructed.

Iawaain gazed at the bundle and nodded; she existed only to do that.

Steadily she turned and emerged onto the promenade slipping easily into the civilian crowd – they knew where they were going and they took her along with them, she was one of them.


Verelan Iawaain