We All Fall Down – Something Going Around
by Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   Something Going Around
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Wed Oct 08, 2014 @ 12:14pm
Location   Main Engineering
Timeline   MD03 1100 hours

Shuffling into engineering, Steve looked very much like he was about to fall over. He was pale, clammy, his nose was red from repeated blowing, and he was coughing regularly. Even a cat would not drag him in, in his current condition.

"Ugh... Patterson, are we in charge of the environmental systems or would checking into them be creeping into Operations again?" he asked, bracing himself on a console to keep his balance.

Ensign Patterson gave Wyman what could only be described as a look of both concern and revulsion. "Uh... are you all right, Commander? You're not looking very good."

Steve closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "I feel horrible, Patterson. That's why I'm asking the question - because the filters in the environmental systems should have filtered out whatever the Hell this is. You know what? I don't care if it's our department or not - get everyone available tearing the ventilation system apart. I want to know how something like this is going around." Those few sentences were torture, as his throat was burning.

"It IS our department, sir. I'll see who we have; it's going to be kind of slim pickings though, since you reassigned a lot of people to Operations last night."

Even in his stricken state, that got a smile out of Steve. Soran didn't want engineering doing Operations backlog of work? Fine - he'd reassign nearly half of his department to Operations, they would clear the backlog (and then some), and then Dell would reassign them back to Engineering. It would mean engineering would be short handed in the short term, but they also weren't behind on maintenance.

"Yes. That I did. Heh... Oh our esteemed second officer isn't going to be too pleased with me." he mused, chuckling in spite of himself. Before he could really relish how he had out-maneuvered his new nemesis, a coughing fit overtook him which almost caused him to fall over on the floor.

Patterson quickly grabbed Wyman around the middle. "Sir, you should probably go to sickbay. I'll let Kivan know to take over while you're out of commission."

Nodding weakly, Steve realized he was no use to anyone in his current condition. "You're probably right. And let the Senior Chief know what's going on. She'll need to pick Gwen up from school."

"You got it, Commander. Will you be all right getting to sickbay, or do you want a hand?"

"I think I can handle it." Collecting himself, Steve headed for the turbolift shakily. "I can't say I'll get there fast, but I'll get there."

Patterson watched the chief engineer go. His throat was feeling scratchy, but he chalked it up to his mind rather than an actual illness. "Lebowski! Get a team and go through every centimeter of the ventilation system. If there's a problem with the filtration - find it and fix it."

Lt. Cmdr. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineering Officer
Deep Space 5