Cascade – Guilt or stupidity?
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Guilt or stupidity?
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Tue Dec 18, 2012 @ 12:45am
Location   CO's Office
Timeline   SD70. 1515
Tag   Security / Medical
The Captain sat behind her desk, head in her hands as she read over the PADD on her desk, occasionally dropping a hand to tap the devvice and take in the next installment of the circumstances that was the 'Rescue' of the mysterious

ship now being held in the stations hangar bay several decks below under a protective shield.
It didn't make sense to her, what it was that was so forboding reading the texted reports that played before her like a work of fiction and she found herself muttering about truth and fiction and that they were never far apart in reality.
She rose from her chair, stretching her arms upward easing the tension her shoulder as she turned to the replicator and ordered another cup of coffee before returning to her desk, moving the device aside with one hand and reaching for the other, sweeping her cup up with the left as she tapped at the device with her right and began reading yet another report.

Nearly an hour had passed as Tasha again rose and headed for the replicator, but no soon er had she ordered her coffee that the red alert klaxons sounded as she felt a rumble through the station.

"What the hell!" She remarked as she dashed out into the outer office.

"Chief, report!" She shouted above the din of the warning sirens.

Rushtone looked upward, a look of uncertainty painted across his face.
"Unknown yet Captain, reports coming in now." He advised as Tasha made her way around the upper platform and down towards the cerntral rostrum.

"Not good enough chief." She uttered as she approached and looked at the empty stations on Ops, wondering where Relma was as well as several other key staff.

Robert shrugged hi shoulders. "I can only report what is being reported ma'am." He added the ma'am for respect as soon as he began to reply and heard himself sounding curt as he called up a visual display of the station.
"I can only state there has been an explosion on the promenade." He advised even though he knew that everyone could see the red flashing area on the display ahead of him and that he was stating the obvious, but with nothing else to say, he felt he had to.

Tasha placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "As soon as you know." She replied in an even tone.

Robert gave a singular but frustrated nod and within a few seconds, the reports began to come through.
"The source of the explosion is the Cardassian Embassy, eighteen injured, reports still coming in. Security and medical are en route."

"I'm heading down there." Tasha replied, already opening the wqeapons locker near the arched doorway of Ops and retrieving a phaser and belt.

"Aye captain." Robert responded without turning to watch her leave.

Tasha stepped on the transporter pad. "Promenade." She ordered but the transporter failed to operate and Tasha took a breath as she closed her eyes, realising the safety protocol had been initiated. It was possible there could be damage to the beam emitters on the promenade, so she changed tact. "Arboretum." She tried and she whisked away in a familiar silver grey swirl of light and found herself a few decks above the promenade and immediately made for the lifts to descend the final few decks to the promenade level.

The doors slid apart and the noise comprised of screams, shouts and wails met her as she exited, reaching for the first blue tunic she found.
"Status report?" She questioned a young male medical officer.

"Sorry Captain, it's a bit of a mess here at the moment. I cannot give a status update, we're treating those with injuries as we find them." He advised and turned, pulling away from the grip on his arm to treat another victim.

Tahir looked across the upper platform and made toward the edge of raised level and looked down through the smoke and steam that was already filling the lower level. The darkened blast damage highly evident from her position, the front of the Cardassian embassy now a gaping hole. there were several persons strewn a few metres from what was the entrance and even more walking around in shock. Tasha could see several security officers aiding medics as well as ushering people and casualties away from the blast area.
She tapped her comm.

=^= "Ops, air scrubbers to maximum on the promenade areas. Full filtration, keep everything for examination and send an engineering team as well as more medics to the Promenade. Any reports regarding the Cardassian Ambassador, Getal?" She both ordered and enquired.

Rushton repsonded.
=^= "Nothing regarding the ambassador. So far, eighty seven reported injured, fortunately, no fatalities as yet." He appraised.

=^= "Keep me updated." =^= Tasha replied closing the channel and moving towards the stairway downwards.

She rounded the final step and made her way towards the remains of the Embassy, stopped twice by security who dropped their arms to allow her access as soon as they realised who she was, thought eh last recommended she head away from the promenade in case there were more devices yet to be detected. She gave an acknowledging nod before continuing, despite the sulphuric taste of the smoke.
~This is old school ~ She thought to herself as she looked upward, watching those who now looked down from where she had a few minutes before.

She scanned the area in a full rotation, knowing there was little she could do here to help and turned on her heel, heading to the Romulan embassy.
