Things Past – See No Evil, Hear No Evil?
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant JG Juliet Dallis

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Title   See No Evil, Hear No Evil?
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant JG Juliet Dallis
Posted   Mon Nov 12, 2012 @ 2:33pm
Location   Flight Deck
Timeline   ST 70


Anais popped her cockpit hood and saw the CAG looking at her anxiously. She gave him the thumbs up signal to indicate nothing wrong with her and scrambled out onto the flight deck, not without some feelings of relief. She was aware more than ever, how much a pilot is dependent on their craft and its instruments out there in the 'darkness' of space.

She took off her helmet and undid the top fastener of her flight jumpsuit, waving away the enquiries of the medical officer too. "I'm fine..... absolutely fine, thank you ma'am" she said politely and as the CMO moved on, the Cadet began to walk beneath the nose of her Valkyrie, looking up at it with mixed feelings.

"That wasn't funny, you!" she told the craft with a pout and a scowl.

As Juliet walked away from her ship when she stopped short at the woman's remark. "Not sure what your talking about?" her tone curious.

Anais jumped. "OH... Sorry... I didn't.... I was talking to Greta.... " she inclined her head towards the Valkyrie standing elegantly above her. "She went deaf. I couldn't hear a thing. No communications. I had to follow instructions from the CAG in Morse code." she explained, blushing at being caught talking to the machine she had just climbed out of.

With her dark orbs, the woman gave a halve smile. "Am I self-absorbed or what?" She chuckled as she finally stuck her hand out. "Juliet Dallis, aka. Radar."

"Hey Radar" Anais replied with a grin, grasping the proffered hand and shaking it firmly. "I'm Anais Jackson - they call me Blue... I'm the cadet who they love to tease but I don't ALWAYS mess up.... only today I really wanted to do good in front of the CAG... ". Blue looked crestfallen but only briefly, she wasn't easily crushed.

Radar's eyes went to her own craft nearby, "So yours went dead too?" Nodding she took a deep breath. "This can't be just bad piloting. I tried everything in there, restart, power transfer, nothing was working."

"I lost ears." Blue said looking sorrowfully up at Greta with a glare. "I could use scans and see out of the screen but I couldn't hear anything coming in. I think the CAG could hear me.. or perhaps he guessed because he started using lights and morse code. Did your go *completely* dead then? The CAG must have guessed something if he tractored you too? Should we go to debrief?"

Nodding as the pair started to walk towards the debrief, Juliet added. "I had nothing, was like someone pulled a plug." Moving to avoid a set of crates, "The only thing we ran into out there was that green energy pulse. Could have been that."

"I was behind the rest when that came up but I did have to duck down to avoid the scramble. Perhaps I crossed it's wake?" Blue speculated.

"Possible, I think it is a valid assumption." Juliet looked ahead, seeing some of the other pilots heading towards the DB room. "Chief said all that needed to be done was a recharge so whatever did happen wasn't fatal."

"Thank the stars it wasn't something *i* did!" Blue breathed a sigh of relief. "Did you hear the CAG is getting promoted? The others can't talk about anything else. He deserves it. It's a pity he's already married." Blue enthused, blushing a little at revealing her youthful crush.

"Yes, I did hear that there was a celebration going on later. You going to it?" Radar asked.

"TOTALLY!!" Blue's eyes widened at the thought that she might NOT. "Wanna go together?" she continued to enthuse as she walked alongside her new friend towards the changing rooms.

"Don't see why not. Sure." Juliet said with a smile. "Who knows who I will meet there." Placing her hands behind her back she allowed the young cadet to lead the conversation.

"We could meet on the Promenade deck 144... at the turbo lifts? What are you going to wear? I thought maybe something short and shiny... too much do you think?" Jackson was off. Babbling away conversationally at a rate of knots.


A JP between:

Lieutenant JG Juliet 'Radar' Dallis
Squadron Pilot


Cadet Anais *Blue* Jackson
Gold Squadron