Unity – Meeting of Minds
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Commander Karen Villiers & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Meeting of Minds
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Klingon Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat & Commander Karen Villiers & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Tue Apr 20, 2010 @ 6:28am
Location   USS Castor / Ambassadorial Levels
Timeline   SD17 12.10

Tasha was already beginning to receive reports from ships, that DS5 was again under attack.
"If Davies cannot keep my station safe...." She said to nobody in particular.
"Jayfe, can you get me a scrambled channel to the Romulan consulate on DS5?" Tasha asked.

Jayfe turned his head in mock surprise. "I cannot think who you want to contact!" Came his retort with a grin. "Give me a minute." He said, pushing himself from the seat and disappearing into the crew area of the Castor.

"Thanks." She replied in a pleasant voice and settled back into her chair, her thoughts now on the Romulan Ambassador, Isha t'Khellian.

"Ready." Jayfe called from behind her.

Her eyes widened in shock. "Already! Jayfe, you old dog." She said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Captain Tasha Tahir to Romulan Ambassador Isha t'Khellian." She said in a hushed voice, as if somebody were already listening to her hail.

The voice was right, but Isha was no fool. Tone and timbre could be simulated. "What do you want with me, Captain Tahir," Isha said with scepticism, "Isn't earth a little far away to be making informal subspace calls?"

Tasha picked up on the question in Ishas tone.

"If I were on Earth, it would be, but I am about 20 hours from DS5, besides, I miss my station." She replied with a small smile on her lips

"I need proof," Isha said. The had spent some time alone together and there would be something there that Tahor could give her, if she could remember it that was.

Tasha smiled to herself. "The journalist in you resurfacing." She teased. "OK, let me think. The first time we met, you gifted me a bottle of wine from your own estates." She recalled how that first meeting had been a rollercoaster of meeting, from a casual beginning to a sudden end.

"Yes, its me." Tasha said with a smile. "Of all the people I could contact, Davies included, I choose you. You probably know more of what is going on within my station than he does." She said cheekily. "So tell me, what is going on. I am only getting garbled messages of a Federation attack on Cardassian Freighters, and now Federation attacks on DS5." Tasha said with a little exasperation.

"You must admit it is a change from being attacked by Romulans," Isha remarked. Was that an attempt at flattery, or did Tahir really mean what she said? "A freighter of Cardassian origin was attacked - it was on a direct course for the station and would not answer hails," she said, Isha seeing an opportunity to damage Getal's reputation, so she embellished, just a little. "The Cardassian Ambassador made a big fuss about the attack claiming the ship as one of theirs and attempted to have the young Lieutenant who was defending DS5 arrested by his people. I think they are up to something, but I will not discuss my suspicions over a channel."

Tasha smiled, knowing only too well, how much Isha had lost in the Romulan attack on DS5.
"Cardassians are involved then!" She remarked as a reply, "And what else has happened, I have not yet a full report, just bits and pieces. I know that there are several Federation starships in the viciinty, but there is also a great deal of subspace chatter for what is going outside, but what is happening inside?" She enquired, leaving out the obvious question, 'Why', until she arrived back at the station herself.

"Latterly there were a number of explosions around the station. I was unaffected being in my embassy, but Federation dispatches indicate an amount of damage and recommend alien diplomatic staff remain in their facilities or quarters until further notice. erie'Khrein Raedheol has visited the station and confirms that damage reports are not exaggerated ... a warning of another attack has recently been sounded and he is still out there. That is all I know," Isha said.

Tasha nodded, feeling something like relief, but more an understanding of what was actually happening aboard.
"Thank you Isha, I appreciate your honesty and help. There is more going on here that just tit for tat attacks. We need ....." The communication channel closed unexpectedly.

"Jayfe?" Tasha called back to the science officer.

"It's not us. Must have been a jamming burst. I'll see what I can do." He promised, scurrying off to the communications panel.


"Try now." Jayfe said, wiping his hands in a piece of cloth.

Tasha nodded when the channel re-opened

"Isha, sorry, we lost communications. I was about to say, in that case, we must get all the Ambassadors together, now I know that is nearly impossible, but even if we can get the Cardassian and Klingon Ambassadors in the same room or at the very least, the same channel and this one is very secure, trust me. We need to unify our current situation." Tasha urged.

The Klingon Ambassador would be willing to help, Isha knew that much from their own conversation that morning, she sent him a communication asking him to join the channel. "If you would send your authorisation to confirm to Moqrhat that the invitation is at your behest," Isha asked Tahir. "Send similar to Getal," she suggested.

"Done. They will need to be on this exact frequency, it's an admiralty frequency, reserved for top priority communications. One hertz off, and they will not be secure." Tasha advised.

"Very well," Isha sighed, wondering how she had been reduced to setting up meetings.

Tasha nodded "Five minutes and I will hail back." Tasha stated and cut the connection, as Jayfe stood beside her with a cup of tea.
Tasha chuckled. "If I didn't know you better, I would say that your trying to take advantage of me!" She stated taking the cup from him. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." He replied. "Let me know when you want t re-establish that connection, I think even Isha will want more than 5 minutes!" He stated as he left her alone.

Tasha sipped at her tea, ~not too hot either ~ she thought and almost shouted out 'Do you wanna bet!' but decided not too.
It was a mammoth task at the best of times, let alone when one party was being attacked and the other stuck in a rut whilst the other was constantly working against the flow.

= 10 minutes later =

Tasha set aside the cup.
"Re-establish the link please Jayfe." Tasha asked as she dabbed at her lips with the cuff of her sleeve.

"Done." Came the response almost immediately.

"Isha?" Tasha called waiting for a response.

At her desk with the starscape spreading behind her Isha linked her fingers together, "I am here," she said.

"And Getal and Toran? Are you here?" She asked hopefully.

"I'm here, and already getting bored." Tharek replied. "Say what you need to say and say it quick. I have business to attend to."

Because whoring and gambling are so very important, Isha thought. Getal had made a mistake in humiliating her in her own embassy and she was going to make him pay.

Toran cut in, ignoring the Cardassian's behavior. "I am, Captain. It is an Honor to finally meet you...even if it is over subspace."

Tharek lent back into his seat and brought closer a small glass of Kanar seated on his desk. "Can we get started now? I wouldn't like to waste any more time on pleasantries."

"Ambassadors, Captain Tahir, with whom I am directly acquianted wishes for the assistance of our governments. She asks only that you do her the courtesy of listening," Isha said.

"I'm listening." Tharek said, getting intrigued by a Federation Captain asking for his assistance. Tharek saw this as a time to get the Federation off his back for a period.

This was the very purpose for which Toran and his Warriors were here for. "The Honor is to serve Captain. What is it you need of the Klingon Empire?"

She watched them carefully for a moment, studying the males and the similarities and yet their differences.
"To be honest, what I need is help, from all of you and I know it's a great deal to ask, but I have to start with yourselves, as I am not sure what is actually happening on my station and second to that, what is happening, concerns my crew, so I have to be a little more....." she pondered on her wording for a moment, "tactful." She finished.

"Captain Tahir," Isha said, "I spoke directly with Ambassador Toran, I can assure you that his interests are aligned with ours; he will be tactful." As Isha said it she realised her mistake, the Cardassian was here also and their last meeting had not been cordial; still, it was he who had broken their embryonic alliance in favour of one with Rh'vaurek. Isha shrugged that away, Getal appeared to have both manners and breeding, as such Isha believed he would act accordingly, he might rant and posture and preen and it was no concern of hers. No doubt he would grumble about her lack of support but that was all part of the game.

"I really don't see how this benefits the Union, Captain." Tharek stated bluntly. He couldn't care for Starfleet. Nor for a suck up warrior race and a spolit brat of an ambassador. "Find evidence of something beneficial for the Union, and I'll consider aiding help."

Or perhaps not, how quickly her intention to be reasonable disintegrated when drenched with his being; his initial unctious approach had been bad enough but this grating self interest was intolerable - was he a complete fool or just drunk?

"The benefit is for each of our facilties, Ambassador Getal," Isha reminded him in the same detached duranium tone, "I'm sure you see this."

"What does my 'facility' benefit then?" Tharek asked, getting annoyed again with Isha.

Tactful with the situation was one thing....with his Cardassian counterpart was another. Toran's reaction could be heard by all as "Getal...you sound like a Ferengi. It is no doubt your race contiues to fall to might of others. You forget, 'your facility', just as mine and Ms. t'Khellian's, is a part of the Captain's station. What effects the station as a whole effects your 'facility' be it better...or worse. Now, Captain you have something to ask of us?"

"The might of others?" Tharek asked, confused. "As far as I'm aware my race has not fallen. Nor did it fall in the war against the Federation or against your 'warrior' race. Think before you speak Ambassador." Tharek turned his attention back to Tahir. "Just hurry up and tell me what needs to be done, and I'll take it into mind."

"Perhaps I did choose the wrong word...fallen was slightly inaccurate as you are still here. But then Conqured, Defeated, Beaten, Occupied by, Capitulate to, succumb, yield, Surrender...are completely accurate."

"Hold your tongue!" Tharek bellowed over the comm, the volume of his voice causing static to ripple through the channel. "The mere fact that I'm here and your Federation master is asking for my help proves how conquered, defeated and beaten my people are."

Touchy! Isha thought briefly, raising her hand to disguise the unavoidable smirk that dimpled her cheeks. THe huge Klingon had a surprising sense of humour she had learned earlier in the day and Toran was certainly exercising it now in keeping his end of the agreement.

"Gentlemen,"Isha said quite calmly, for she was to play the voice of reason in their charade, "I would be delighted to join in this debate of semantics but this is neither the time nor the place," she said, though it was to Tahir's image that she directed her gaze.

~A good start~ Toran thought as he bowed his head slightly toward the monitor in acknowledgement of Isha's remark. He leaned back and prepared to listen to the Captain's 'request'.

Tasha just absorbed all the banter and self proclamations as Toran finally sounded them down.

"Thank you ambassadors, I appreciate you all coming together for this off the record meeting." Tasha folded her hands and leant forward to the monitor. "I do have a request and as ambassadors, you all have your strengths and your own means of information gathering. What I am asking, may seem contrite when I could garner information from the federation, but as your there and I am still a fair distance from DS5, I need your eyes and ears to carry out a fact finding mission." She paused more for effect, but also to allow them to ingest what she had just began to request.

"There are several factions at work on the station, the Lytosians, to name but one and the recent attacks are being made to look like federation ships. People, you know as well as I, that the Federation would not condone these attacks. What I am asking, is for you to find the truth, to save my station and our respective governments." She eased herself back from the screen.

"I quite agree that there are a number of factions at work on Deep Space Five," Isha said, as she watched the quartered screen before her. Isha considered the request for truth. The truth depended on what questions were being asked and of who, by whom, not that she thought she would get very far explaining that fact to either Tahir or Toran. Getal must know that already but as far as Isha could tell the Cardassian concept of truth terminated at gettting the smallest piece of evidence to fit whatever conclusion one had already drawn. "But should I promise my assistance I cannot offer you instant results," she explained, "You suggest a 'fact-finding' mission ..."

Toran interjected, He had to at least appear to be at odds with others besides his Cardassian counterpart. "A 'fact finding mission' rarely yields 'instant results', Lady 't'Khellian. However given the situation I assume you want your results sooner rather than later."

Isha snorted derisively, "Then lets hope that all of the pertinent facts are located at the bottom of a keg of blood wine," she bit at Toran then turned her teeth to Getal, "Or maybe under the bed in a brothel - if not I fail to see how either of you can be of use to Tahir," she said adding another layer to the veneer of hostility that Toran was applying.

"I doubt you'd find your results in a mirror t'Khellian." Tharek bit back. "Do not forgot, the Order is... " He stopped himself quickly. "Was, the best intelligence gathering force in this quadrant. I am of the Order. There isn't anything worth knowing if I don't already know it." Tharek boasted.

Isha rolled her eyes, there really was no limit to the man's arrogance. "Then we can all sit back while you tell Captain Tahir what she wants to know," she said drumming her fingers on the surface of her desk. "We're waiting," she reminded him after a few seconds.

"I can get any and all information asked within three days. Can you do better than that, t'Khellian?" Tharek asked, raising his eyebrow quizzically. She would pay for that mockery too.

"I don't have to." she replied, "I'm not the one bragging like a drunken Klingon," unlike him she did not feel that she had anything to prove.

Tasha raised her brow, looking at the Cardassian, hoping he would be able to offer the counsel she needed.
"If you could, then I am sure that I may be able to offer you something in reward on my return." She baited Tharek. "If not," She again fell back into her seat, "then if the three of you, and I, would work together on this it will prove to the Federation, that we can collaborate as a team." She said solemnly, wanting nothing more at present, than to sever the connection.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Ambassador Isha t'Khellian
Romulan Ambassador and tweaker of noses.

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Dictator

Ambassador Toran of the House of Moqrhat
KlingonAmbassador and stirrer of the pot