Unity – The Long goodbye
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova

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Title   The Long goodbye
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova
Posted   Sat May 22, 2010 @ 7:51pm
Location   Jarreds Quarters aboard USS Montana
Timeline   sd 16 2315hrs
Jarred sat at the desk on the Montana, the small captains cabin wasn't exactly plush but it was good enough, he was reading over the reports from all of the staff aboard the Montana on what needed to be done, what was done or working and what was left to do. He looked up, after almost twenty four hours on the go he was ready to sleep. But that was going to have to wait, he wanted to go down to the flight deck and make sure that the marine hoppers were stationed and ready in the main shuttle bay. As he walked out of his cabin he turned to see Claire, he hadn't seen her in three days and was beginning to worry.

"Hey, Jarred." Claire greeted with a smile. She had been helping with the evacuation of the station.

Jarred didn't know if should be upset or relieved "How long have you been back on the station?'

"A couple of hours ago...I have been in sickbay...got a little bit of time to chat?"

"Sort of, we're waiting on final orders before we ship out to rescue some POWs' from the Dominion war." Jarred said as a marine passed another report to him only giving a nod instead of saluting. "The Cardassians and Breen are playing stupid on who did what."

Claire pulled him into an empty corridor. "Jarred...did you hear what I said? I said that I was in sickbay for the past two hours..."

"I did, whats' going on?" Jarred said as he opened the door to his quarters.

Having so much on her mind that she didn't realise how close they were to Jarred's quarters. She waited for the doors to close before she spoke again. "I'm pregnant."

Jarred stopped dead in his tracks, he knew she said what she had just said, "uh...wow." Jarred sat at the desk "How....far along are you?"

"10 weeks...there is something else Jarred..."

Jarred waited for the other shoe to drop, "what?"

"There are two babies..." Claire waited for Jarred to process the information. "I know we haven't been together for more than three months...and if this isn't what you want...I guess...what I am saying if I am giving you an out." Claire sighed and sank into his couch.

Jarred turned to her, he could take the easy way out, or he could do what he knew felt right "Twins?" he paused "We should make plans to meet my parents too."

Claire hugged him. "Sounds great..." She whispered not trusting her voice.

Jarred stood up, "our kids are going to have some interesting 'Aunts and Uncles'" he said with a grin.

"What do you mean by interesting?" She asked eyeing him. Claire didn't know much about Jarred's family...or about his past for that matter and here she was carrying his children.

"I hope that the Captain doesn't mind Chancellor Martok paying a visit, or one other VIP." Jarred said.

"Pardon me?" She asked.

"I was assigned as a liaison to the Klingon navy, I had the chance to serve with the Chancellor during a mission or two." Jarred let up to cover on a chapter of his life.

"You worked with the Klingon's?" Claire asked in surprise. Of course the question was rhetorical, she had seen him in action before and knew what he was capable of...well...on the most part.

"Amongst other things, the only reason why I'm not in prison is because of the chancellor, and one other gentleman." Jarred paused as he reached into his field bag and pulled out a image PADD. "This was taken after the battle at Velos." The photo was of Jarred a marine and a Romulan officer.

"Oh great...Romulans too...Remind me never to ask you about your job again." Claire said shaking her head.

"The Marine on the right is Chief Ayers, and the Romulan in the middle is the son of the current Procouncil, T'Harvik." Jarred paused as he took back the PADD, "It was an ugly situation, we got called to rescue some downed Romulans not knowing who or why, when I learned who the kid was it made things in my life interesting."

"I'm sure it did, him being Romulan and all. Please Jarred...no more, I promise not to ask you what you do ever again..." She didn't want to have to worry about him, while taking care of their children. Her mind always went to the worse possible situation and it would do her no good.

"Its okay, I figure if you know some of what happened it would make things less confusing" he looked at Claire, "I'm just hoping that we find my brother on this mission."

"I'm sure we will." She replied laying her hand on his leg.

"Nope, you are staying on the station, your not on the roster and the CO isn't going to allow any more staff of the station, that's final." Jarred said with authority.

"Do you remember what happened the last time? Dorian told me that you were killed! Nope sorry I am coming with you. I don't care if you outrank me or not."

"You don't have the training for this, and the risk is to high for you." Jarred paused "I've got allot to think about and i don't have time to watch over you on top of it all."

Claire wanted to pout but she knew that he was right, she just wasn't prepared to admit it yet. "I wonder if there will be a normal day for us ever Jarred...I hate it when you go off and you know it." She pouted.

"Oh there will be, just not too sure when." he grinned "before I forget....now where did I put it..." Jarred started to search through his duffel bag, "In case of emergency." he handed her an oil slick black box with a starfleet logo on it.

"What is this?" She asked looking at the box. It was heavy, opening it she nearly dropped it on the floor. "Are you serious? You know how I feel about weapons Jarred." Claire stated looking up at him.

"With all the bombings and other malarkey going on here I'd feel allot better if you kept that nearby until things cool off, we can't exactly expect Dorian and his thug brigade to protect everyone." Jarred said

"Alright Jarred, if it will keep your mind at ease I will."

"Don't worry, the safety only disengages with your finger prints on the small sensor in the handle, so there won't be any accidents." Jarred said reassuringly "Marti and the kids in the office have standing orders to get you to safety if things get hairy, so don't worry."

"Forget it Jarred, I am staying here. I will carry this 'thing', but I am not leaving."

"We're not discussing this, you stay here on the station last thing I need is to be dealing with a Keldon class cruiser and wondering if you're in a section of the ship that just got hit." Jarred said with some emphasis "Rhiana and John have orders to make sure your okay, Marti will be too busy running the department."

"Fine...I'm staying." She pouted, but it wasn't just herself that she had to think of, her children growing inside her.

"Thank you" Jarred said with relief, "I've got to go see the quarter master about some additonal medical supplies."

"Go on...I'll stay here and out of the way."

"See you in a bit." Jarred said as he started to walk down the corridor

As Jarred walked away a grey-uniformed Vulcan-oid walked up to Claire and intrduced herself, "Ms. Mackenzie?"

"Yes?" She was still holding weapon, "Can I help you?"

"I'm Ensign Rhiana t'Sahen I'm supposed to be your escourt." the woman said as she smiled.

Claire looked at the Vulcan as she smiled, it wasn't a Vulcan but a Romulan. "No. I will not go with you." She hit her commbadge Jarred?

Jarred sighed, "Yes Claire?"

I'm not going with the Romulan...you can forget it! He knew how she felt about Romulans. She didn't care if they were on their 'side' during the Dominion War. Claire had the crap beaten out of her by one in the past so there was no love lost, just a deep loathing.

"Ensign t'Sahen is one of my staff, so your going to allow her to escourt you back to the station and your going to like it." Jarred said trying to keep a straight face.

I will escort myself and *you* will like it! Mackenzie out! She exclaimed. "You!" She pointed to Ensign Rhiana t'Sahen. "Stay here." She said and pushed her way passed the woman and started walking down the corridor.

Rhiana just sighed and stepped aside, "yes ma'am." she'd been dealing with alot of prejudgice since her youth, being a total outsider even back during the academy, and had become acustomed to the occasional inncident like this.
